Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critically evaluate the extent to which the role of leaders and Essay
Critically evaluate the extent to which the role of leaders and managers contributes to employee motivation and engagement with - Essay Example Managers should engage in motivation as it eases unnecessary fears among the employees. Statistics reveal that workers perform poorly under oppression as compared to when motivated. The following script outlines the importance of motivation, relevant theories, and the essence as to why leaders should use the tool (Lauby, 2005:69). Mangers role in employee motivation An employee is one of the most critical factors of production. This is because; they have the duty to carry out all tasks, irrespective of whether machinery or manual operation. The essence is that, no matter the employees competence to a task, shortcomings may arise due to monotony, frustration, and oppression. Managers must try to curb behaviors that tend to mislead the company, and practice behaviors that will gear up progression and prosperity (Kusluvan, 2003:340). Bearing in mind that, every set of human beings does exhibit distinct cultures, managers should observe and tame that culture which favors the company more . Culture comprises of personal beliefs, attributes, needs, and behaviors. On addressing these issues properly, the company pursues its objectives and strategically beats competition. Managers should simply address issues in a friendly way and welcome views from the employees. They should avoid ideologies of drawing attention from the employees that they should recognize them by their positions (Podmorof, 2005:67). Role of leadership and managers An employee will perceive a motivating factor whenever it affects his welfare. Decades ago, managers and leaders experienced the same issues that occur in modern businesses; this led to the development of various theories that can actively apply in solving human related problems in organization. Among them was Abraham Maslow who distinguished human needs in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid. The pyramid elaborates needs from the most pressing, those one cannot do without, to those perceived as defining class in the society. The pyramid addresses as; biological and physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem, and self-actualization (Bruce, 2006:80). The pyramid describes necessities as biological and social needs. It states that an employee will work to cater for his necessities, which are; air, food, shelter and clothing. It argues that, the reason as to why human beings strive in their daily chores is to ensure that they are able to meet their needs effectively (Levesque, 2008:59). No one can survive without food since hunger is a recurring problem. For example, after feeding, people do not sit back and assume that they have made a solution to hunger eternally. Similarly, shelter poses as a pressing need as all people strive to live in houses to avoid bad weather conditions and enhance privacy. Due to evolution, the modern man finds clothing crucial as it is also ethical and moral to dress-up (Doyle, 2005:180). On achieving all basic needs, human beings will find that they need safety in their lives. Therefore, they seek protection from all societal vices and device security channels that will cover their lives from dangers (Kusluvan, 2003:340). Since all humans may enforce their feelings in handling different threats, the modern man has sort to come up with laws that accommodate all virtues, laying down procedures to handle different problems. There are limits within the society under which one can act in his own
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Europe & Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Europe & Russia - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  Europe’s natural gas consumption continues to rise while the domestic natural gas production decline. If trends persist as projected, Europe’s dependence on Russia and large supplier of gas is likely to grow. Europe, as a whole, is a significant importer of natural gas, with Russia being one of Europe’s most powerful natural gas suppliers. Russia has been active in safeguarding its European gas market share through the state-controlled company, Gazprom, which has pursued to stymie European-backed alternatives to pipelines it controls by suggesting competing pipeline projects and availing European companies stakes within those projects. Moreover, the entity has endeavoured to dissuade possible suppliers (especially those within Central Asia) from participating in European-supported plans. Moreover, the dominant companies have raised their environmental concerns in an effort to impede other alternatives to its supplies, such as untraditional natural gas. This has made some European countries feel vulnerable to possible Russian energy supply manipulation that may frustrate diversification. Energy security takes diverse forms and can be guaranteed by diverse mechanisms that can take the form of both regulatory and market-based.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Temptation Of Jesus In Wilderness Theology Religion Essay
The Temptation Of Jesus In Wilderness Theology Religion Essay In my paper I will examine Lukes gospel about Jesus temptation in wilderness. First by applying Bakers Dictionary of Christian Ethics I will examine the meaning of the word temptation, and how its being used in bible. Second I will shortly explain nature of temptation and why it was unique. Third I will examine Mathews Gospel of Jesus temptation by applying Christopher Morse perspective and see how it could be applied to community that lived in first century. Fourth I will examine Jesus response to Devil and the message that Lukes was sending to a community through his gospel about Jesus temptation in wilderness. Fourth applying Encyclopedia of Religion (EOF) I will explain how temptation can be applied to modern community and how modern progress and economy changed the perception about temptation. Fifth I will expand on how temptation of modern community related to consumption. Finally I will compare how community that Matthew wrote for similar to the modern one, also I will explain how they different and why some values and principals cant be applied to modern community same way it was applied two thousand years ago. Meaning of the Temptation Before start studying the passage of the temptation of Jesus, we must understand the meaning of word temptation. Origin word temptation comes from translation of Greek peirà ¡zÃ…Â which means test or temptation. Temptation is not simply good or bad; it is a word that according to Bakers dictionary of Christian ethics temptation is used differently in bible at least in four different ways. First its Enticement to Sin, often used in bible to describe Devils action such as testing human on their faithfulness to god by tempting them to do evil. In regards when one is tempted to do evil and put responsibility on God, James states in his gospel 1:13 according to which explains that blame for humans sin should become their own responsibility. Second is Man testing god, often people say god give a sign, or if there was a god he wont let my friend die, however in (Matt-. 4:6-7) it is clear that we shall no put god to test. Explanation to why one should not put god to test can be explai n by looking at Corinthians 10:9 where states whoever test God will be destroyed. Third way temptation occurs in bible it when God put people to the test. According to new dictionary of theology God test people on their fidelity for him. Expanding on Gods test to people one must see gods temptation is not a punishment, but the test, for one whom God wants to use for his own purposes (Deuteronomy 8:16.). Fourth and final variation temptation mention is the Overcoming Temptation or how one can avoid temptation to do sin. In Bakers Dictionary of Christian Ethics lays clear explanation that by overcoming temptation to sin once, person become more capable of doing it next time. Examination of details that Apply to Jesus temptation Before proceeding to the detailed analysis of the story of the temptation, it is necessary to examine the few following details. First Jesus used his human nature to resist the temptation this explain his hunger in desert. Second the nature of temptation is such that they could only come to the one who has a totally unique authority and power, 4:3 this should explain importance Jesus battle against devil. Third whoever reads this story must understand that Matthew used Q source to create this gospel. This explains the details Mathew know about what happened during Jesus temptation. Finally this gospel of Jesus temptation should always be approached with reverence, because it reveals Jesus recesses of his soul and his heart, and because, Mathew Gospel shows through despite the struggle Jesus was able to resist Devil. Temptation of Jesus Gospel temptation of Jesus starts in 4.1-4.2 where Mathew describes how Jesus was taken to wilderness by Spirit and tempted there by Devil for forty days, and had nothing to eat. According to Christopher Morse perspective that in this type of setting Jesus was definitely hungry, which he explained that just like hunger real temptation cant be turn off. Which might explain the point Luke was trying to deliver to Christians, just like our human nature that cant live without food same way it cant avoid temptation. In response to Lukes Gospel 4.3 Christopher Morse writes that Jesus being in situation where he is hungry worries more about his spiritual condition rather than physical. To answer the question why Jesus refuse to turn stones to loaf of bread when he fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread (Lk.9 :12-17) and four thousand with seven loaves (Mf.15 :32-38) one must understand that Jesus only used his miraculous power for salvation of others. Also it shows that Jesus ex perience same physical feeling, as would any other man by being in similar settings. Deuteronomy 8:3 Now lets examine why In Lukes gospel Jesus responded to devil using Deuteronomy 8:3, and what was the important lesson it had for Christians that lived during the time it was written. Importance of that respond can be explained in bible in few different ways. First because if one is always concentrate on his physical needs it might make him no different than animal. Second, one should always choose word of the god, because it is the only real treasure that can save peoples soul. Pursuing further lets see how temptation and hunger can be applied to modern community. Modern community and Temptation In order to understand how and why modern community might view Mathews Gospel of Jesus temptation differently first one must understand the settings humans live now. Certainly lifestyle, principles and values for modern humanity are different to the ones that Mathew wrote for; however temptation that people facing now still topical more than ever. Now lets examine modern humanity value, principles, settings and how in modern age, temptation becomes part of one everyday life. According to TEOC the term Temptation in todays human oriented terminology is being used deficiently. For instance TEOC argue that in modern parlance the term temptation refers as a, Temporary breakdown in orientation that either inner developmental process or external factors appear to make necessary. This can be explaining by applying observation that is discussed in EOR, it states that modern society create the culture where primary value of life is to have rather than to be. Further EOR explains that modern s ociety live in world where educational system based around the success, with a economic system that promotes consumption. This certainly explains why western culture relays on modern progress. Lets speculate and apply what we see is being built usually in the first place; it is not the hospital, not a nursing home, no orphanages but the factories that produce goods and giant stores that sell them. Important to note that before it gets sold or manufactured, Corporation using advertising techniques that often build around person temptation, which in many cases build around their own ego. Living in world where every human consider a consumer led to humanity for establishing their own consumer rights. Those rights elevated to the new morality of certain laws, I have a right to consume what I see. Companies consume people, and people consume everything around them. With this kind approach humans have the mentality where consumption is not a temptation it is a right. Indeed we live in world were temptation fueled by advertisement techniques keep growing expanding every day. However just like temptation, consumption is also expanding and growing, this quite intensive growth of consumption becoming a great opportunity for governments and Enterprises to expand their profits. Modern progress allow governments and enterprises to produce enough goods to satisfy consumption, however in order to do so it must have enough materials. Temptation on Global Level There is no doubt that modern progress brining new solutions to our lives but at what cost those solutions come. Through modern progress, western culture made possible to solve hunger issues by creating and using materials that would be consider two thousand years ago meaningless. TEOC argue that western world lifestyle, leads to constant predatory exploitation of Earth resources. Modern humanity must understand the price of living lifestyle that promotes predatory exploration f earth. That price is not only our environment, but well of all humans around the globe. This temptation that is measured on world level scale have another disadvantage it often exploits third world using them for cheap labor and materials. In this case poor developing world is being consumed by the temptation of the wealthy developed world. Applying four temptation perspectives to the western world. Conclusion Indeed humanities lifestyle has changed for past 2000, and the way humanity see and accepts things is different. Conclusion that can be drawn here is that even though the modern might understand the term temptation differently, the meaning of that stills the same. We as consumer generation have to realize that when our temptation have no physical limits, consumption indeed have one, and even more if it is unbalance it can destroy us. modern community still have the power of will, using to resist the temptation will bring not only spiritual, psychological peace but also financial.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Correcting Librarian Stereotypes Essay -- Library Career Profession
What do picture when you think of librarians? Librarians are often stereotyped as being conservative, orderly, thorough, and passive (1, 2, 3)? Perhaps the best known librarian stereotype is the "spinsterly and authoritarian naysayer over-concerned with regulations and maintaining a hushed library environment" (4). But where do these stereotypes come from, and are they really true? Perhaps librarians' professional invisibility is to blame for some of the stereotypes. Most people think that everyone who works in libraries is a librarian, and that librarian duties consist mainly of shelving and checking out books (5, 6). Think again! Librarians are not usually involved in shelving and circulation responsibilities. Much of the work librarians do isn't visible to library users. And even a children's story time involves behind-the-scenes work and knowledge. The history of libraries and librarianship may also contribute to these stereotypes. Public libraries were often started to "improve" working people, and librarians often really were "goody two shoes" (7). But although they still take their social responsibilities seriously, the librarians (and libraries) of today are very different. Keep reading to find out what librarians really do and who they really are. But first, follow me on a technological history of librarians. Where did the original stereotype of librarians as bun-wearing "shush-ers" come from? Let's think low tech--before the days of advanced communication technology, ideas were spread through word of mouth and writing. So did these traditional images come from interactions with real librarians which were then communicated amongst people and accepted into our society's lore of the librar...>. In "Module 3: Introduction to Information and Digital Representations." LIBR 500: Foundations of Information Technology, Web CT Reading, Mary Sue Stephenson. 22. Stephenson, Mary Sue. "Module 3: Introduction to Information and Digital Representations." LIBR 500: Foundations of Information Technology, Web CT Reading. 23. Rybash, John M., Paul A. Roodin, and William J. Hoyer. Adult Development and Aging, 3d ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1995. 24. Scherdin, Mary Jane, and Anne Beaubien. "Shattering Our Stereotype: Librarians' New Image." Library Journal 12 (1 July 1995): 35-8. 25. Houdyshell, Mara, Patricia A. Robles, and Hua Yi. "What Were You Thinking: If You Could Choose Librarianship Again, Would You?" Information Outlook 3 (July 1999): 19-23.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Exergy Analysis Has Been Utilized Architecture Essay
Exergy analysis has been utilized in the optimisation of thermic procedures in power workss and in industry. However, energy systems in edifices are designed based entirely on the energy preservation rule. This rule entirely does non supply a full apprehension of of import facets of energy usage in edifices, e.g. fiting the quality degrees of energy supply and end-use ; to the full showing the advantages of utilizing inactive ( e.g. thermic insularity, window design ) and ambient energy ( e.g. heat pumps ) in edifices. From this point of view, exergy analysis is an of import nexus in understanding and planing energy flows in edifices. Recently, the exergy construct has been applied to the built environment every bit good ( Shukuya 1994, Gertis 1995, Asada and Shukuya 1999, Nishikawa and Shukuya 1999, Jenni and Hawkins 2002, and Schmidt and Shukuya 2003 ) . Some research workers ( Rosen 2001 and Wall 2001 ) have besides used the exergy construct in a context of sustainable development. In the last few old ages, a working group of the International Energy Agency has been formed within the Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems programme: â€Å" Low Exergy Systems for Heating and Cooling of Buildings †( Annex 37, 2002 and Ala-Juusela, 2004 ) . The overall aim of the Annex was to advance the rational usage of energy by agencies of low valued and environmentally sustainable energy beginnings. This extension is being followed up by the international LowExNet group, which works towards supplying cognition on and tools for exergy analyses to be applied in the built environment ( LowExNet 2004 ) .Dr umheadThis paper presents an lineation and instance survey of a spreadsheet-based exergy analysis tool ( Schmidt, 2004 ) and a new in writing input ‘Casanova ‘ interface being developed to heighten its user-friendliness for a residential edifice situated in Toronto, Ontario. The tool is meant to ease the practical application of exergy into edifice design. It does so by assisting edifice and building-services interior decorators develop insight into combinations of design options that can take down the entire exergy ingestion of a edifice and its associated edifice services. The interface is structured so that a edifice interior decorator could concentrate more on changing edifice size and orientation, and /or edifice envelope constellation. A edifice services interior decorator may wish to concentrate on edifice tenancy agendas, indoor and out-of-door air temperatures, and edifice service constellations.Exergy EfficiencyThe three equations of exergetic efficiencies for steady province procedures are: 1. Theconventional or simple exergetic efficiency: This is an expressed definition and can be used for all procedure workss and units. It is an ideal thermodynamic system when all the constituents of the entrance exergy flow are transformed to other constituents, e.g. , in the instance for power Stationss or for constructing warming and chilling systems. 