Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Malcolm Baldrige
Malcolm Baldrige Malcolm Baldrige was a local of Nebraska. He didn't originate from a poor family however he was brought up in Omaha. It implies that he grew up far away from the major urban focuses of the United States but then he turned into the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Be that as it may, being a piece of the Reagan bureau was not the most significant accomplishment of his life. His heritage likewise incorporates the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award (â€Å"MBQA†), a prize named in his honor.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Malcolm Baldrige explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The MBQA is viewed as the most esteemed honor giving body with regards to greatness in the commercial center. The way that it was named to pay tribute to Malcolm Baldrige isn't just a demonstration of his character yet additionally to his energy to see an America that is extraordinary indeed and keep up its status as a monetary powerhouse. Coming up next is an outline of Malcolm Bald rige life in Omaha, his stretch in the U.S. Armed force, and afterward his commitments to the universe of business and legislative issues. From Omaha to Washington, D.C. Malcolm Baldrige was conceived in Omaha, Nebraska on October 4, 1922 (Sobel, p.16). It is critical to comprehend his own experience to value his example of overcoming adversity. He grew up far-away from the business commotion of New York and the exceptional political dealings that portrayed Washington, D.C. It was in the moderate paced way of life of Omaha wherein Malcolm built up the authority characteristics that would work well for him in World War II and past. He was the child of an attorney named Howard Malcolm Baldgridge and Regina Conell Baldrige. On March 31, 1951 he wedded Margaret Trowbridge Murray. She bore him two little girls named Megan Brewster and Mary Trowbridge. Be that as it may, before all that, Malcolm chose to complete his examinations first. He arranged for school learning at Hotchkiss School in Connecticut. A short time later he moved on from Yale University in 1944 with a degree in B.A. in English. In any case, before he graduated he needed to step away for a while from school since he elected to go join the U.S. Armed force in 1943 and as a private he was sent to the Pacific battlefield (Sobel, p.16). At the point when he at long last surrendered his military life for non military personnel life 1946, he was respectably released with the position of chief. In 1947 he entered the corporate world and began close to the base. He joned the Eastern Malleable Iron Company in Naugatuck, Connecticut and his first employment was to be the foundry foreman in the said organization. In any case, barely four years after the fact, he turned into the overseeing executive of the Frazer and Jones division of the organization. In 1957, ten years in the wake of joining Eastern Malleable Iron Company, Malcolm was the recently selected official VP. After three years he would take on the s ituation of president. He didn't get the opportunity to appreciate the top administration position for an exceptionally lengthy timespan on the grounds that in 1962 he was enrolled to work at Scovill Manufacturing Company in Waterbury, Connecticut . He turned into their new official VP. After a year he was advanced by and by and turned into the CEO of the said company.Advertising Looking for exposition on life story? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In 1969 he turned into the Chairman of the Board. He turned the organization around. In the ten years time that he worked at Scovill, he had the option to fourfold the companys income by effectively making a global market for this metal assembling firm (Levy, p.30). Malcolm Baldriges notoriety as an amazing pioneer was clear to each and every individual who knew him and the offers started to come in. While he was still Chairman of the Board at Scovill, Malcolm likewise held director ships in the accompanying associations: AMF, Inc.; White Plains, N.Y.; Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hartford; Bendix Corporation; IBM, Inc.; Eastern Company; and Uniroyal Inc. (Sobel, p.16). He was additionally a trustee for the Swiss reinsurance Company and individual from the Business Council and the Council on Foreign relations. He didn't generally work for benefit however, in 1968 he was the administrator and chief of the Red Cross store drive and he was likewise the trustee of the Waterbury Hospital and even figured out how to help set up the Waterbury Non-Profit Development Corporation, an association liable for â€Å"promoting low-salary lodging and creating business and recreational offices for blacks†(Sobel, p.16). He was not just acceptable at running productive organizations he was likewise inspired by legislative issues. It tends to be contended that Baldrige consistently needed to be business and legislative issues simultaneously. His dad was a l egal counselor as well as served in the Nebraska state governing body. His dad likewise filled in as a Congressman from 1930 to 1932 (Levy, p.30). When Malcolm Baldrige was in his mid forties he began to get dynamic in the Republican Party and from 1964 to 1980 he filled in as a representative to the Republican show. He started to get saw in the Republican circle thus at one point he â€Å"headed President Richard Nixons Connecticut crusade in 1968 and George Bushs fruitless battle in 1980†(Levy, p.31). He may have endured a mishap with George Bushs battle yet he had the option to bob back when he raised assets for the Ronald Reagan crusade (Levy, p.31). After Reagan took the White House the new president recollected the individuals who helped him get chose as president. One month after Reagan expected the administration in 1981, he picked Baldrige to turn into the 26th secretary of Commerce of the United States of America and he additionally effectively won the affirmation for the said bureau post (Levy, p.31). At the point when he was the secretary of business he â€Å"advocated facilitated commerce and deregulation†and he likewise comprehended the requirement for America to keep up prevalence when it comes over greatness in creating items and administrations (Levy, p.31). He sat on the Council on Commerce and Trade, Council on Economic Affairs just as the Council on Natural Resources (Sobel, p.17). He prevailing with regards to persuading Japan to acknowledge â€Å"voluntary restrictions on its exports†in light of the fact that he saw that the forceful Japanese organizations were harming the U.S. economy (Sobel, p.17). Later on his energy to improve the degree of capability of business pioneers and their associations was the fundamental motivation behind why his name is very much recollected even to this day.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Malcolm Baldrige explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Aside from his business and political dealings, Baldrige was additionally keen on a large group of various things and one of which is the rodeo. In his private life, away from the spotlight, Baldrige was an expert cow roper. On July 25, 1987 while rehearsing for a rodeo rivalry, in Walnut Creek, California, he tumbled from a pony and passed on a disastrous demise (Sobel, p.17). Yet, this was not the finish of his story. Inheritance In the mid-1980s it was obvious to numerous U.S. pioneers that American organizations were no longer at standard with their remote partners in the worldwide market. One of them was Malcolm Baldrige and when he was the Secretary of Commerce he was the â€Å"advocate of value the board as a key to U.S. success and sustainability†(Spechler, p.1). Not exactly a month after his passing â€Å"the U.S. Congress passed Public Law 100-107, the National Quality Improvement Act, which built up the Malcolm Baldgridge Quality Award (MBQA) for quality accompl ishments in American assembling and services†(Milakovich, p.112). The fundamental motivation behind this law is to energize American organizations, instructive establishments and social insurance associations to focus on greatness in the production of merchandise and in the arrangement of administrations. Behind this requirement for an honor is the developing alert that remote rivalry was gradually surpassing the United States. The nature of imported products is gradually overshadowing American items. The honor was a motivating force to push US organizations to expand their capacity to turn into a worldwide pioneer in their picked industry by improving their assembling frameworks and quality control (Sallis, p.54). It effectively turned into a much-pined for prize in the business world. The previous President Ronald Reagan was the first to give out the honor in 1988 (Milakovich, p. 112). In the principal decade here coming up next were a couple of the victors: Motorola, 1988 (Large assembling); Cadillac, 1990 (Large assembling); Texas Instruments, 1992 (Large assembling); ATT, 1994 (Service); Wainwright Industries, Inc., 1994 (Small business). These are confided in brands. The items and administrations that these organizations offer are notable and all around regarded in their separate businesses. The MBQA is an estimating pole that associations and business pioneers can use to check their presentation. The MBQA is oversee by severe principles. There was a year, for instance,when the nobody from the assembling part won the honor. This was clarified by one pundit who composed, â€Å"The Malcolm Baldrige Award is the most noteworthy respect any business can get, and following 18 years has stayed extremely hard to win. As the models have changed throughout the years, the Baldrige has become an honor for generally speaking adequacy of an association, rather than an association that essentially has top notch items/services†(Brown, p. 2).Advertising Searching for paper on account? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More He likewise included that beside a top notch item and magnificent help the MBQA analysts investigate the nature of the business heads, vital arranging; client and market center; HR center; process the board; and results. It is hard to win this honor. An association must have the option to seriously investigate their present framework and them improve in accor
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Examining The Importance Of Computer Technology Information Technology Essay
