Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Study Methods Used Purposive Sampling And Qualitative...
The study methods included a mixed approach, using a multiphase convergent parallel design. Within this approach, data collection for both qualitative and quantitative data is collected simultaneously. Data is interpreted separately regarding the same research question, and determined whether both sets of data lead to similar conclusions (Leedy Ormrod, 2013). While mixed methods approach to data collection may require additional time from the researcher, this approach is beneficial in many ways, including enhancing weaknesses in each type of design, such as a small focus group in qualitative studies. Additionally, if both sets of data draw similar conclusions, the strength of the findings is enhanced (Leedy Ormrod, 2013). For recruitment of the study, the researchers used purposive sampling. Purposive sampling consists of deliberately choosing participants for the purpose of the study. This could be those who represent a particular group of interest, or those who would cons ist of a diverse group (Leedy Ormrod, 2013). In this particular study, the purposive sampling is beneficial, as the participants are chosen based on their experience with the program. The participants of the study consisted of administrator involved in aboriginal teaching such as support staff and program instructors, in addition to the Aboriginal teacher candidates (ATC), who were the focus of the research study. While many recruitment strategies were employed, the recruitment of theShow MoreRelatedUsing Quantitative And Qualitative Research965 Words  | 4 PagesSampling Procedures According to Creswell (2015a) â€Å"sampling in mixed methods research refers to the procedures for selecting participants (and sites) in both quantitative and qualitative research and to the sampling strategies employed with each of the designs†(p. 75). Creswell defines sampling procedure in mixed methods in relation to two central issues which are: 1) how to select a valid sample size for both quantitative and qualitative research designs in relation to the research questionRead MoreThe Real Estate Development And Other Investment Multipronged Implication1293 Words  | 6 Pagesbe employed for the study that focused on the real estate development and other investment multipronged implication to the sustenance of rural livelihood analysis of Dukem town. To performed the study, the researcher design the descriptive or explanatory approach entirely focused both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect primary as well as secondary data using interviews, questionnaire , FGD, observation and expert panel discussions. 3.1-Research Design A qualitative research approach, supplementRead MoreDifferent Research Strategies With Distinctive Characteristics Available From Which A Researcher May Select Based On The Previous Criteria1636 Words  | 7 Pages3.1 Mixed Methods There are various different research strategies with distinctive characteristics available from which a researcher may select, based on the previous criteria. Yin (2003) and Saunders et al. (2009) recognized that granting numerous research strategies occur, there are great commonalities amongst them and henceforth the significant contemplation would be to choose the greatest useful strategy for a particular research study. Some of the typical research approaches used in businessRead MoreQualitative Research Essay1628 Words  | 7 PagesQualitative Research in Nursing Date of last revision : January 28, 2011 â€Å"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts†-Albert Einstein INTRODUCTION †¢ Qualitative research methods have become increasingly important as ways of developing nursing knowledge for evidence-based nursing practice. Qualitative research answers a wide variety of questions related to nursings concern with human responses to actual or potential health problems. (Ploeg JRead MoreAnalyzing Different Approaches Of Sampling885 Words  | 4 Pages 2) Describe different approaches of sampling. Sampling refers to the statistical process of selecting a portion of the population that is being studied to represent the attributes of the entire populations ( Polit Beck, 2014). The different strategies of sampling includes: 1. Probability sampling is typically used in quantitative research studies (Polit Beck, 2014). It involves a specific analytical process that requires the random selection of attributes from a population that is beingRead MoreEssay On Risk Assessment1649 Words  | 7 PagesPressure Ulcer  Future Research: This assignment has two parts, part one reviewed pressure ulcer prevention, and the gaps that were identified were: it lacked research on pressure ulcer management, individuals did not having enough knowledge on methods to reduce pressure ulcers, there was a low sample size and selection and there was a gap between the risk assessment process, and pressure ulcer prevention. For the purpose of part two, this assignment will look at the lived experience of nurses,Read MoreJustification For A Qualitative Methodological Approach1593 Words  | 7 Pages3.0 Introduction Following a critical overview of the literature, this chapter outlines the research methodology. It will provide a justification for a qualitative methodological approach and specification of methods employed. Highlighting the appropriateness of interviews and focus groups in relation to the methodology and overall research. It will also provide recognition of their relative strengths and limitations. 