2.Rational exergetic efficiencyand the utilizable exergy coefficient The rational exergetic efficiency is defined by Kotas ( 1985 ) as a ratio of the coveted exergy end product to the exergy used or consumed which is the amount of all exergy transportations from the system, which must be regarded as representing the desired end product, plus any byproduct, which is produced by the system. The coveted end product is determined by analyzing the map of the system.Utilizable exergy coefficientBrodyansky, Sorin and LeGoff ( 1994 ) introduced this signifier of exergetic efficiency, called utilizable exergy coefficient. The entire exergy input ( ) of a existent system is ever higher than its exergy end product ( ) because a certain sum of exergy is irreversibly destroyed within the system. This exergy, by and large referred to as the internal exergy losingss or exergy devastation, is straight linked to the thermodynamic irreversibilities in the system. The remainder of the exergy that leaves the system with the utilizable exergy watercourse is a portion of the exergy input, which has merely gone through the system without undergoing any transmutation and is the pass throughing exergy, . is the produced utilizable exergy rate and is the consumed exergy rate. This signifier of efficiency is an betterment on the traditional exergetic efficiency, because it subtracts the untransformed constituents from the entrance and surpassing watercourses. To any stuff, heat and work watercourse can be associated as an exergy content, which is wholly defined by temperature, force per unit area and composing of the watercourse itself and of a mention province, which is usually the environment in which the system operates. It is, hence, possible to calculate the exergy content of all entrance and surpassing watercourses to and from a system and to set up an overall exergy balance over any system, as shown in Fig. 1. As illustrated in Fig. 1, portion of the exergy end product from the system may disperse into the environment as heat losingss, sewage waste or fumes. This wasted exergy, no longer useable by subsequent procedures, constitutes the external losingss, Iext. It is more appropriate, from the point of view of downstream operations, to see the exergy that remains utilizable, Eu, instead than the entire end product, . Lone portion of the utilizable exergy is produced by the system through the physicochemical phenomena that take topographic point within its boundaries. The remainder of the exergy that leaves the system with the utilizable exergy watercourse is a portion of the exergy input, which has merely gone through the system without undergoing any transmutation and is named pass throughing exergy, by Kostenko ( 1983 ) .Energy, Exergy and SustainabilityThe first rule of thermodynamics is that of energy preservation. It states that the amount of all energy put into a system is equal to t he amount of the addition in internal energy within the system and the energy rejected by the system. Taken literally, this means that salvaging energy is non possible, as energy is ne'er destroyed. In every existent procedure, nevertheless, something is destroyed, and that is the quality of the energy, besides called exergy. This is the topic of the 2nd rule of thermodynamics. Energy produced at higher temperatures is of higher quality, intending that more work can be produced with this energy. Electricity is of maximal quality, as it can be to the full converted into power. During this transition, heat at lower temperatures will be rejected. On the other manus, heat at a low outside air temperature ( less than 7 deg C ) can be in equilibrium with its milieus, and can therefore no longer be converted into electricity or power. This is why firing gas in a boiler in order to heat a edifice is really inefficient ; the potency of the gas is non to the full used. With the same measure of gas, it would hold been possible to bring forth electricity and power. Exergy is hence a good step for the sustainability of a system. Dincer 2000, Wall et al. 2001, Rosen et Al. 2001 and Boelman et . al 2003.Energy and Exergy Demands of BuildingsIn order to analyse the energy and exergy demands of edifices which are strictly based on energy balances between the edifice maintained at a defined degree of comfort and its environment, they have to be studied in item. When specifying the energy or exergy demand, it is of import to see both the physical facets of a edifice and its utilizations. This is because the ways in which a edifice is used influence the internal heat burden and the lighting and power demand well, and hence the edifice ‘s overall energy demand every bit good. All relevant energy devouring points should be taken into history to avoid concentrating on a individual facet of the demand, which could take to erroneous premises about energy nest eggs. For case, adding insularity decreases heat demand but increases chilling demand, while holding fewer Windowss decreases heat demand but increases lighting demand. By using exergy analysis to construct it can be shown that the greatest fraction of the entire supplied exergy for heating in edifices is consumed when heat is generated from other beginnings, e.g. fossil fuels like natural gas. Partss of these losingss occur during energy transmutation, extraction, and transmutation in power Stationss or in heat coevals, e.g. in a boiler. Merely a little fraction of the exergy ingestion happens within the edifices ( Schmidt and Shukuya 2003 ) . To utilize the exergy most expeditiously, we have to plan heating systems that will maintain the supply temperatures every bit low as possible. In most instances, low exergy ingestion within a constituent coincides with a low recess temperature ; that means that the energy is supplied at a low temperature degree. The illustrations of such systems already are thermally activated edifice buildings, floor-heating systems or waterborne systems where warming or chilling pipes are inserted into the concrete slab building, thereby heating or chilling the suites, to be later released as fresh supply air to the suites ( Johannesson 2004 ) . There are many more system options, which are showcased in the LowEx Guidebook ( Ala-Juusela et al 2004 and Annex 37 2004 ) .Energy demandThe system studied is as follows: Heat is added to the edifice by illuming, people and contraptions, and air flows into and out of the edifice through infiltration and airing. Ventilation air can be treated ab initio in an air-handling unit, where it is chilled or preheated. The entire energy demand consists of seven points: ( Itard 2003 and Itard 2005 ) .Demand for heat in the edifice, QheatDemand for cold in the edifice, QcoldDemand for heat in the air-handling system, Qheat, AHUDemand for cold in the air managing system, Qcold, AHUDemand for illuming, QlightDemand for ventilators when utilizing mechanical airing, QventilDemand for contraptions, such as computing machines and waiters, Qappl.The theoretical account for the heat and cold balances within a edifice envelope is based on hourly energy balances that take into history transmittal, airing, infiltration losingss and heat accretion in the building, every bit good as heat burden through Sun, contraptions, people and unreal lighting. The heat and cold balances in air-handling systems are simple enthalpy balances based on the temperature of the out-of-door air and the specified temperature of the air-supply into the edifice. These balances are needed merely when a mechanical airing system is used. The computations for contraptions and illuming are based on a specified electrical burden per square metre of gross floor country. The energy demand for ventilators is deliberate presuming known force per unit area losingss in the canals.Exergy demandExergy of electrical energy and mechanical energy: By agencies of the construct of exergy, the mechanical work and electrical energy is straight transferred into exergy, that is E=W Actually, both the mechanical work and electrical energy are higher than the thermic energy in their energy quality. And all of them can be to the full converted into utile work. Exergy of heating/cooling capacity: The exergy of heating capacity is defined as the maximal utile work attainable from a heat transportation procedure due to temperature difference between the system and the mention environment and likewise defined for exergy of chilling capacity. The exergy demand for cold and heat in the edifice is calculated utilizing the method described in Schmidt 2004. If refers to the indoor air temperature, and to the temperature of the milieus ( outside air temperature ) , the exergy demand for heat or cold in the edifice expressed in J/K is: Exergy demand for cold and heat in the air-handling unit: This exergy demand is calculated utilizing the method described in Shukuya 2002. In the undermentioned equation, Tblin refers to the temperature of the air that is supplied to the edifice ‘s suites. Exergy demand for electrical equipment: Lighting, contraptions and ventilators are electrical equipment. For all electrical equipment, an exergetic efficiency of one is applied, and equated asPrimary Consumption of Energy and ExergyPrimary energy ingestionBuildings need