Looking at The Importance Of Computer Technology Information Technology Essay For what reason is the eventual fate of PC innovation a significant job in the general public. Here are not many of the reasons why it is a significant job to the general public. First it is imperative to the instructive field, for the explanation that the greater part of what we do depends on PCs. Second it is essential to the business field; since it can help with the speed precision and significant so organizations can develop and less use. Third; in fact talking it is critical to our economy for the speed the association around the globe and furthermore the correspondence. In conclusion; innovation is one of the significant jobs in our condition. What I mean by that will be that innovation causes us to keep up our condition by lessening squanders for instance; papers, plastic and so forth. Presently those are a portion of the significance and furthermore the upsides of the innovation. Innovation likewise has its impediments and here are a few. We as a whole realize that innovation become ordinary and individuals concocting are only anxious to imagine the most perfect and dependable contraptions to be utilized by the end clients, which is acceptable and yet it has its weaknesses here are a portion of the inconveniences of the innovation. The innovation makes kids nowadays languid and can put kids in danger for destructive impacts on their physical, social, and mental turn of events. Kids need physical movement, social association, and the affection and direction of caring grown-ups to be solid, glad, and beneficial. These days organizations are for the most part associated with web and work together online which is acceptable; anyway there are individuals out there misleading individuals with counterfeit organizations on the web and programmers to hack into your framework and take data or cash. The utilization of PC additionally results into joblessness as PC can play out the undertaking that may require about six to seven laborers. Joblessness is probably going to result into violations. Ceaseless work with PC causes loss of vision over the long haul. Web, which is generally used to see explicit scenes, will prompt sex violences and that's only the tip of the iceberg. To finish up it despite the fact that innovation has its drawback I despite everything believe that later on it will be helpful to our general public and condition. The Future of Computer Technology PC innovation is spreading everywhere throughout the world. Despite the fact that it may have scarcely any drawbacks yet the favorable circumstances are as yet marvelous and exceptionally valuable to our general public. First up is the instruction field, in the United States Department of Education looked into that youngsters will in general learn more with PCs than by understanding books or do inquire about utilizing reference books. PCs have approaches to crab understudies consideration by the vivified designs, sound and hues. It likewise permit understudy to speak with their companions, families and the world. Also instructive field, PC is one of the must to know fundamental since all that we do is some way or another identified with PC and the innovation. (Mr.Pandys article distributed 2010) states that the significance of PCs in school will help understudies arranged and shape up for the eventual fate of advancements. He likewise says in his article that understudies who have in formation in PC will have preferable odds of openings for work over others that dont have encounters in PCs. Innovation in the homeroom isn't only for the understudies. Educators can utilize the innovation to keep understudy records, plan exercises, speak with guardians that will spare them time, or going around with overwhelming books, chalk, pen, papers and so on so the job of PC innovation in the instructive field is enormous and still anxious for more information about the innovation world. Dominant part of organizations today depends on the PC innovation from numerous points of view. Like the comfort of the business, scarcely any years back when you stroll in to an office you see a great deal of file organizer or drawers, fax machines, typewriters and papers everywhere. Todays office depends on a PC that you can send anything whenever store every one of your information or data on the outer hard drive of PCs, likewise you can simply type and print utilizing the PC. PC encourages us from numerous points of view and organizations as well. PC innovation likewise encourages us in exactness and time in the business and the workplaces. For instance; the evaluator, bookkeeper, and money there are various programming for that sort of employment that can help with the exactness of the information and decrease the paper use that will support our condition. Another significance of the PC and the business is the correspondence. Nowadays correspondence is been extraordinary compare d to other thing that has occurred in our life. Correspondence through web has helped the business from numerous points of view like gatherings, data, updates, consumptions and that's only the tip of the iceberg. You can set up a gathering with your staffs by means of web meeting like youre sitting close to them. It likewise sets aside you time and cash for going far and wide only for gatherings or letters and furthermore it refreshes you on whats occurring on the planet. Like (Scholasticus 2010) says, utilizing PCs in todays business has upgraded the presentation of representatives and the business. As indicated by (Geeta Dhavale 2010) she says that PCs are broadly utilized in all the clinics for various purposes separated from organization, bookkeeping, charging, and arrangements. It truly helps specialists in performing different medical procedures; particularly laparoscopic medical procedures are conceivable as a result of PCs where specialists embed the clinical devices and little camera and lead an activity with the assistance of PCs screens. Indeed, even X-beams, CT check, Ultrasound and so forth they are all PC based. (Levels) says, that Computers are additionally significant on the medication field for the examination part with the goal that it will spare time and will assist you with finding a solution for a particular sickness. It additionally significant for the specialists so they can convey by means of web to see the most recent reports on the clinical field and furthermore have the option to do web conferencing with different specialists around the world. To close it, PC innovation has been fantastic for these previous barely any years, by being as tremendous as a space to the size of a book. The significance of PC innovation in our general public and condition continues growing the two needs and needs. Primary schools, secondary school, school, colleges, organizations are both associated with the utilization of PC and will in general need more. Data Technology software engineers have been working figuring out how to make the most good innovation that the end client will be happy with it but it will all follow back to PCs. See PC innovation has its detriments yet the points of interest are far superior and valuable in our lives, it causes us with the speed time, exactness and important. The speed of communicating something specific by means of web involves minutes and simultaneously it spares your time. In the business field and clinical field, and the NASA precision is their life they can't stand to commit errors and that is the poin t at which the PC proves to be useful to assist them with carrying out the responsibility. To sum up all the data and research are on the whole important and helpful for the general public. Despite the fact that PC innovation has its detriments yet at the same time the benefits of PC innovation and its future will support our general public and will spare numerous life. Assets: Steve Furber Levels Hospital Computer Technician PC world Magazine 2008 Sebastian Andersen 2009 LynDel Randash, Greeta Dhavale Scholasticus
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Book Riots Deals of the Day for April 27th, 2019
Book Riots Deals of the Day for April 27th, 2019 Sponsored by our $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! Enter here. These deals were active as of this writing, but may expire soon, so get them while they’re hot! Todays Featured Deals The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone by Olivia Laing for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Faithful Place by Tana French for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Spring Snow: The Sea of Fertility, 1 by Yukio Mishima for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. In Case You Missed Yesterdays Most Popular Deals Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Sisters of Alameda Street by Lorena Hughes for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Previous Daily Deals That Are Still Active As Of This Writing (Get em While Theyre hot!): Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography by Neil Patrick Harris for $2.99 The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins for $2.99 How to Love a Jamaican: Stories by Alexia Arthurs for $2.99 See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt for $3.99 An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole for $3.49 MEM by Bethany C. Morrow for $1.99 The Lonely City by Olivia Laing for $2.99 Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea for $1.99 The Epicurious Cookbook by Tanya Steel for $1.99 Self-Inflicted Wounds by Aisha Tyler for $1.99 Everybodys Son by Thrity Umrigar for $2.99. Soulless (Parasol Protectorate Series Book 1) by Gail Carriger for $4.99 The Agency: A Spy in the House by Y. S. Lee for $1.99 The Summer of Jordi Perez (And the Best Burger in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding for $1.99 Faithful Place by Tana French for $1.99 Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession by Alice Bolin for $1.99 The Girl with the Red Balloon by Katherine Locke for $1.99 The Familiars by Stacey Halls for $2.99 The Book of the Unnamed Midwife by Meg Elison for $0.99 The Emissary by Yoko Tawada, translated by Margaret Mitsutani for $2.99 Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore for $2.99. Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies by Laura Esquivel for $2.99 Dactyl Hill Squad by Daniel José Older for $1.99 Q Is For Quarry by Sue Grafton for $1.99 Trinity: A Novel by Louisa Hall for $1.99 Worlds of Exile and Illusion: Three Complete Novels of the Hainish Series in One VolumeRocannons World; Planet of Exile; City of Illusions by Ursula K. Le Guin for $2.99 Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach by Kelly Robson for $3.99 The Storytellers Secret by Sejal Badani for $1.99. Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear for $2.99. The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman for $0.99 Half-Resurrection Blues by Daniel José Older for $2.99 My Mother Was Nuts by Penny Marshall for $0.99 Cant Escape Love by Alyssa Cole for $1.99 Geekerella: A Fangirl Fairy Tale by Ashley Poston for $1.99 Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman for $0.99. The Card Catalog: Books, Cards, and Literary Treasures edited by Carla Hayden for $1.80 Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu for $1.99. Cane by Jean Toomer for $2.78 The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djèlà Clark for $3.99 A Quiet Life in the Country by T E Kinsey for $3.99 Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri for $4.99 Life and Death in Shanghai by Nien Cheng for $4.99 Binti by Nnedi Okorafor for $1.99 Binti: Home by Nnedi Okorafor for $2.99 Binti: The Night Masquerade by Nnedi Okorafor for $3.99 Instant Pot ® Obsession: The Ultimate Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook for Cooking Everything Fast by Janet A. Zimmerman for $2.99 Rosewater by Tade Thompson for $4.99 A Princess in Theory: Reluctant Royals by Alyssa Cole for $5.99 Tell the Truth Shame the Devil by Lezley McSpadden with Lyah Beth LeFlore for $0.99 Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews for $2.99 Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole for $1.99 Whatever Happened to Interracial Love? by Kathleen Collins for $3.99 In Search of Lost Time: Volumes 1-7 by Marcel Proust for $0.99 Prime Meridian by Silvia Moreno-Garcia for $3.99 The Mirror Empire by Kameron Hurley for $2.99 I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land by Connie Willis for $0.99 On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder for $3.99 Soy Sauce for Beginners by Kirstin Chen for $3.99 Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon for $2.99 Dragonflight: Volume I in The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey for $2.99 A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn for $2.99 George by Alex Gino for $3.99 Happy Dreams by Jia Pingwa, translated by Nicky Harman for $3.99 My Soul to Keep (African Immortals series) by Tananarive Due for $3.99 Destinys Captive by Beverly Jenkins for $1.99 Howls Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones for $3.99 A Rogue By Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean for $1.99 Assassin’s Apprentice (The Farseer Trilogy, Book 1) by Robin Hobb for $2.99 The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith for $0.99 Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Fast Food - 1922 Words
Fast food is becoming more common as the years pass us. The convenience and time saving that come with fast food make it that much more desirable. â€Å"Research has documented that low-income urban youth are at risk for obesity and related health problems.†(Issner, J.H., Mucka, L.E. Barnett, D. J Child Fam Stud (2017) 26: 548) But with fast food comes its pros and cons, and placing it in schools can be very detrimental. There is a big debacle on if schools should sell fast food or not. With how things would have been done in the past, it seems that we shouldn’t change something that has been going well for so long. On another note, though schools are always looking for new ways to cut costs. Schools should not offer fast food as an option†¦show more content†¦2009).†(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(10), 1255.) By consuming large amounts of fast food daily, our bodies do not get the recommended nutrition we need. F or children, this is because they are still growing and they need a lot more to help their bodies perform daily tasks. By developing a dependency on high saturated fats and little nutrients, they become accustomed to eating poorly and a higher risk of becoming obese and developing health concerns over time. Children are smart and learn by example, if they are taught that it is ok to consume unhealthy choices daily, it will become a lot harder later on to take control of the choices they make especially when their health is on the line. The most significant example is we teach students health in schools and making right decisions and by contradicting this and feeding them fast food would make our curriculum wrong by not setting a good example. Children need healthier options to help with their active lifestyles. They need energy for learning and improving their bodies be set up for success versus being lethargic and non-engaged. By consuming fast food, you are not receiving the nutri ents you need, your body needs healthier options, and by giving your body a meal full of fat and chemicals, youShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Fast Food766 Words  | 4 Pagesand it is the tasty fast food. Due to growing health problems and hectic lifestyle, it is hard for people to manage their diet and work. The easiest solution which some people tend to find is to eat fast food, whereas some people also argue about the growing health problems. It is undeniable that the greasy, fatty, unhealthy, and sugary fast food have become part of one’s daily life. Is fast food beneficial for the society or not? Pros: 1. Life is full of stress, and cooking food at home adds-on extraRead MorePros and Cons of Fast Food2286 Words  | 10 PagesThe Good and Bad of Fast Food The Good and Bad That Fast Food Brings To Our Society Shawn Guzman E.C.P.I. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effect of Technology on Student Learning Essay
Our world is becoming more and more technology oriented. Many classrooms are embracing new technology and using it in the context of the classroom. There are many education-based games that are designed specifically for electronic devices to aid in teaching children. â€Å"Storytime Using iPods: Using Technology to Reach all Learners†by Boeglin-Quintana and Donavan and â€Å"A Tablet Computer for Young Children? Exploring Its Viability for Early Childhood Education†by Couse and Chen are two studies that explored the effect of technology on student learning. The Boeglin-Quintana and Donavan (2013) explored the impact of electronic media on student motivation and vocabulary comprehension. Nine students in a Kindergarten†¦show more content†¦Couse and Chen (2010) explored whether tablet computers with stylus technology can be incorporated into the preschool curriculum effectively. Forty-one children age’s three to six were taught how to use the tablet, wh ich they then used to draw self-portraits. Drawing self-portraits was already part of the curriculum prior to this research using traditional methods such as crayons and paper. Couse and Chen (2010) were exploring two research questions, â€Å"1. Is stylus interfaced technology a viable tool for early education?†and 2. How can stylus-interfaced technology align with technology curriculum standards for early education?†The researchers assessed each child’s interaction with the computer both before and after the instruction. They also looked at all the age groups to see if there was any difference in the way the various age groups worked with the tablet. They also used â€Å"grounded theory in the qualitative research design to more deeply understand, through the experiences of children and teachers, the process of using the tablet computer in a preschool setting (Couse Chen, 2010).†Couse and Chen found that students performed above typical expectations when using the tablets. Teachers also reported the tablet as being more motivating and the children more excited to use it. Stylus interfaced technology can have a place in the classroom. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Technology On Students Enthusiasm For Learning Science821 Words  | 4 Pagesnowadays technology is being used in the classroom†(Daniel, 2011). Students learning with technology. â€Å"The effect of technology on students’ enthusiasm for learning science (both at school and away from school) was investigated†(Hollis, 1995). It will foster a great learning experience for the students. â€Å"Enthusiasm for learning science can be defined as the students’ eagerness to participate in science activities in the classroom, as well as away from school†(Hollis, 1995). Using technology toRead MoreEffects of Modern Technology to Learning Habits of the Students14 71 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY TO STUDENTS†A Research Paper Submitted to: Professor Rhona Theresa S. Sambrano, M.A.T School of Medical Laboratory Science Far Eastern University Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation In Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for English 2 Albarico, Karl Marco S. Lim, Patrick Joseph C. March 2016 APPROVAL SHEET The research paper entitled â€Å"A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY†; prepared and submitted by Patrick Joseph C. LimRead MoreThe Effect Of The Proper Integration Of Educational Technology On The Study Skills Of Primary And Secondary Students Essay1430 Words  | 6 PagesArturo Miguel S. Cruz (12B) Mrs. Rosanna M. Borja English 12 Semi-Honors Program September 30, 2016 The Effect of the Proper Integration of Educational Technology on the Study Skills of Primary and Secondary Students Technology is highly prevalent and accessible now more than ever, so much so that the present is called the Age of Information by many. However, a significant portion of schools around the world still rely on the old-style lecture method, detract of the utilization of many modern technologicalRead MoreTechnology And Learning Environment Of Children Of All Ages1513 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology in Classrooms As a child in your elementary school classroom, have you ever cheered for joy when your teacher allowed you to play games on a computer or tablet to help you learn? Have you ever been more interested in the vivid colors and pretty designs in the game? Rather than the actual material within the game? Well I have. As a child, computers have distracted me from learning. I’ve been more interested in the bright colors and funny-looking animated characters in the game that itRead MoreAction Research. Research Has Shown That Technology Can1498 Words  | 6 PagesAction Research Research has shown that technology can support and enhance language learning. Technology can have many positive effects on learning, especially language learning, by supporting learners and the learning environment. However, students still have to communicate with people. They still need to share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions with peers and educators. They need to share what they have learned with others. Technology definitely connects people and can bring them togetherRead MorePositive and Negative Effects of e-learning for Students1343 Words  | 6 PagesNEGATIVE EFFECTS E-LEARNING FOR STUDENTS Nowadays, E-learning has become an increasingly popular approach to learning in higher education institutions due to the rapid growth of Internet technology. As we can see, most higher education institutions using e-learning to improve the education of students and enhance their technology skills. E-learning can give us a lot of positive effects, especially students; however, the technological content was twice the decline and needs. Computer technology, especiallyRead MoreInformative Speech On Technology1002 Words  | 5 Pagessec-1min.) A. Attention Getter: Technology is a powerful donor to learning if it is used to intensify students’ engagement in a meaningful and knowledgeable reliable curriculum. Today, there is a mutual focus on uplifting a student success while technology has been combined as a tool. B. Background and Audience Relevance: According to a Daily Edventures article published in 2012, Dan Roberts, Head Teacher at the International School of Seychelles, stated, â€Å"Technology can bring the real world intoRead