Saturday, May 23, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Fast Food - 1922 Words
Fast food is becoming more common as the years pass us. The convenience and time saving that come with fast food make it that much more desirable. â€Å"Research has documented that low-income urban youth are at risk for obesity and related health problems.†(Issner, J.H., Mucka, L.E. Barnett, D. J Child Fam Stud (2017) 26: 548) But with fast food comes its pros and cons, and placing it in schools can be very detrimental. There is a big debacle on if schools should sell fast food or not. With how things would have been done in the past, it seems that we shouldn’t change something that has been going well for so long. On another note, though schools are always looking for new ways to cut costs. Schools should not offer fast food as an option†¦show more content†¦2009).†(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(10), 1255.) By consuming large amounts of fast food daily, our bodies do not get the recommended nutrition we need. F or children, this is because they are still growing and they need a lot more to help their bodies perform daily tasks. By developing a dependency on high saturated fats and little nutrients, they become accustomed to eating poorly and a higher risk of becoming obese and developing health concerns over time. Children are smart and learn by example, if they are taught that it is ok to consume unhealthy choices daily, it will become a lot harder later on to take control of the choices they make especially when their health is on the line. The most significant example is we teach students health in schools and making right decisions and by contradicting this and feeding them fast food would make our curriculum wrong by not setting a good example. Children need healthier options to help with their active lifestyles. They need energy for learning and improving their bodies be set up for success versus being lethargic and non-engaged. By consuming fast food, you are not receiving the nutri ents you need, your body needs healthier options, and by giving your body a meal full of fat and chemicals, youShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Fast Food766 Words  | 4 Pagesand it is the tasty fast food. Due to growing health problems and hectic lifestyle, it is hard for people to manage their diet and work. The easiest solution which some people tend to find is to eat fast food, whereas some people also argue about the growing health problems. It is undeniable that the greasy, fatty, unhealthy, and sugary fast food have become part of one’s daily life. Is fast food beneficial for the society or not? Pros: 1. Life is full of stress, and cooking food at home adds-on extraRead MorePros and Cons of Fast Food2286 Words  | 10 PagesThe Good and Bad of Fast Food The Good and Bad That Fast Food Brings To Our Society Shawn Guzman E.C.P.I. 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