equipment in order to run into their energy demands. Boilers or heat pumps can be used to run into the warming demand. Compression chilling machines can be used to run into the chilling demand. The electricity that is needed must be produced by a power works. Regardless of the type of equipment that is used, it will ever be capable to transition efficiency. This means that the sum of energy needed by the transition equipment is different from the overall energy demand. Example for warming: If the warming demand is 1MJ, and a gas boiler with an overall efficiency of 0.85 is used, the primary energy ingestion to run into the warming demand is 1/0.85 = 1.18 MJ. Example for chilling: If the chilling demand is 1 MJ, and a compaction chilling machine which has an efficiency of 3 is used ( this is possible because a heat pump besides uses free energy from the milieus ) , the heat pump needs 1/3 = 0.33 MJ of electricity to run into this demand. This electricity, nevertheless, is produced in a power works. If the efficiency of the power works is 0.4, the primary energy ingestion to run into the chilling demand becomes 0.33/0.4 = 0.83 MJ.Primary exergy ingestionThis Equation calculates the primary exergy ingestion, where is the exergetic quality factor of the full energy transition procedure: For illustration, if waste heat at the temperature =50 & A ; deg ; C is used for heating applications, and if the outside temperature is 1 & A ; deg ; C, the quality factor will be 0.16.Example of energy and exergy computation consequencesResidential Building Case StudyThe Model BuildingTo execute the computations, a basal theoretical account of an mean one-family house in business district Toronto has been taken for the instance survey. The pre WWII built house has four individual family, has five suites ( one life room, four sleeping rooms ) , a kitchen, such as heel combined with a dining room, a bathroom on the first floor and a lavatory on the land floor. The Attic and cellar are non heated. Some cardinal figures of the theoretical account edifice are shown in Table 1. The floor tallness with its 2.9 m is higher than than newer places, which allow the warm air to drift up during the hot summer months. The disadvantage of high ceiling is that the heat energy demand in winter is higher.CASAnova packageThe computations were done with the programme CASAnova, an educational package for ciphering the warming and chilling energy demand every bit good as the temperature behavior in edifices. The programme is freely available for educational intents by the Group for Building Physics & A ; Solar Energy in the Department of Physics at the University of Siegen. It can be used to demo the dealingss between constructing geometry, orientation, thermic insularity, glazing, solar heat additions, heating demand, warming and primary energy every bit good as overheating in summer. CASAnova uses constructing forms of rectangular signifier for which in a monthly balance transmittal and airing losingss every bit good as solar and internal additions are calculated. Therefore it was suited to demo the consequences as calculated on the theoretical account edifice of a simple one-family house. In add-on to that, CASAnova besides contains climate-data for Toronto, ON in its programme construction, which was another ground to take it for the computations. To find the figure of hours during which a edifice is overheated, CASAnova uses a single-zone dynamical thermic theoretical account. Based on hourly informations of the outside temperature and the solar heat additions through Windowss and walls, CASAnova calculates the useable solar heat addition every bit good as the transmittal and airing losingss of this zone. Together with the internal additions the balance of energy for an effectual thermic mass is determined ( i.e. energy losingss and additions for the room-air including the heat which is stored up in an active portion of the wall ) . Harmonizing to the sum and the mark of this balance zone temperatures change with clip. Finally, the figure of hours is counted for which room-air temperatures exceed a comfort temperature bound given by the user. Consequences – Heat Demand Reduction for Several Renovation OptionsBefore Renovation – The Base CaseFor the initial state of affairs it was assumed that the house has been built post war building. Houses older than 35 old ages make up more than 60 % of the business district Toronto edifice stock and utilize 230 kWh/m2 and up. This edifice stock, together with edifices constructed prior to the 1990s has a noteworthy impact on the local energy ingestion.WindowsWhile planing the theoretical account constructing it has been taken attention to hold more Windowss on the northern fa & A ; ccedil ; ade and less on the South. The window countries on the several waies are as shown in Table 2. For the initial state of affairs windows with individual glazing have been assumed. individual glassy Windowss are in older Torontonian edifices. Thus the U-value ( rate of heat loss through a surface ) of the glassing is every bit high as 5.8 W/ ( m2K ) , the one of the wooden frames is 3.5 W/ ( m2K ) and the g-value ( entire energy admittance value ) 0.92.InsulationThe exterior walls have common medium weight exterior building ( bricks ) with U value of 1.2 W/ ( m2K ) . The Windowss has the U-value of 5.8 W/ ( m2K ) . The first floor towards the partly-insulated roof has an U-value of 1.2 W/ ( m2K ) and the land floor towards the non-heated basement without insularity an U-value of 1.0 W/ ( m2K ) . The door ‘s U-value is 1.8 W/ ( m2K ) . Indoor temperature has been set to 21 & A ; deg ; C and overheating occurs when the temperature rises above 27 & A ; deg ; C. The internal additions which stem from a four individual family and mean family contraptions assumed to be up to 44 kWh/m2a i.e. 5 W/m2.EnergyAll the computations have been done for the location of Toronto, Ontario, 43 & A ; deg ; 40 ‘ N 79 & A ; deg ; 22 ‘ W. Toronto has summer temperature runing from 23 & A ; deg ; C to 31 & A ; deg ; C and winter temperature to lowest -22 & A ; deg ; C as minimal temperature of the twelvemonth. Natural gas is the most common energy beginning in Toronto for both warming and cookery since it is besides much cheaper than oil fuel and electricity. Therefore the warming system of the theoret ical account edifice has been defined as a distilling boiler, with both boiler and distribution being inside the thermic zone. The heat transportation occurs through with a system temperature of 70/55 & A ; deg ; C. These characteristics and the antecedently mentioned characteristics of the theoretical account constructing consequence in a heat energy demand of 639 kWh/m2a and a primary energy demand for natural gas of 763.9 kWh/m2a. The concluding energy demand of the family sums to 9616 m3/a of natural gas. As can be seen from the consequences in Figures 2 and 3, the theoretical account house right reflects the current state of affairs of old Torontonian edifices demoing a high heat energy demand of 639.4 kWh/m2a. Due to bad insularity which for illustration may allow the indoor temperatures drop down to below -15 & A ; deg ; C, the undermentioned building leads to 323 effectual warming yearss. Harmonizing to Figure 4, most heat is lost through walls ( 41 % ) , roof ( 20 % ) and windows ( 27 % ) , which are offering the biggest potency for a redevelopment that would take to energy nest eggs.Renovation OptionsAll redevelopment options were calculated utilizing informations for stuffs that can be easy available in Toronto.Standard OptionsIn the first option merely the Windowss were changed to duplicate glassy heat protected Windowss with U value equal to 1.0 W/m2 K, in the 2nd option the house walls get a better insularity, while the 3rd redevelopment option is a combination of the first two. The other belongingss of the edifice have non been changed. The elaborate computations can be viewed in Annex I. Technical information for building and edifice services are for a typical residential edifice ( see Table 1 ) . Detailed building informations were entered to the tool ‘s input interface. On the other manus, the inside informations for the selected edifice services constituents were provided by the interface to the computation faculty as default values. The instance has been taken for a residential edifice base instance which has nominal insularities and needs retrofits ( option 1 and option 2 ) .3 THE MethodFor the undermentioned survey of warming or chilling steady province conditions are assumed. Energy and affair are supplied into the system to do it work. Inputs and end products are the same, harmonizing to the Torahs of energy and mass preservation. The energy flow through the edifice envelope is changeless in clip under steady province conditions. In the instance of warming, heat transmittal occurs from the warm inside to the cold ambient environment, across the edifice envelope. This is accompanied by an increasing flow of entropy [ The information of a substance is a map of the temperature and force per unit area ] . A certain sum of information is generated by this procedure, due to irreversible procedures inside the edifice envelope. This generated information has to be discarded to the milieus, i.e. the out-of-door environment. It is of import to recognize that the energy fluxing out of the edifice envelope is non merely accompanied by a devastation of exergy, but besides by an increased flow of information. Disposition of generated information from a system allows room for feeding on exergy and devouring it once more. This procedure, which underlies every working procedure, can be described in the undermentioned four cardinal stairss. Heating and chilling systems are no exclusion here [ 11 ] : Table I: Four stairss of the exergy-entropy procedure.Feed on