MoreTechnology And Technology Essay1014 Words  | 5 Pages Technology is always advancing, and is used almost everywhere. Society uses it in their jobs, homes, and everyday life. Recently the use of electronics has also made an immense impact on the way people learn. In schools, students have the ability to use the internet for a mixture of thing including, reading, and finding information. Teachers can even post tests and homework online so the students do not miss anything when they are absent. The general public has different opinions on the use technologyRead MoreInstruction On The Context Of Curriculum1544 Words  | 7 Pages†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 Effects on Curriculum†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 Effects on Students†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 Effects on Educators†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 Effects on Schools†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..7 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 2 Abstract: Today’s educators are faced with a new generation of students who are sometimes referred to as a digital generation. These students have grown up with technology. In responseRead MorePositive Impact Of Technology871 Words  | 4 PagesTechnology is always advancing, and people use it almost everywhere. Its used in jobs, homes, and everyday life. Recently technology also has made an immense impact on the way people learn. Many people have different opinions on how to use technology, and if it is a good tool for information. Some believe the use of the internet can help with creativity, and comprehensive. Other believe that through using internet imagination is lessened, and that it leaves students not understanding what was read
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Changing the Image of Minorities in Ameria Free Essays
So the question is asked, â€Å"What will you do personally to improve the image of Black Males in America? †I believe by breaking the stereotype of black males will be a start on changing or improving the image of African American Males. With stereotypes, It tends to put a heavy label on Individuals which becomes holders to success. So, the Image of black males according to different sources such as, the news, and media in general, from displayed actions of some Individuals; claims to think that black males have lack of male role models, simple-minded, behavioral issues, negative influences, and the list goes on and on. We will write a custom essay sample on Changing the Image of Minorities in Ameria or any similar topic only for you Order Now I know that, not everyone is alike in life. Everyone has a designated path they choose to follow and with those choices becomes your future. I strongly believe that every African American Male has the ability to be notwithstanding to critical Judgments and prove critics wrong. To improve these barbaric analyses there should be a metamorphosing program that helps black males finds out who they are and help them obtain desired goals. Which we do have but the organizations are few. This program could be a very beneficial set to the communities and most importantly the individuals striving for success. In society we see media presenting African American Males as animals, want-to-be gangsters, rappers, living In low social economical environments, and vice seeking. It is not totally the media fault for the poor representation of blacks in America but, It Is a start towards where the vain message is occurring. Some black males even uphold or even take pride of stereotypes as if they have accomplished something significant. While on the topic of black males being portrayed by the media, I’m not too sure on why the media focuses their attention on the negative inducing news but, generally bad news makes good news for a newscast. As for what I’ll do, I will set myself up as demonstration to show how black males can fight off stereotypes and criticism. Despite of home situations and obstacles I try to put my best foot forward towards where I can accomplish my dreams. I believe my life would be a good example of fighting off stereotypes. During elementary, middle school, and the beginning of my 9th grade year In high school I was classified as Special De. This label put me In a session where I doubted my self esteem and that I would amount to anything. My parents and as well as my grandparents instilled in me that no matter what label someone put on you or what they classify you as, you have to prove them wrong. So I began to improve my behavior, the way I carried myself, grammar, and just generally who I was. On the journey to creating a new me I found that there were a lot of people around me and who I hung around who influenced my behavior. These where the people I needed to eliminate myself from life. By eliminating them, I created ace within myself. With that peace I started to think cumulatively. I started to not render myself to them willingly and not get focused on how I appeared to people. That’s probably a main concern with the youth today. Many youth, preferably African American males are at cosmetic levels. Cosmetic pertaining to how they look to others that they forget their mall goals and focuses. So this gave a good demonstration for me. Sometimes examples are the only way some people can accumulate Ideas. Succeed. I also believe that changing the mind and attitude of black males will improve the image. Altitude is descried as, the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level or Just great height. So if black males were to change their minds and attitude then their altitude would go to greater heights. Due to circumstances such as financial situations, environments we live in, and etc. Black males tend to not think highly of achievement. So we have to change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. As we approach a challenge we might encounter a voice that says, â€Å"Are you sure about this? You probably aren’t fit for it. What if you fail – you’ll be a failure. †As this voice inside us tries to set us back, we need should take it as a setup. It is an advantage on our part because, we have the chance to take negative criticism and turn it into positive criticism. How we interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is totally up to us. We can interpret them in a fixed mindset as signs that are fixed abilities and talents need i mproving. Or we can simply interpret them in a growth mindset as signs that we need to ramp up our strategies and effort, stretch our self, and expand our abilities. So as we approach a challenge, our fixed mindset says, â€Å"Are you sure you can do it? †The growth mindset answer says, â€Å"I’m not sure I can do it now, but I think I can learn to with time and enough effort. †Over time our mind becomes completely under our submission and will. Whether we take on challenges wholeheartedly, learn from set backs and try again, hear negative criticism and act on it in our own hands. We have to learn to tune the distracting voice out and overcome it within. So having a growth mindset means that you believe your personality, skills and traits can be changed. How to cite Changing the Image of Minorities in Ameria, Papers
Changing the Image of Minorities in Ameria Free Essays
So the question is asked, â€Å"What will you do personally to improve the image of Black Males in America? †I believe by breaking the stereotype of black males will be a start on changing or improving the image of African American Males. With stereotypes, It tends to put a heavy label on Individuals which becomes holders to success. So, the Image of black males according to different sources such as, the news, and media in general, from displayed actions of some Individuals; claims to think that black males have lack of male role models, simple-minded, behavioral issues, negative influences, and the list goes on and on. We will write a custom essay sample on Changing the Image of Minorities in Ameria or any similar topic only for you Order Now I know that, not everyone is alike in life. Everyone has a designated path they choose to follow and with those choices becomes your future. I strongly believe that every African American Male has the ability to be notwithstanding to critical Judgments and prove critics wrong. To improve these barbaric analyses there should be a metamorphosing program that helps black males finds out who they are and help them obtain desired goals. Which we do have but the organizations are few. This program could be a very beneficial set to the communities and most importantly the individuals striving for success. In society we see media presenting African American Males as animals, want-to-be gangsters, rappers, living In low social economical environments, and vice seeking. It is not totally the media fault for the poor representation of blacks in America but, It Is a start towards where the vain message is occurring. Some black males even uphold or even take pride of stereotypes as if they have accomplished something significant. While on the topic of black males being portrayed by the media, I’m not too sure on why the media focuses their attention on the negative inducing news but, generally bad news makes good news for a newscast. As for what I’ll do, I will set myself up as demonstration to show how black males can fight off stereotypes and criticism. Despite of home situations and obstacles I try to put my best foot forward towards where I can accomplish my dreams. I believe my life would be a good example of fighting off stereotypes. During elementary, middle school, and the beginning of my 9th grade year In high school I was classified as Special De. This label put me In a session where I doubted my self esteem and that I would amount to anything. My parents and as well as my grandparents instilled in me that no matter what label someone put on you or what they classify you as, you have to prove them wrong. So I began to improve my behavior, the way I carried myself, grammar, and just generally who I was. On the journey to creating a new me I found that there were a lot of people around me and who I hung around who influenced my behavior. These where the people I needed to eliminate myself from life. By eliminating them, I created ace within myself. With that peace I started to think cumulatively. I started to not render myself to them willingly and not get focused on how I appeared to people. That’s probably a main concern with the youth today. Many youth, preferably African American males are at cosmetic levels. Cosmetic pertaining to how they look to others that they forget their mall goals and focuses. So this gave a good demonstration for me. Sometimes examples are the only way some people can accumulate Ideas. Succeed. I also believe that changing the mind and attitude of black males will improve the image. Altitude is descried as, the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level or Just great height. So if black males were to change their minds and attitude then their altitude