3.1 Methodology/Methodological approach Research methodology and methodologicalRead MoreResearch Methodology For Research Design2478 Words  | 10 Pagespopulation, sampling procedures and sample size, data collection technique and research instrument were discussed. Finally, the data analysis and research limitations were looked at. . 3.2 Research design Research design constitutes the entire strategy for data collection including the specific data analysis techniques or methods the researcher intends to use. Three major approaches are mostly considered by researcher during research methodology. These are quantitative, qualitative or mixed approachesRead MoreQualitative Research Methods5213 Words  | 21 PagesOVERVIEW Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide Module 1 Qualitative Research Methods Overview F A M I L Y H E A L T H I N T E R N A T I O N A L Qualitative Research Methods Overview OVERVIEW T †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ his module introduces the fundamental elements of a qualitative approach to research, to help you understand and become proficient in the qualitative methods discussed in subsequent modules. We recommend that you consult the suggested readings at the end of the moduleRead MoreChapter Three. 3-Research Methodology . The Chapter Contains1484 Words  | 6 Pagesmethodology which will be employee for the study that focuses on the real estate development and other investment multipronged implication to the sustenance of rural livelihood analysis of Dukem town. To do the study, the researcher design the descriptive approach which entirely focuses on both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect primary as well as secondary data using interviews, questionnaire, FGD, observation and photographs. 3.1-Research Design A qualitative research approach, supplement with
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Description of Beer in History of the Worlds in Six...
In a History of the Worlds in Six Glasses, Tom Standage describes beer as one of the oldest beverage. According to Standage the discovery of beer was around 10,000 BCE, it was made from grain that grew in the region called Fertile that could be stored and made wet or soaked to turn into beer (p 15). Beer was shared with several people and goes on to become a social drink. Standage goes on to explain about another beverage made with wild grapes vines produced between 9000 and 4000 BCE in northern Iran (p 47). Wine became a symbol of social differentiation and a form of conspicuous consumption. In this essay I will describe how Tom Stranger’s text discusses the relationship between beer and wine with their social behaviors and their†¦show more content†¦The Greek practice mixing wine and water to make the correct strength for those who drink and those who do not. â€Å"The drunkard is insolent and rude. . . . On the other hand, the complete teetotaler is disagreeable a nd more fit for tending children than for presiding over a drinking party.†(Standage 59) Drinking fine wine without mixing it with water was savagely cruel by Greeks. Dinysus was the only one that they believed could drink pure wine without danger. Dinysus drank from a special vase, which shows that no water has been added. â€Å"Mere mortals, in contrast, could only drink wine whose strength has been tempered with water; otherwise they would become extremely violent or even go mad.†(p 57) However like Greek, Romans embraced the finest wines. The Romans stared wine as a universal staple. â€Å"Wine became a symbol of social differentiation, a mark of the wealth and status of the drinker.†(p75) The ability for a Roman to name the finest wines showed that they were rich enough to know the difference of which was which. â€Å"The obvious conclusion was that beer was a gift from the gods; accidently, many cultures have myths that explain how the gods invented beer and then showed humankind how to make it.†(p19) Egyptians believed that beer was accidently made by Osiris. Osiris being the king of afterlife forgot a mixture of water and grains out in the sun. Later on he found it, decided to drink it yet he