exergyConsume exergyGenerate informationDispose informationEducational Tool for Energy and Exergy analyses ofHeating and Cooling Applications in BuildingsTo increase the apprehension of exergy flows in edifices and to be able to happen possibilities for farther betterments in energy use in edifices, an analysis tool has been produced during on-going work for the IEA ECBCS Annex 37. Throughout the development, the purpose was to bring forth a â€Å" transparent †tool, easy to understand for the mark group of designers and edifice interior decorators, as a whole. The Microsoft excel tool is built up in different blocks of subsystems for all of import stairss in the energy concatenation ( see Figure 2 ) . All constituents, constructing building parts, and edifice services equipment have advanced input options. Heat losingss in the different constituents are regarded, every bit good as the needed subsidiary electricity for pumps and fans. The electricity demand for unreal lighting and for driving fans in the airing system is included. On the primary energy side, the inputs are differentiated between dodo and renewable beginnings. The computation is made under steady province conditions. This tool consequences are summarised on with diagrams every bit good as Numberss. All stairss of the energy concatenation – from the primary energy beginning, via the edifice, to the sink ( i.e. the ambient environment ) – are included in the analysis.5 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMINED CASEIn order to clear up the method for this analysis, a typical residential edifice has been taken as a instance survey. For this base instance theoretical account, a figure of fluctuations i n the edifice envelope design and in the edifice service equipment have been calculated. The base instance has been chosen so that the edifice criterions in North America could be met in general footings. The insularity criterion is moderate and the edifice service systems are representative of the edifice stock in Toronto. To heighten the apprehension of the exergy analysis method and to see the impacts of edifice design alterations on the consequence, fluctuations in the design have been calculated. For the base instance, a figure of different betterments and alterations in the system design have been analysed: Numeric illustrations are shown for the whole procedure of infinite warming, based on a system design and the sub-systems shown in Figure 2. Consequences of the analysis of the base instance are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. These figures, which indicate where losingss occur, are quantified by the sub-systems/components in Figure 4. In Figure 3, the system is fed with primary energy/exergy, shown on the left side of the diagram. Because of losingss and system irreversibility and inefficiencies in the heat and mass transportation processes in the constituents, energy, every bit good as exergy, dissipates to the environment. At the same clip, exergy is consumed in each constituent. When the flow of energy leaves the edifice through the edifice envelope there is still a singular sum of energy left over ( i.e. the amount of all edifice heat losingss ) , but the same is non true for exergy. At the ambient environment degree, energy has no potency of making work and all exergy has been consumed. The exergy flow on the far right side of the diagram is equal to nothing. This sort of diagram helps in groking the flow of exergy through edifice systems and enables farther optimizations in the overall system To accomplish betterments in the system design, it is compulsory to cognize where losingss and inefficiencies occur ( Fig 4 ) . Major losingss occur in both transmutation processes. This happens viz. in the primary energy transmutation, where a primary energy beginning is transformed into an end-energy beginning, such as LNG, and in the coevals, where the named end-energy beginning is transformed into heat by, for illustration, a boiler. The difference between an energy and an exergy analysis becomes clear when detecting the losingss in the coevals sub-system. The energy efficiency of this system is high, but the exergy ingestion within the boiler system is the largest of all regarded subsystems. When utilizing a burning procedure, devouring a batch of exergy is indispensable in the extraction of thermic exergy from the chemical exergy contained in LNG. As for the procedure in the coevals, the supply of energy is of a high quality factor, as it is for LNG, with 0.95. The nucleus inside the coevals is a burning procedure with fire temperatures of some thousand grades celsius, taking to the end product of the procedure being a heat bearer medium of about 80 & A ; deg ; C. Even at this point, the temperature degrees indicate a great loss. 6.1 Impact of betterments in the edifice envelope versus betterments in the service equipment ( Base case+ HVAC options ) Get downing with the base instance described above, betterments on the design have been made and calculated. As already shown, exergy ingestion within the heat coevals is the largest among all sub-systems. This is ineluctable when bring forthing heat for infinite warming through the usage of a burning procedure. Because of this, it may be considered that it is indispensable to better the efficiency of the boiler. Thus, an addition in boiler efficiency from? G = 0.8 to 0.95 has been reached with betterment ( see Table III ) . However, The lessening in exergy ingestion is fringy. To increase the exergy end product of the boiler, an addition of the mercantile establishment H2O temperature can be taken into consideration. This, nevertheless, consequences in the ingestion of more exergy within the undermentioned systems, from the storage to the emanation system. Besides, the exergy ingestion within the room air would be higher because the coveted room temperature is merely 21 & A ; deg ; C. These facts imply that an highly extremely efficient boiler entirely can non needfully do a important part to the decrease of exergy ingestion in the whole procedure of infinite warming. This can alter if the edifice envelope insularity is considered when realizinf the warming exergy burden of the room. This has been done with the improved insularity of the walls and the Windowss have been improved. The warming exergy burden, ( the exergy end product from the room air and the exergy input to the edifice envelope – 4 % of the chemical exergy input to the distilling boiler ) is considered. This decrease step could be regarded as fringy, or as holding a limited impact on the entire exergy ingestion of the system. But, as can be seen by the difference between the whole exergy ingestion profile of the base instance and the base instance with betterment ( 5 ) , in order to diminish the rate of entire exergy ingestion, it is more executable to cut down the warming exergy burden by put ining well-insulated exterior walls and glazings than to put in thermally, highly extremely, efficient boilers. 6.2 System flexibleness and the possible integrating of renewable beginnings into edifice systems The flexibleness in the use of different energy beginnings is of great imposrtance in sustainable edifice design along with possible usage of renewable beginnings, and besides flexibleness in fulfilling wide fluctuations from the demand side. Using exergy analyses could assist to quantify the grade of system flexibleness. As already stated, a decrease in the exergy burden of the room is of import. However, it is every bit of import to see how to fulfill the staying demand. This is done in the analysis shown in Figure 7. Three system solutions have been chosen to fulfill the heat demand for the same room. The base instance represents a high temperature distilling boiler and high temperature radiators. The betterments represents a system where a heat pump supplies a low temperature floor warming system along with betterment options as in table III. The options satisfy the same heat demand, but with wholly different exergy demands as can be seen from Exe. Thirgy /energs difference can non be clearly shown in an energy analysis, see annex II for exergy/energy graphs generated from excel tool.5. DecisionsThe consequences of the exergy analysis suggest that long-run additions in the sustainability of edifices can be achieved merely by cut downing the energy demand for electrical contraptions well and by either bettering the efficiency of the electricity production procedure or using sustainable electricity coevals based on Sun or air current. The decrease of the lighting demand is possible by planing edif ices that make maximum usage of twenty-four hours illuming and by developing efficient lighting. The energy demand for contraptions, such as computing machines and telecastings, should besides be decreased well. The betterment of the exergetic efficiency of warming and chilling systems by using low-temperature warming and high-temperature chilling will besides hold positive effects on sustainability, but farther decreases in the warming and chilling demand through the application of inactive edifice natural philosophies steps will hold more long-run effects. As set out in this paper, the energy preservation construct entirely is non plenty to derive full apprehension of all the of import facets of energy use procedures. From this facet, the method of exergy analyses facilitates clearer understanding and improved design of energy flows in edifices. The trial method allows for the possibility of taking energy beginnings harmonizing to the quality needed for a certain application. One of these options is energy cascading, where the flow of energy is used several times, despite a quality lessening in each measure. From this general statement, a figure of decisions can be drawn from the instances analysed. The undermentioned design guidelines