would go to greater heights. Due to circumstances such as financial situations, environments we live in, and etc. Black males tend to not think highly of achievement. So we have to change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. As we approach a challenge we might encounter a voice that says, â€Å"Are you sure about this? You probably aren’t fit for it. What if you fail – you’ll be a failure. †As this voice inside us tries to set us back, we need should take it as a setup. It is an advantage on our part because, we have the chance to take negative criticism and turn it into positive criticism. How we interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is totally up to us. We can interpret them in a fixed mindset as signs that are fixed abilities and talents need i mproving. Or we can simply interpret them in a growth mindset as signs that we need to ramp up our strategies and effort, stretch our self, and expand our abilities. So as we approach a challenge, our fixed mindset says, â€Å"Are you sure you can do it? †The growth mindset answer says, â€Å"I’m not sure I can do it now, but I think I can learn to with time and enough effort. †Over time our mind becomes completely under our submission and will. Whether we take on challenges wholeheartedly, learn from set backs and try again, hear negative criticism and act on it in our own hands. We have to learn to tune the distracting voice out and overcome it within. So having a growth mindset means that you believe your personality, skills and traits can be changed. How to cite Changing the Image of Minorities in Ameria, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Concept of Democratic
Question: To what extent is democratic leadership followed in Etisalat. Answer: Introduction: The chosen company is Etisalat Telecommunication Group Company is basically a multinational Emirati based telecommunications service provider which is presently operating in several countries across the world. The concept of democratic leadership is a participative form of leadership in which all the members of the team take an equal part in the decision making process. It is to be researched that whether democratic leadership is applied in the Etisalat Company. This would be evident from the conducted research and the interview of the manager of the group of companies whether participation is encouraged from the employees. Research Question: The research question which is to be studied is To what extent is democratic leadership followed in Etisalat. The research question is to be studied from suitable sources and on the basis of the obtained data, a necessary conclusion is to be drawn on the research question either positive or negative. Literature Review: The democratic style of leadership is a very open and congenial style of running any team. In such a sort of leadership ideas move freely, every person has the right to openly discuss his or her ideas. Such a style of leadership is required in dynamic and rapidly changing environments, in which very scarce can be considered to remain a invariable. In the fast paced organisations, there is every possible option for development in case such a style of leadership is specifically adopted. At times when conditions change frequently, democratic leadership provides a great deal of flexibility to adjust to a better way in which things can be done. The style of democratic leadership has the ability to bring out the best out of an experienced and professional team. There is an assisted capitalization of their skills and talents which helps them in sharing their views in comparison to simply expecting them to conform to existing ways (Hendriks Karsten, 2014). In order to effectively apply this style of leadership, there are certain factors which can assist this. The style thrives when all the considerations are laid out in the open for every person to examine. In discussions it is most important to ensure that ideas and opinions are on the topic as it is very easy to stray from it. It often happens that the leaders are faced with a plethora of ideas and making the crucial choices become difficult. However it is necessary for the leader to commit for the organisation to succeed (Raelin, 2012). Primary Research: From a proper study of the organisation it has been seen that democratic style of leadership is actually followed by the managers in order to help their team members in performing their tasks effectively. The managers have experience in taking crucial decisions of the company, which reduces the risk of taking any sort of wrong choices. In case the ideas are to be effective the group discussions also need to be encouraged. Staff are also kept involved about the factors which influence their work and shares the decision making and problem solving tasks. As a result, the staff members like the trust, they respond with cooperation, team spirit and high degree of morale. The company also helps in the development of plans in order to help the staff evaluate their own performance. The managers also allow the staff to enjoy their own goals. The leaders also help the staff to grow on the job and be promoted. It has been seen that the business leaders of the company are fast, smart, flexible a nd this helps the company in attracting the best talent to their business. This also facilitates the overall development (Kolachi Akan, 2014). According to the response from the leaders which is explained from the staff report, there is a deep and effective group of elevated performing leaders, who are highly mobile and can lead the strategy, technology and finance functions which provide the establishment with the flexibility to meet the plans of growth and rewarding career paths. Discussion: The Etisalet group of companies have been successful in fulfilling majority of its global aspirations which has been possible due to its great team and a world class leadership programme. The telecommunications corporation has markets across the Middle East, Africa and Asia among others. The programmes which have been launched by the Company, have been successful due to the brilliant capabilities of the company. Conclusion: Thus it can be concluded on the basis of the existing research that democratic leadership is applied to the Etisalat group of industries. Al the relevant staff reports and opinions of the higher authorities point to the fact that democratic leadership is very common in this particular organisation. This has led the company to reach a level of global success. References Al-Harithy, M. M. (2016, November). Barriers of knowledge acquisition in telecommunications companies in Saudi Arabia: An exploratory study on Etihad Etisalat Mobily. InCommunication, Management and Information Technology: International Conference on Communciation, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT 2016, Cosenza, Italy, 26-29 April 2016)(p. 313). CRC Press. Hendriks, F., Karsten, N. (2014). Theory of democratic leadership.P.'t Hart R. Rhodes (Eds.), Oxford handbook of political leadership, 41-56. Kolachi, N., Akan, O. (2014). HRD Role in Organizational Development (A Case of Corporate Thinking at ETISALAT, UAE).International Business Research,7(8), 160. Olatunji, A. G., Ojelabi, A., Isiaq, A. A., Moshood, I., Ewaoda, A. S. (2017). Leadership training and delivery prospects of team leaders in Communication Network Support Services Limited, Ilorin.Africas Public Service Delivery and Performance Review,5(1), 8. Puddington, A. (2014). The democratic leadership gap.Journal of Democracy,25(2), 77-92. Raelin, J. A. (2012). Dialogue and deliberation as expressions of democratic leadership in participatory organizational change.Journal of Organizational Change Management,25(1), 7-23.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Fall Of Judah Essays - Kings Of Ancient Judah, Zedekiah, Jehoiakim
Fall Of Judah Caught Between the Great Powers This paper will show how Judah aligned itself with Egypt, who was in a bipolar struggle for power with Babylon and how it eventually led to their destruction. Small nations caught between two larger powers struggling for supremacy find it impossible to remain in a state of neutrality. They must choose a side to align with and hope they make the right choice in order to survive the struggle. Judah's downfall began in 609 B.C. when Pharaoh Necho II led his army through Judah on his way to assist the Assyrians in battle against the Babylonians. Necho sent word all he intended to do was pass through Judah. King Josiah (640-609 B.C.) ruler of Judah decided to attack Necho's army on the plain of Megiddo. The Egyptians defeated Josiah's troops and King Josiah was killed as a result of the battle. Josiah's son Jehoahaz became King upon his father's death, he did not remain in power long and was replaced by Jehoiakim a pro-Egyptian leader. Jehoiakim was a loyal ally to the Egyptians and formed an alliance between Judah and Egypt in 609 B.C. Judah failed to realize the shift in power four years later when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon defeated the Egyptian army in the Battle of Carchemish. Judah surrender to the Babylonians in 603 B.C., after seeing the total destruction of Ashkelon a year earlier. In 601 B.C. Judah revolted against Babylonian rule after seeing the Egyptian army defeat the Babylonian army. King Nebuchadnezzar retaliated against Judah in the winter of 586 B.C. Judah surrenders in order to save Jerusalem from destruction and to avoid the status of a conquered army. Nebuchadnezzar deported 10,000 inhabitants to Babylon, and levied heavy tribute on the people. In 594 B.C. King Zedekiah of Judah attempted to form a league against Babylon, made up of the small states that form modern Jordan, Israel and coastal Lebanon. The states were so small and weak they posed no threat to Nebuchadnezzar. In 589/8 B.C. Judah was once again left to fight the mighty Babylonians alone. Judah held out against the Babylonians for a year and a half. The fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. signaled the end of Judah. Judah took a gamble and sided with Egypt in a time of trouble. Judah failed to recognize that Egypt was no longer the dominant power, and did not try to align itself with Babylon. Judah's destruction; shows how small nations caught between two supreme powers fighting for control can be destroyed because they fail to recognize the shifts in power, and cling to a false hope they made the right choice. Malamat, Abraham ?Caught Between The Great Powers: Judah Picks a Side and Loses.? Biblical Archeology Review July/August 1999: 34-41. Religion
Friday, March 6, 2020
Lindane essays
