Thursday, August 15, 2019
Pass or Fail Poem Essay
There are many perceptions on the poem Pass/Fail and what it really means. I However, see this poem relating in life in general. There are many quotes in this poem that remind me of the obsticals in life. The way people expect us to fail, and even we dont want to fail it will happen. I like this poem because it is very true and up to date. The tone of this poem mite be very discourging but in my eyes it is also very encourgeing. Some people also relate this poem to test anxiety , I can also relate this to life’s anxiety. There are always obtiscals in life that we face. In this poem it says â€Å"No matter how you succed awake, asleep there is a test waiting to be failed†(1252). Yes this can be realted to school but I see that in life no matter what you do there is always a test that you can either fail or pass. We mite not relize that they are tests but each and eveyday god gives us test that we can either pass or fail. They are almost the same as test in school becaus e if you fail you can be punished for them with bad grades, and in life you can be punished with consequences. The author said †The dream beckons with two dull pencils, but you havent even taken the course†(1252). I can relate this to life because with a dream all you have at first is a dream starteing from sctract not knoowing what can happen. Two dull pencils can relate to this because you do not know what your getting yourself into and the trails that come along the way can be very dull . Of course you dont know what can happen because you havent lived your future and thats a course itself. Many people expect us to fail. â€Å"When you reach for a book it closes its door in your face†(1252). I can relate this to life because everytime you try to do something productive or good , there is always something that will hold you down from doin this. Every time you think you got something right its wrong in somebody elses eyes. â€Å"When you conjugte a verb it is in the wrong language†(1252). I believe that whenever your even holding a conversation with someone they mite think that your grammer is wrong. No matter what you do , basically your wrong in some type of way in anybodys eyes. â€Å"You willl never graduate from this dream of blue books†(1252). Yes this qoute is talking about school , but agian I percieve this as a statement saying that success is not in your path. However this is what other people can say upon you, but its only you who can determine your path.I Iike to think of this poem as a very inspirational poem, because its so discourging it kinda gives you motivation to prove you can pass and succed. Even though we might fail we still learn from our mistakes. I like how in this whole poem the author is very discourging but at the end she says †Turn to the cool side†(1252). So even though there mite be all of these obtisals and faliures awaiting for you thre is still a cool side. She says †You will still smother in all the feathers that have to be learned by heart†(1252). I believe this statement is very true, beacuse no matter what you do or say in someones eyes you are wrong. However , along the road you will learn all about your mistakes along the way ,leading you to know what not to do or say. So whenever you do have an anxiety about a test, trial of life or anything you will always know in the back of your mind you will at least know what not to do or say. I like how she says they will be learned from the heart , beacuse when people do say you fail or your wrong it always hits you in your heart because maybe you tried so hard and you still were told you were wrong. I just love how this whole poem can be percieved. The tone is very discourging but is very true, because in this world you almost have to be perfect and no matter how hrd you try in anything there is always something wrong in what you do. There is always a new test awaiting for you tommrow, it doesnt nessicarly have to be in school it can be in life and that can give you anxiety itself. When you asleep you dont know what test is awaiting for you tommrow. Even though you may think your right your not always going to be perfect in anybodys eyes. Everythime you think your a step ahead life itself brings you ten steps behind, always giving you something to work for . The road itself in life can be very hard and dull , but either way you look at it your either passing or failing. Which should always give you the motivation to pass because of the many faliures and embarrasements in the past that have been learned from your heart.
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