for constructing interior decorators can be extracted from the recommendations:Reducing the tonss on edifice service equipment is an efficient and compulsory measure towards good, exergy-saving design, as shown by the analyses in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Using inactive agencies – like good insularity criterions, tight edifice envelopes and inactive additions ( solar or internal ) – is an first-class starting point for optimised design. All steps offered by modern constructing natural philosophies in this field are extremely efficient in this procedure and by and large accepted. In a 2nd measure, edifice services contraptions should be taken into consideration. Use of these contraptions should be kept to a lower limit and be restricted to instances in which inactive agencies are deficient. This determination depends on the edifice proprietor â⠂¬Ëœs penchants and on the criterions or bounds considered acceptable for indoor environments. Related jobs ( such as overheating or increased chilling demands due to inordinate solar additions, for case ) must besides be taken into history. Even in the instance of chilling, which has non been particularly addressed in this paper, the decrease of tonss by e.g. efficient solar shadings is compulsory.Flexibility in system constellations is of import for future â€Å" more sustainable †edifices. Exergy analysis can assist in quantifying the grade of flexibleness in a system design. Low exergy tonss from the enclosed infinites and from emanation, distribution and storage systems enable an unfastened constellation of the coevals and the possible supply of the edifice, using a figure of different energy beginnings, see ( Schmidt 2004 ) for a more elaborate analysis. Here, the possibility of incorporating all sorts of renewable beginnings of heat and imperturbability should be kept in head. All renewable beginnings are utilised more expeditiously at low temperature degrees. In the instance of warming, this is true for thermic solar power, generated by simple flat-plate aggregators or solar walls, for case. If these beginnings are expeditiously used to cover the heating-energy demand of a edifice, the full service system will run with reduced sums of environmental tonss, such as CO2 emanations andother nursery gases. High exergy beginnings like electrical power should be left to particular contraptions that require a high exergy content, such as unreal lighting, computing machines and machines. These beginnings should non be used for heating intents. Even though some advantages ( like low installing costs for direct electrical warming ) may look good, exergy analysis proves the antonym. High primary energy transmutation factors in a batch of states can explicate the same fact, through an energy analysis. If high exergy beginnings are to be used however, effici ent procedures are needed, for illustration warming with heat pumps in combination with low-temperature emanation systems ( Schmidt 2004 ) .  · Other systems that will cut down exergy tonss in simple constituents are good, excessively. The integrating of a mechanical airing system ( sooner a balanced airing system with heat recovery in the air-handling unit ) will cut down the exergy ingestion, equal to steps like those specified in higher insularity criterions. Storing heat during summertime, and using these additions when they are needed in wintertime, might be another possibility. Most of these steps imply larger investing costs, hence they are non ever applicable. Most of the effects due to these extra steps to increase energy efficiency can besides be shown by the energy attack.It is already possible to construct a â€Å" low-exergy house †utilizing today ‘s engineering, as the presented illustrations of presentation edifice undertakings show. Careful planning a nd good design of all systems are compulsory in accomplishing this end, since some of the methods implemented are non yet mundane edifice pattern. More accent should be placed on the importance of exergy and on forestalling its devastation in the energy use processes in our places and working topographic points. In the same sense, communities could restrict the exergy ingestion of edifices and stipulate demands for low-exergy edifices, by analogy with bounds for primary energy usage that already exist. The proposed analysis method offers the background for making this.Exergy effecicncy by utilizing inactive systemsShukya has described the general features of six inactive systems from the point of view of exergy-entropy procedure ( see ( Shukuya, 1998 ) and ( Shukuya, 2000 ) ) . The rational passive ( bio-climatic ) design would be prerequisite to recognize low-exergy systems for warming and chilling. Daylighting: this is to devour solar exergy for indoor light. Exergy ingestion occurs as solar exergy is absorbed by the interior surfaces of edifice envelopes. â€Å" Warm †exergy is produced as a consequence of solar exergy ingestion for illuming ; this may be consumed for infinite warming ( Asada and Shukuya, 1999 ) . The information generated in the class of solar exergy ingestion for illuming must be discarded into the ambiance by airing chilling or mechanical chilling, hopefully by a low-exergy system for chilling. Passive warming: this is to command the rate of solar exergy ingestion during daylight and dark by organizing the built-environmental infinite with the appropriate stuffs that have low thermic conduction and high thermal-exergy storage capacity. It is besides to devour, during nighttime, the thermic exergy produced during daylight. Most of the information generated is discarded spontaneously through the edifice envelopes into the ambiance ( Shukuya and Komuro, 1996 ) . Shadowing: this is to allow the extra solar exergy, viz. the remainder of exergy necessary for daylighting, be consumed before it enters the reinforced environment. It is besides to cut down the information generated within the reinforced environment so that mechanical equipment for chilling is required to devour less exergy to take the information generated within the reinforced environment. Exterior shadowing devices are really much attractive in this respect, since the information generated at the devices is efficaciously discarded into the ambiance by convection ( Asada and Shukuya, 1999 ) . Ventilation chilling: ( Free chilling ) this is to devour kinetic exergy of atmospheric air, which is produced by the exergy-entropy procedure of the planetary environmental system described subsequently ( Shukuya and Komuro,1996 ) , for taking the information generated within the reinforced environment, such as the information discarded from the organic structure surface of the residents and that from the lighting fixtures, electric contraptions and others, into the near-ground ambiance. Water crop-dusting: this is to devour the â€Å" moisture †exergy contained by liquid H2O, which is really big compared to thermal exergy, viz. â€Å" warm †or â€Å" cool †exergy, to diminish the â€Å" warm †exergy produced by solar exergy ingestion and perchance to bring forth â€Å" cool †exergy ( See ( Nishikawa and Shukuya, 1999 ) , and ( Saito and Shukuya, 1998 ) ) . Roof spraying and uchimizu, which is to disperse rainwater on the route surface, are besides due to this procedure. The ingestion of â€Å" wet †exergy to bring forth â€Å" cool †exergy or to diminish â€Å" warm †exergy play a really of import function in photosynthetic system of foliages ( Saito and Shukuya, 1998 ) and the temperature-regulating system of human organic structure ( Saito and Shukuya, 2000 ) . Composting: this is to allow micro organisms consume actively a big sum of exergy contained by refuse and therefore turn it into fertiliser. The â€Å" warm †exergy produced as a consequence of micro-organisms devouring chemical exergy can be rationally consumed for keeping the temperature inside the container at a coveted degree. This is realized by doing the walls of a container thermally good insulated ( Takahashi and Shukuya, 1998 ) . The information generated in the procedure of composting is discarded into the surrounding of the container and eventually into the near-ground ambiance. With the position of inactive ( bio-climatic ) design as exergy-entropy procedure, inactive design is to plan a path in which the exergy available from our immediate milieus is rationally consumed and the generated information is rationally discarded into the ambiance. Again, low-exergy systems for warming and chilling would be such systems consistent with inactive design described above. [ 3 ] DIN 4701-10. 2001. Energy Efficiency of Heating and Ventilation Systems in Buildings – Part 10: Heating, Domestic hot Water, Ventilation. German national criterion. German capital: Deutsches Institut f & A ; uuml ; R Normung e.V. [ 11 ] Shukuya, M. 1998. Bioclimatic design as rational design of exergy-entropy procedure. Proceedings of PLEA '98, pp. 321-324.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
ADR Clause for Learning Team Charter Essay