Lindane essays The chemical substance that I choose to research today is Lindane. The common name is Lindane, but the actual chemical name is much more complicated it is as follows: not less that 99.5% of gamma isomer of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane. I am going to sketch the structural make up of Lindane: The kind of atoms that make up Lindane are not that uncommon. In fact the empirical formula is C 6 H 6 CL 6. All of the bonds in this structure are composed of single bonds. The molecular geometry of Lindane is a six sided circular figure or a hexagon. The physical state of Lindane is a odorless colorless crystalline solid. The boiling point of Lindane is 323C. The melting point is 113C. Lindanes relative relative density is (water = 1): 1.87. This chemical is not soluble in water. The toxicity level for Lindane is class 2. Lindane is considered a non combustible. The liquid formulations containing organic solvents may be flammable. And it gives off irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. Lindane has so many uses in todays society. Lindane is used in food production including animal products, and as a pesticide for almost all crops including; alfalfa, apples, avacodo, barley, beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, canola, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherrys, clover, chocolate, coffee, cocoa butter, corn, cotton, cucumber, eggplant, hay, latex, lettuce, lumber, melons, mustard, oats, onions, orka, peaches, peas, peanuts, pineapples, potatoes, radish, rubber, rutabaga, rye, safflower, sorghum, soybeans, spinach, squash, Sudan grass, sugar, beets, sunflower, trees, tobacco, tomatoes, watermelons, wheat, wood. Lindane is also used for personal hygiene including; lice and scabies treatments, flue products and vaporizers. There are many risk factors to be considered when using Lindane. You have to be very careful when you are dealing with the dust from lindane. You have to a...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Racial Discrimination in Criminal Justice System Essay
Racial Discrimination in Criminal Justice System - Essay Example The targeting of these groups by the police on the notion that they commit more crimes acts to deepen the alienation and hostility between the police and these communities. These complain of such groups not taken seriously not withstanding that they are a target of regular police hostility and violence. These kinds of racist behavior done trough the complete awareness and consideration by legislators on the history of racism, and the societal challenges brought about by racist treatment of people. The criminal justice system comprises of the courts, police and the correctional facilities. Discrimination usually occurs to individuals who belong to a group either marginalized or belonging to a group that with history of social stigmatization. These individuals have a higher likely hood of torture or undergoing human degrading treatment. The racial origins of a suspect form the basis of making decisions police arrests and police shootings. The race-based discrimination is the greatest c rime in the criminal justice system where the targeted individuals face more aggressive and punishments as compared to the total population. Looking at the United State of America, for example, the African Americans are a target of racial discrimination and face a much harsher punishment and treatment than the whites. Racial discrimination The aspect of racial profiling by the police brings out the vice of racial discrimination by the police. ... In trying to eradicate this practice, the police have tried to keep away from the habits the police force has recruited individuals from these communities into force in order to try and increase the confidence of these communities in the police force. The view among the public citizens is that the functioning of race as a basis of deciding on whom to stop and search is wrong. This position, however, challenged by a section especially in connection to terrorist attacks, and the use of race to form the basis of stop and search seems necessary. The effect of racial profiling is that the police do not get assistance by these communities’ especially in investigations and during community policing done by the police on these neighborhoods. Changes aimed at reducing racial disparity Although considerable efforts made to reduce instances of racial discrimination and increase trust in policing strategies among the communities the practice yet still exists. Scarman's recommendations The Scarman’s report of the Brixton disorders in 1981 extensively seen as of immense significance in development of practices of policing. The inquiry of the Scarman regarded additional necessity by the flare of rioting across the country in the same year. The fundamentally concern was about the failure by the police to deal with riots resulting from repressive policing methods, the failure of approval and the lack of capability in conflict resolution and public disorder. It is essential to note that much of the police reforms conducted during the 1980 s. In consideration to changes in discriminatory practices and policing, Scarman in concluding his report states that the allegations by a number of individuals who offered
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Turkey from 1800-1900 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Turkey from 1800-1900 - Research Paper Example In 1800 the Empire had a population of about 20 million. The capital of this empire was the present day capital of Turkey, Istanbul and it was renowned throughout the nineteenth century for its wealth and sophistication, and also for the cosmopolitan mix of different nationalities, cultures and religions that gathered there. The dominant religion was Islam, and this rested on a long tradition of Islamic rulers called Caliphs and Sultans, supported by generally Islamic state laws. There were other religions that flourished in this empire too: â€Å"about three fourths Muslim and the rest divided between Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian and Coptic Christians as well as a prosperous Jewish community." The nineteenth century was a period of reform and renewal in the Ottoman Empire. Historians have recorded the achievements of a number of Islamic leaders who worked towards the twin goal of modernizing the government and institutions of the Empire and maintaining a moderate Islamic society. The rulers took on a personal responsibility for the welfare of their subjects, in accordance with Islamic tradition and this meant that many benefits such as transport, education, health and all kinds of government services were provided by the ruling Sultans. iii This moral obligation was a very important aspect in Turkey at the time, because without it, the people would have suffered under a despotic rule, with few rights, and at risk of exploitation. Thanks to Islamic values, which stipulate that patriarchs are responsible for others less powerful than themselves, there was a desire to do good works and take care of peoples’ needs. A notable feature of the society in Turkey during the e very early part of the nineteenth century is that the Muslim community had many privileges in comparison with the other religious groups. The political reforms of the nineteenth century, called Tanzimat, aimed to reduce these differences by creating a more neutral legal and social framework, which was applicable to all religions equally. This resulted in a separation between Islam and the state, and it has helped to produce the modern Turkey that we see today – broadly Islamic, but at the same time able to operate on a secular system that is quite close to European norms. It could be said that the late Ottoman Empire period in Turkey was an â€Å"attempt to integrate the Western system with moral content appropriate to the Islamic and Ottoman context.†iv There were a number of rebellions and especially attempts by fundamentalist Muslims to retain a more conservative and religious style of state administration, but these were squashed. Reflection Turkey, and the connect ed countries that formed the Ottoman Empire, is a very interesting region of the world because it sits at the margin between East and West, and at the meeting point between three of the great world religions, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Given that location, its history is bound to be greatly influenced by religious ideas. In studying this topic I have become aware of the long and glorious history that Islam has had, and the way that people in Turkey tried to construct a broadly Islamic society, but one which tolerated other religions and tried to make space for a neutral state system, rather than an overtly Islamic one. For this reason I think that the moderate form of Islam that became the norm in Turkey was very, very important not only for the way that modern Turkey was created, but also for the whole Eastern European region. When one looks at the harsh regimes that exist in Saudi Arabia, or in an even more extreme form in Afghanistan, for example,
Monday, January 27, 2020
Tests to Increase Anaerobic Metabolism
Tests to Increase Anaerobic Metabolism The body uses anaerobic metabolism during exercise for energy without the use of oxygen. The body uses energy anaerobically only up to the first two minutes of exercise (Plowman Smith, 2011). The Wingate and Cunningham Faulkner test measure anaerobic metabolism in athletes. Soccer games at the professional level are approximately 90 minutes long, which requires a high amount of aerobic metabolism. However, soccer games have a constant change in intensity throughout a match. A soccer player may need to go from jogging to a spot to sprinting towards the ball or net. These short duration, high intensity plays in soccer will require the athlete to use anaerobic metabolism. Therefore, it would be beneficial for a soccer player to perform the Wingate or Cunningham Faulkner test to help increase their anaerobic metabolism. This would help the soccer players in game when they are trying to make a play or run after the ball. The most valid way to measure and improve anaerobic fitness in socc er players would be the Cunningham Faulkner test, not the Wingate test. The Wingate test only has a duration of 30 seconds, whereas the Cunningham Faulkner test goes on until complete exhaustion of the athlete. A duration of 30 seconds would not be enough to accurately measure a soccer players anaerobic metabolism. The Cunningham Faulkner will determine how long the athlete can go before reaching exhaustion and in response the body will adapt to improve anaerobic performance (Plowman Smith, 2011). With this in mind, soccer players should still highly train aerobically rather than anaerobically due to the amount of time they are playing. The protocol of laboratory 3 4s: Maximal exercise, testing consists of monitoring an individuals maximal oxygen uptake. This is achieved by attempting to get their heart rate to surpass their max rate, blood lactic acid reaching between 7.9-8.4mM, or reaching fatigue and failure to continue before reaching max. Data collected from maximal oxygen uptake is vital information that soccer players can use to better improve their performance during game time. Assessment is conducted using a treadmill or cycle ergometer. To tests for VO2 max it can be done both indirectly and directly. Direct testing constitutes the use of monitored exercises where an individual is