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Healthcare Institute And System Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Healthcare Institute And System. Answer: The famous saying health for the people and by the people must be followed by all the healthcare organizations of the society. However, there is this important fact that must be noted by all the caregiving institutes like the NGOs, the Governmental organizations or any other kinds of organizations as well. However often the patients who reach out to these organizations for getting cured and for getting back to the normal lives are often ignored or are insulted. This is indeed very shameful on part of the healthcare organizations if they are trying to discriminate between their patients in terms of color, religion, ethnicity or any other such grounds (Niger 2004). The healthcare institute personnel must keep it in mind that they have taken a pledge to cure the patients. They must be there for all the patients. Just as the nation itself is for the people, by the people, and of the people, the health care system must also be for the good of the people and it must include the voice of all the people. They must make sure that all the patients are getting equal opportunities and benefits. The healthcare professionals have to take care about the sentiments of all the patients and make sure that they are not making any such comments that will hurt the sentiments and the ego of any of the patients belonging from any communities. The health care system must make sure that they are taking into account the voice and the opinion of the patients whom they are treating. The patients are to be given equal importance and are to be informed about every detail of the treatment process. References Niger J Med (2004). Community participation in health and development.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Protection Of The Commercial Use Of Free Speech Essays - Censorship
Protection Of The Commercial Use Of Free Speech If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea morally offensive or disagreeable. It is because I believe these words by Justice Brennan, I stand for the negation of todays resolution, that When they Conflict, Respect for....... Cultural Sensitivity Ought To Be Valued Above Commercial Use of Free Speech. My value for todays debate is that of Free expression, which I will define as the freedom to express our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, freely and openly, without restraint. My criteria is the degree to which free speech is allowed in the business environment. I have three contentions to support my value of Free Expression, and to negate the resolution. My first contention is, It is virtually impossible to avoid offending someones culture in our multi-cultural society. Second, Freedom of speech is based on our valuing the autonomy of individuals to make informed decisions. My third contention is that there is no moral responsibility of the commercial media to suppress certain speech because it violates some cultural sensitivity. My first contention is It is virtually impossible to avoid offending someones culture in our multi-cultural society. As Edward J. Eberle states, One mans vulgarity, is another mans lyric.. The concept of cultural sensitivity is too vague a concept to be enforced. One can intend no offense, and yet offense can be taken. How many people must be offended before it constitutes cultural insensitivity? In a country that will tolerate hate speeches by the Ku Klux Klan in the name of free speech, it is unreasonable to limit the commercial use of free speech because someone might be offended by a commercial. Let the general public determine what is offensive and they will react with disfavor. If the public felt strongly enough to boycott products and services because they were offended by a companys advertising, that company will pull the add. That is the American way, and it works. My second contention is that, Freedom of speech is based on our valuing the autonomy of individuals to make informed decisions. The resolution suggests that it would be wise to remove certain types of information from the public- those that violate the cultural sensitivity of some people. The resolution also suggests that individual members of our culture are not capable of making informed decisions on matters of cultural sensitivity. No one cultural outlook is so privileged that it cannot or should not be included in the testing that occurs in the marketplace of ideas. If we as a society ever get to the point that we view the diminishing of freedom of speech as moral, we endanger our ability to live in a free society. Because the resolution asks that we as a society we adopt a moral stance that can only be seen as changing the way free speech operates in our society, it cannot be affirmed. My third and last contention is that there is no moral responsibility of the commercial media to suppress certain speech because it violates some cultural sensitivity. The responsibility of the commercial media is to their audience and shareholders. This is the moral basis of capitalism- to meet the needs of the people in a free society. Consumers enter the marketplace to satisfy their needs. If by chance members of a specific culture are offended by media content, they are under no obligation to consume the products. They can put the book down. They can turn of their Television. They can leave the theater when an offensive movie is playing. They can also form boycotts against specific products and companies. These are the rights of the consumer. Because Free expression is a basic American value, and limitations on it should be minimized, and because the concept of cultural sensitivity is too ambiguous, I ask you to join me in negating the resolution. Social Issues
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