Our world is constantly moving, changing, evolving. We are all sorrowed by exceptional situations that impact our decisions. Those decisions will conduct to maybe bigger or smaller scenarios, but what is the right route to take? That is the real question. Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) is any method of resolving disputes other than by litigation. Public courts may be asked to review the validity of ADR methods, but they will rarely overturn ADR decisions and awards if the disputing parties formed a valid contract to abide by them. The two major forms of ADR are arbitration and mediation; but we can also mention others such as settlement conferences, neutral evaluation. Throughout our work we will demonstrate and develop an ADR clause that will help to increase our knowledge in this topic. Various Forms of ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution can be defined as â€Å"any method of resolving disputes other than by litigation†(â€Å"Alternative Dispute Resolution†, 2007). ADRs include early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Early neutral evaluation (ENE) is a confidential method designed for fast resolution of cases. ENE is most commonly used when a party wants to resolve an issue fast, and is popular when minor disagreements occur. ENE is not a common type of ADR as it is generally used in cases that don’t require a lot of litigation. Generally, parties involved in ENE do not take the time to discuss their side of the argument, they just want the issue resolved quickly. A second form of ADR that is commonly used is negotiation. Negotiation is the give-and-take in a discussion or conference in an attempt to reach an agreement or settle a dispute. Negotiation is a great tactic to use to resolve a disagreement because both parties a gree to settle their dispute with changes to appease both parties. One of the most popular choices of ADR in a learning team is arbitration. Arbitration occurs when each side decides on one arbitrator, the arbitrator then listens to both sides of the case and settles on one side. Arbitration is a popular choice in a learning team as the arbitrator is a third party that is not involved in the case. The arbitrator listens to both sides of the disagreement and chooses which party to side with. Another popular choice amongst learning teams is mediation. Mediation occurs when an outsider is brought in and attempts to work out a settlement or agreement between the two parties. The mediator plays a strong role in resolving disputes between two parties. The mediator brings outside information that can attempt to help both parties come to a resolution. Bringing in a third party can help to break things down to see both sides of the argument. Both team members can be heard and the mediator can assist in resolving the conflict. Bringing in an individual that is not part of the problem can help to clear things up for both parties. Learning Team Clause The Alternative Dispute Resolution Clause for ETH/321 Leaning Team A are that all participating in the learning team and abiding by the goals set by the Team Charter will seek to resolve any dispute that results due to following the accordance’s set by the Team Charter will follow through with procedures as noted as the sole purpose of dispute resolution among team members. The team members should first, make an attempt in all good faith to resolve any conflicts that arises between any team members personally while abiding to the agreed upon Team Charter as quickly and respectively as possible, and at least within 24 hours of an attempt to resolution between the team members is not reached, an attempt through negotiation with the team leader and the team members to reach a compromise between the parties will proceed. If anyone of the participating team members decide not to participate in the negotiation the reluctant party loses their position and the dispute is resolved. If through negotiation within 24 hours a resolution is not reached in the dispute, then the team members shall participate in a mediation with the team leader and the instructor. Should any member refuse to participate in the mediation that member’s action results in a lost position, and the dispute is then resolved. Mediation should not exceed one day. The team leader through directives from the instructor will facilitate the mediation in an attempt to resolve the dispute. Throughout the mediation each team member will be able to state their position and provide any supporting information on their behalf. After each team member has presented their supporting information in regards to the dispute, the instructor will rule on the dispute with the team leader serving as facilitator and witness. The instructor’s ruling is final and shall result in resolution of the dispute. Provisions for ADR to Function Properly There will be certain provisions and information necessary to enable the ADR in our clause. When a dispute arises, you do not always want to just jump straight into using the ADR. There are certain situations where the ADR might not even be necessary. Before the ADR is used, the two parties in the dispute will attempt to negotiate the dispute between themselves. Then they should decide if they can settle the dispute on their own or if they need to proceed with mediation. When it has been decided that mediation is necessary, the two parties will then have to decide on a mediator. Once a mediator has been decided, there are some preparations you should take. says that you should â€Å"create a case roadmap†. Basically, you want to use this time to figure out what the dispute really is and what your side of the issue is. Ask yourself what you intend to get out of the situation. It would be good to begin preparing what you would say and how you would handle the dispute with a mediator present. For every negative issue you come across, you should always attempt to find a positive resolution. Once you have all this information and you feel ready, then the mediation process can begin. Conclusion Mediation, as discussed by Learning Team A, is the best form of ADR to settle disputes in a learning team. The help from an outsider can help both sides of the disagreement to see what each party is saying, and the mediator can provide assistance in resolving the conflict. Learning teams come with struggles to overcome as we are all a diverse group of individuals. Disagreements will come about, and using mediation to resolve those disagreements will help the learning team to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. References First Mediation | Jeffrey Krivis | Mariam Zadeh  » Blog Archive  » 10 Steps In Preparing For a Mediation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from Alternative Dispute Resolution. (2007). Retrieved from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Mathematics Research Paper Guide for Your Smooth Writing Experience
Mathematics Research Paper Guide for Your Smooth Writing Experience A Mathematics research paper is a qualitative work of scientific content that should correspond to the current level of the science development and the needs of the national economy, while its theme should be relevant. A research paper is the first step in research, scientific, and pedagogical activity leading to the graduate studies and preparation of a Ph.D. thesis. It is not yet an academic degree, but a level of academic training which indicates that the high school graduate possesses the skills and qualities inherent to a novice scientist. The writing of a research paper should be not only a solution to scientific problems but also an indication that its author studied a scientific problem independently and can recognize the professional issues and comprehend the general methods of its resolution. When conducting the research, the student demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Regarding special training, it is intended to show how the student mastered a set of disciplines curriculum. At the same time, the correspondence of the received education with the professional qualification characteristics and the specialty is revealed when the undergraduate writes the mathematics research paper. Some Preparation Tips for Research Paper Writing in Mathematics: Our Writers Practice Advise The preparation of a mathematics research paper involves solving the following tasks: Systematization, consolidation, and expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge obtained from the disciplines of technical direction and application of this knowledge in solving some specific scientific and production tasks; Conducting bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies; The ability to critically evaluate and generalize theoretical positions; The ability to use legislative, normative, and instructional materials, and to critically understand the data of literary sources and documents of practice on the chosen topic; The ability to systematize and generalize the data of statistical collections and materials of business entities; The development of the author’s proposals for the improvement of the phenomenon or process; The development of the skills necessary for the independent work; improvement of skills in applying scientific knowledge methods to solve problems given to present in the research paper; Developing the skills of a public discussion, defending the personal scientific ideas, proposals, and recommendations; The presentation of the research results. The mathematics research paper is characterized by an in-depth theoretical study of the problem, the presence of scientific originality, and the practical significance of the study. Depending on the nature of the research conducted, the subject of mathematics research papers can be worded as follows: The presence of an integrated theoretical approach regarding the study of the research object; student develops the methods of solving the problem associated with the subject of research; For the topics of practical orientation, scientific originality is determined by the results of the study obtained for the first time or as the development of previously formed experimental approaches. The elements of originality that might be presented in the mathematics research paper include the following: The research object that is little investigated or isn’t investigated at all; The new production of known problems or tasks; The original usage of solutions or methods; The new application of a known solution or method; The original conclusions from the well-known theory in the new conditions; The new experimental results and their consequences; The new or improved criteria, indicators, and