hooked up to a tank and monitors to measure their aerobic capacity, oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output. The second way to measure VO2 max is through indirect testing. This is done without the aid of gas composition machinery, instead an individuals exercise VO2 max is determined using a formula where an approximation can be made. To measure VO2 max indirectly using a treadmill can be achieved by using the formula VO2 (mL/kg/min) = (0.2 x S) + (0.9 x S x G) + 3.5 mL/kg/min. This formula takes into considerations speed expressed as (S), body mass in (Kg) and Percentage grade as (G). The speed and treadmill elevation increases in increments per minute till fatigue or target heartrate is achieved. To measure VO2 max indirectly using a cycle ergometer can be achieve by using the formula VO2 (mL/kg/min) = 1.8[(work rate) / (BM)] + 3.5 mL/kg/min + 3.5 mL/kg/min. This formula takes into consideration body mass in (Kg), work rate in (Kgm/min) and 1 Watt is equivalent to (6 Kgm/min). The individual starts cycling at 25W at 70 to 100 RPM with the load increasing by 25W each minute. Once the athletes reaches their VO2 max, the data can be reviewed and determine if whether to increase the training volume or intensity to further improve their ability to take up oxygen throughout the body. Soccer players can especially benefit from VO2 max testing because games last the duration of 90 minutes, averaging running ten kilometers a game. Typical soccer games involve all sorts of physical activities from jogging, running, sprinting, kicking, ball handles and physical pushes which all require an explosive amount of energy. Soccer players endure high intense physiological strain seen especially in professional teams. In order for soccer players to compare with professional teams a great deal of training on aerobic capacity is needed (Castagna, Chamari, Stolen and Wisloff, 2012). The cycle ergometer and treadmill max VO2 test, effectively mimics the environment matched on the field in terms of running capacity. This ultimately gives the player an advantage to further train and enhance their ability to efficiently use oxygen throughout the body. Soccer players use both aerobic and anaerobic pathways, but most dominantly rely on the aerobic component of performance (Manna, Khanna, Dhara, 2010). Because the aerobic component of soccer players are more heavily relied on, the expected average Respiratory Quotient (RQ) or Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) would be approximately 0.7. An RQ/RER of 0.7 is optimal fat burning, so the fuel source that soccer players use are primarily fats (Plowman Smith, 2011). Wisloeff et al. (1998) argues that for soccer athletes, maximal oxygen uptake should be conveyed in relevance to body mass. Although soccer athletes are to obtain a body mass index (BMI) of normal range, body types and size can differ. Because body types can differ, a soccer athlete may be mesomorphic, endomorphic, ectomorphic, and body types play a factor in ones resting metabolic rate (RMR) (Hazir, 2010). In relation to body type, body size also contributes to RMR. Heat loss is greater when the bodys surface area is greater, so for smaller bodies, a higher RMR is needed to maintain body temperature (Plowman Smith, 2011). Factors such as body type/BMI, and body size are all contributors to a soccer athletes RMR. Age is also a contributor, but a decrease in RMR is usually seen around the age of 60 because this is an age in which a reduction in energy intake and volume of exercise is exhibited (Rachel, Van, Dinneno, Seal, Jones, 2001). It is not common for a soccer athlete to continue playing competitively at age 60, and so age is not a huge influence to RMR relating to young soccer athletes. As in many sports, an appropriate cardiovascular response is critical for soccer performance. The nature of training that soccer players complete enables the resulting increases in appropriate cardiovascular responses (Knobloch, 2009; Lovell, Midgley, Barrett, Carter, Small, 2013). Such responses include elevated stroke volume, heart rate and cardiac output. Soccer players are consistently shown to have a lower resting heart rate (Raven, Gettman, Pollock, Cooper, 1976), as well as better stroke volume values compared to other athletes (Hoff, 2005). Furthermore, athletes who play soccer are required to have better endurance training compared to athletes who play other sports, such as sprinters. As such, they are able to increase their stroke volume while retaining the ability to maintain a lower heart rate (Palatini, 1988). In turn, this leads to soccer players exhibiting more effective recovery rates; this also suggests a greater diastolic volume, contributing to the efficacy of the stroke volume (Tahir et al., 2015). The cardiovascular responses seen in elite level soccer players are also seen in recreational soccer players, albeit to a lower magnitude (Castagna et al., 2007). The aerobic requirements of the sport develops cardiovascular fitness. As such, anyone who participates will see the associated benefits. Additionally, similar results are seen in a wide range of participants independent of age, sex, and health status. This is crucially important in factors such as exercise prescription and lifestyle interventions because vulnerable groups of sedentary individuals would be able to improve their cardiovascular health and fitness while partaking in an activity they inherently enjoy (Lin et al., 2015). Soccer players are required to work at varying intensities during a game. Sometimes they are required to do this in environments that vary in temperature. As a result, hydration is very important, especially in a hot environment. A study, highlighted that there may be cause for concern of heat exhaustion, electrolyte loss, and dehydration in soccer players playing at any level (Shirreffs, Aragon-Vargas, Chamorro, Maughan, Serratosa Zachwieja, 2005). The researchers conducted a study where male soccer players sweat loss, solute loss and fluid replacement patterns are observed (Shirreffs et al., 2005). The players were all elite professionals; they were provided with their own water bottles that were weighed before and after their training session. The results showed that on average the players only had 45 ÂÂ ± 16% of their sweat loss replaced during the session. As a result, the players failed to completely replace the fluids that they had lost (Shirreffs et al., 2005). The perc ent dehydration of all the players ranged from 0.7% to 3.2% of body mass. With the majority of players having a percent dehydration higher than 1.0%, (Fig X). These levels of dehydration may be relatively low but they can have a negative impact on exercise and cognitive performance. At a level above 2% dehydration, cognitive function has shown to be adversely affected. A level of at least 1% is enough to have an impact on exercise performance (Shirreffs et al., 2005). An explanation for the decrease in performance is related to blood volume that is lost when a lot of sweat is lost. During exercise, it is important to maintain blood flow to the muscles and to the skin. The skin is then able to convect heat to the body surface. When there is difficulty meeting these requirements, the core temperature of the body rises (Shirreffs et al., 2005). This elevated core temperature then causes fatigue. Therefore, players that are not well hydrated will fatigue faster and as a result will not be able to perform as well. Muscle fatigue affects soccer players in a unique manner to other sports. Although muscle fatigue is common among players, it is unclear what the underlying mechanisms of fatigue are. In the later stages of activity, it is understood that fatigue results as muscle glycogen stores deplete. However, in the initial stages of exercise, soccer players are shown to have reductions in muscle pH to a lesser extent than athletes who participate in other sports (Bangsbo, Iaia, Krustrup, 2007). Additionally, the phosphocreatine systems remain elevated throughout the activity (Mohr, Krustrup, Bangsbo, 2005); as such, it takes longer for the dominant energy pathway in the muscles of a soccer player to transition from the phosphocreatine system to the anaerobic and aerobic glycolytic pathways (Bangsbo et al., 2007). Current research suggests that the periods of greatest muscle fatigue (thereby showing the greatest decline in athletic performance) occur at beginning of the second half of play, and towards the end of regulation (Mohr et al., 2005). This is widely attributed to the decrease in muscle temperature after the halftime break, and to depletion of glycogen stores at the end of play (Mohr et al., 2005). This is deemed a result of the effect of temperature on the rate of metabolic reactions within the working muscle, specifically ATP hydrolysis and regeneration (Ferretti, 1992). The recommendation for soccer players is to engage in low-intensity activity prior to the beginning of the second half to moderate the decrease in muscle temperature, and therefore maintain athletic performance throughout the game (Lovell et al., 2013; Mohr et al., 2005).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Pe Reflection
This semester has been great for me in terms of personal fitness. I have had the good fortune of having gym class and a foods class in the same semester. In combination I can stay fit and make healthy food choices which are key to being healthy. I am sure when I recap on my semester in PPL20 I will remember things I have learned, memorable moments, things that have really affected me as a person, some things that I did not enjoy and things I will remember in 5 years. There are a few things I have learned this semester in this class.I feel like the most things I have learned came from health class as we did not have a proper class to do units too in depth. I learned a lot about different drugs and their different names, short term effects, long term effects and legal status. We also learned about steroids and the different kinds of steroids. We also learned about a lot of different side effects and different dangers of steroids. I also learned about how to achieve success without ster oids. I also learned how to play badminton a lot better by placing the birdy away from the opponent on every hit and not hitting it in the middle.In the weight room I was able to apply what I learned from last year and from outside of school to be efficient in the weight room and finish lots of sets in a period of time. I felt pretty comfortable in most units that we studied. I think the biggest challenge for me was to play badminton because I am not really good at that sport. But I did feel like I really did improve a lot with the technique and where to place the birdie. I really enjoyed playing ringette and hockey because I do not play them often but I feel I should.I felt most comfortable in indoor sports that we did in class such as basketball, indoor soccer, and volleyball. I think I did well in those units because those were the sports I was most familiar with so it was easy to adjust to. I wish we could have gone more in depth in the rugby unit because I really do want to imp rove in the sport. I did have some difficulty in games of low organization because they would be usually sports or activities I have never played or heard of before so it would make it harder to adjust to the play style of the game. There were a few memorable moments throughout this semester in gym class.One memorable moment is when we had a lot of international students in our gym class and one of the Iraqi students got angry at Walter and said â€Å"You no good. †which is funny because didn’t know English well at the time. Other than that I do not think there were any other memorable moments during this semester in gym class. I think I have learned some things in this class that have affected me as a person. Most importantly something that really affected me as a person is that it is not how much you lift, it’s how you lift it is an important one since it will help me plenty when I am working out.Another important thing that has affected me is learning about what to do when working out. What I mean by that is to start with the bigger muscles and multi-joints first. It is going to save me lots of time on wasted workouts that do not work my body to their full potential. Another thing that has affected me as a person is understanding the true definition of character. Character is what people do when no one is watching, means that you shouldn’t act like one person when people around and then act like a completely different person when no one is watching. There were something’s that I did not enjoy while participating in this class.One thing for sure was basketball. I did not enjoy it because there was a large skill gap in out class so the good players were pretty much the only players that could touch the ball. I did not enjoy many of the games of low organization as I would much prefer to play sports I am familiar with but sometimes some of the games were fun. Sometimes I didn’t like badminton because it felt like we w ere playing it a lot during that month. There are a few things that I think that I will remember in 5 years. It all comes from the health unit we did at the end. I will definitely remember all the dangers of drugs.What I learned will help me make better decisions in the future. What we learned about steroids will also stick with me for a while. The dangers of steroids outweigh the benefits by a lot and it is not worth taking when you can be a natural athlete. In conclusion this semester has been great as I stated in my introduction. It has helped me become a better person and a better athlete. I will be able to use what I have learned this semester in class to assist me in next year’s gym class if I decide to take it and even to apply what I have learned to use from day to day.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Intrest throughout the three stories Essay
Sherlock Holmes is the main character in the story, as in all the Sherlock Holmes stories. He is a very proper and intelligent man with an extraordinary gift. He is Observant and analytical person and can obtain a large amount of information from a small amount of clues, which most others would overlook. From early on in the story Holmes does not hesitate to show off his detective skills when he meats Helen Stoner: â€Å"You have come in by train this morning, I see. I observe the second half of a return ticket in the palm of marks are perfectly fresh. There is no vehicle save a dog-cart which throws up mud in that way, and then only when you sit on the left-hand side of the driver†. This shows that Holmes considers these observations to be trivial, and that they do not stretch his talent whatsoever. Doctor Watson is Holmes’ assistant. He is a fully qualified doctor and so a clever man, but next to Holmes he often comes across as a clumsy, less intelligent person. This contrast makes Holmes and Watson an interesting duo to read about. Watson is used for occasional humour during the story. It is very apparent that Watson admires Holmes: â€Å"I had no keener pleasure than in following Holmes in his professional investigations and admiring his rapid deductions†. Finally, Conan-Doyle uses Watson to put forward questions and opinions, which the reader may be thinking of. Holmes never openly rejects these opinions, but nor does he accept them or answer Watson’s questions clearly. This creates red herrings, which ensure that the outcome of the story remains a mystery to the reader. Helen Stoner, the lady that has come to Holmes for help, is portrayed in this story as the ‘damsel in distress’. She is in desperate need of assistance and has no one else to turn to. Whilst Helen is trying to explain her predicament to Holmes, He is very calm and collective and does not let her tell the story in full immediately; he frequently asks for details or interrupts Helen. This keeps the reader interested because he or she is eager to learn the story. Holmes’ attitude towards Helen reflects the time the story was written in. Holmes is very sympathetic and gentlemanly towards Helen: â€Å"‘you must not fear,’ said he soothingly, bending forward and patting her forearm. ‘We shall soon set matters right, I have no doubt'†. Holmes is not being sexist in his assumption that Helen is helpless and afraid, he is merely showing the attitude towards women that was shared by most men at that time. Holmes knows that Helen needs help from someone who is reassuring and confident. Roylott is Helen’s stepfather. Roylott is an aggressive, violent character who threatens Holmes by bending his poker. Roylott is the prime suspect in the story for the reader, because the death of his stepdaughters would mean he would receive their inheritance. Throughout the story, Conan-Doyle gives several clues as to the outcome of the mystery. Firstly, when Helen is telling her story from the beginning, the reader learns that Roylott, who would inherit an amount of money in the case of the two sisters’ deaths, is a short-tempered, dangerous man who has a history of violence: â€Å"There was a series of disgraceful quarrels and brawls with anyone giving him the least offence†. These clues make Roylott the prime suspect for the death of Julia Stoner. Secondly, although it leaves many questions unanswered, Helen reveals that Julia’s last words were: â€Å"Helen! It was the band! The Speckled band! â€Å". It turns out that she was describing the snake that bit her. Finally, there are several important clues given in Helen’s bedroom, next to Roylott’s room, before the plot is unfolded. Above Helen’s bed, which is fixed to the floor, is a bell rope that does not work, and a ventilator. The ventilator is in a very strange place: the dividing wall between the two rooms. It turns out that these features were to allow the snake to get to Helen. Such clues were intended to intrigue the reader and hint to the reader, giving them a chance to work the mystery out for themselves. These clues are typical of the mystery genre. There are also several red herrings in the story, for example, the gypsies living in the grounds: â€Å"It must have been those wretched gypsies in the plantation†. These points are irrelevant but raise questions in the mind of the reader, making them want to read on. Conan-Doyle also uses tension to keep the reader interested. When Holmes and Watson are waiting for the snake to arrive in Helen’s room, they are in darkness and speak in whispers. Holmes makes it clear to Watson that they are in considerable danger and must not get caught. Conan-Doyle also uses language techniques such as shorter sentences to achieve this tension. At the end of the story, as was common in stories of this genre, Holmes gives an explanation of the crime for the benefit of the reader. ‘The Devil’s Foot’ is similar to ‘The Speckled Band’ in that from the start there is a character that we have reason to suspect: Mortimer. At first, Mortimer does not seem to be as vicious an enemy as Roylott, as was common in the time the story was written, but several clues unearthed by Holmes point the finger at him. The murder in this case is also similar to the murder in ‘The Speckled Band’. It is a very horrific and mysterious murder that some in the story believe to be of a supernatural nature. Murders like this were often present in stories of this time and genre and were designed to fascinate and shock the reader. Holmes, however, says: â€Å"if it is beyond this world then it is certainly beyond me†. This makes the reader believe that there must be a logical or scientific explanation. The crime is again solved by Holmes, who solves the mystery by noticing small clues and gathering information, in this case, noticing the link of combustible powder between the two rooms in which the murders took place. To support his idea of this powder being the cause of the deaths, Holmes puts his life on the line and tries it on himself. This eccentricity and willingness to go so far to solve a crime makes Holmes all the more interesting and unusual to the reader.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Mma Informative Speech - 936 Words
Shawn Fogleman Robin Roberts LA 111 November 1, 2010 The World’s Rising Sport Topic: Mixed Martial Arts General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience on how mixed martial arts started, the rules, and the organization involved in it. Intro: * If you’re like me in high school I loved watching a good fight happen right in front of me. * But at the end of the fight the students would always get into trouble and usually so would the people who basically egged it on. * Well why go through all of that if you can just watch people fight each other all the time in mixed martial arts or MMA. * I myself love to watch this sport and love to watch it become one of the most popular sports worldwide. *†¦show more content†¦B. But not all fighters get to start in the UFC. 1. Though there are a lot of different organizations some of the other big name ones are PRIDE, Cage Rage, WEC, and Strikeforce. 2. Even though UFC basically owns PRIDE and WEC now they still used to be major fighting organizations. C. As you can see the one main one associated with MMA is the UFC. Conclusion: * Mixed Martial Arts is a very entertaining sport which I love to watch. * Every single day I get on the UFC website to make sure I remember when all of the big fights are so that I can watch them. * Even though MMA might be a very physical and bloody sport that shouldn’t keep you from wanting to watch it and be a part of it. * After learning some of the history, some of the major rules, and the organizations associated with MMA I hope that you will be watching my favorite fighter George St. Pierre defend his title on December 11, 2010. Works Cited Dunn, James. The History of Mixed Martial Arts. (2007): n. pag. Web. 1 Nov 2010.;id=651615 Sack, Dave. The MMA Minute – Major MMA Organizations . Hijinks Inc.. N.p., 13 August 2010. Web. 1 Nov 2010. Unified Rules of MMA . MMA Fighting. MMA, 4 july 2008. Web. 1 Nov 2010.
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