their justification; The development of original models of processes and phenomena; the data obtained from their use. The Right Choice of a Topic for a Research Paper in Mathematics The topic for a mathematics research paper should reflect the specifics of the curriculum and correspond to the direction of research. There is also an option to work on the related topics. Good Topics Examples for Your Math Research Paper: Economic-Mathematical Modeling in the Management of Enterprises in the Recreational Sphere; Modeling and Analyzing Adaptive and Rational Expectations at Different Levels of Management; Mathematical Methods and Models of Economic Development Analysis on the Macro-Economical Level; Modeling and Analyzing The Adaptive and Rational Expectations on Different Levels of Management.; 10 Mathematical Methods and Models of Analysis of the Processes in the Enterprise’s Innovative Development. Bad Topics Examples for Your Research Paper in Math: The History of Mathematics as a Science; Mathematical Modeling as a Way to the Innovative Future; The Mathematical Prognosis as an Inseparable Component of the IT Sphere; 7 Famous Mathematical Investigators; The Impact of Mathematical Algorithms on Human’s Life. Bad topics are considered to be too broad or too frequently explored. Look at the list and decide if it will be interesting for you to read a research paper on those topics. Build on this point choose only that topic that is of interest for you as a researcher. The Literature to Use in a Mathematics Research Paper The selection of literature should begin immediately after selecting the topic of work. Textbooks, manuals, monographs, periodicals, legislative acts, collections of scientific articles and conference materials, databases, and reports from official Internet sites can serve as sources of information to write the mathematics research paper. When analyzing data, the student must follow the following recommendations: First of all, the literature should be considered to reveal the theoretical aspects of the subject under the study. The list includes monographs, textbooks, magazine articles, and the instructional materials; When studying the literature, there is no need to seek to master all the information, but only select the one that has a direct bearing on the topic of the work; the criterion for evaluating the read is the possibility of its practical use in the work; It should be guided by the latest data on the problem, relying on the most authoritative sources, including professional periodicals; Specify precisely where materials are taken from; The quotations are used to distribute the opinion of the author of the source without distortion and to identify the views when comparing different ideas. However, the number of quotes should be optimal and determined by the needs for the development of the topic. Their large number can be perceived as an expression of the weakness of its author’s position. The material of mathematics research paper should be presented in a dense, holistic, and logical sequence, with the observance of linguistic rules. Some Examples of Scholarly Sources to Apply: Schwartz, Judah L. â€Å"Can technology help us make the mathematics curriculum intellectually stimulating and socially responsible?.†International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 4.2-3 (1999): 99-119. Piggott, Jennifer. â€Å"Mathematics enrichment: What is it and who is it for?. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Vol. 1. 2004. Rihan, Fathalla A., and Bassel F. Rihan. â€Å"Numerical modelling of biological systems with memory using delay differential equations.†Applied Mathematics Information Sciences 9.3 (2015): 1645. Ho, Kwok-Pun. â€Å"Hardy-Littlewood-Pà ³lya inequalities and Hausdorff operators on block spaces.†Math. Inequal. Appl 19 (2016): 697-707. Yanisko, Emily Joy. â€Å"Negotiating perceptions of tracked students: Novice teachers facilitating high-quality mathematics instruction.†Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 9.2 (2016). Start Writing Your Research Paper in Math Force into Action: Introduction The introduction reveals the essence of the problem, the elements of scientific novelty, the relevance of the topic, the necessity of its research, the source data for the development of the subject, the purpose, the object, the methods of research, and the practical value of the mathematical research. The names of scientists and practitioners whose works include the issues under consideration and the chosen research methods are mentioned briefly. It is advisable to construct an entry with the coverage of the following elements: The urgency of the topic is determined by a critical analysis and comparison with the known approaches for solving this problem, justification of the importance of work for the development of a particular industry; The purpose of the study is to predict the results and determine the optimal ways to solve problems in the selection of the research methods; The objectives of the study are identified by the goal and detailed ways to solve the problem. The subject of research is a process that is studied within the object of investigation; The object of research is a process or phenomenon that generates a problematic situation and examines the subject of research in all its interrelations; Research methods are a way of gaining reliable scientific knowledge and practical skills in different spheres of activity; Information about the use of information technologies, standard, and author’s software (as a rule, the author indicates that a set of tasks for the automation of analytical and predictive calculations on the PC has been developed using MS Excel); On the Way to Start: Main Body The bulk of the work consists of sections and divisions (if necessary items). The main text of each section is preceded by a brief description of the chosen direction and the justification of the research methods used in this section. At the end of each section, it is recommended to formulate conclusions with a brief statement of the scientific and practical results presented therein. Each section begins with a new page. The first section of mathematics research paper should be of a theoretical nature and contain several paragraphs. The section covers the analytical substantiation of the problem being studied, examines its essence, significance, classification characteristics, history, current trends of the subject of research, and methodological approaches. The disclosure of theoretical issues should have the elements of scientific originality with the formation of their position on the research issues, contain the author’s suggestions on improving the definitions of individ ual terms, supplementing the classifications, and clarifying the methods. Content Structure and Illustrations It is advisable to illustrate text with the graphic materials charts and graphs. It is also recommended to use the modern literary sources devoted to the problems studied in work: monographs, scientific articles, conferences materials, and Internet publications. It is obligatory to compare the points of view of representatives from various mathematical schools. The same is about the use of statistical data with a mandatory reference to the sources. The volume of the first section should not exceed 30% of the total size of the mathematics research paper. Its second section has an analytical and researching character and consists from two to three points. All calculations, tables, graphs, and charts in the mathematics research paper accompany the interpretations and conclusions that allow to determine the nature and the state of the phenomena and processes under investigation, to disclose their peculiarities and trends of development, and to create a basis for identifying the unused r eserves for the improvement of the research. If possible, the text is illustrated with the real documents (placed in applications and accompanied by a brief commentary). The sources of information are the planned and actual performance indicators, statistical, financial, tax, and management reporting, orders, primary informational materials regarding the individual business processes, observations, surveys, and other methods of collecting the primary information. It is mandatory to use modern information technology during completion of the mathematics research paper and apply the software for the mathematical calculations. In the case of the use of standard application software, the student reveals the features of its application, necessary revisions, and settings, especially the preparation of input data and interpretation of output results. A general concept should be given in the case of the development of the author’s software for mathematical operations. The information and methodological support are also to be prov ided together with the description of the algorithms and circuits of the computational process, the form of the source documents (tables, diagrams, graphs), and the requirements for the use of the established software. In the third design and advisory section of the mathematics research paper it is necessary to put forward proposals on the prospects for the development and improvement of the selected research object (as a whole or its separate structural units) basing it on the principal theoretical positions, methodological approaches, and tools set forth in the first section. The results of the analysis carried out in the second section of the paper should also be taken into account. Such proposals should be reasonable and based on the relevant forecast calculations. The student could indicate which economic and mathematical methods, models, and software tools are used or will be appropriate in the future. It is advisable to cite the results of questionnaires conducted among other students and the results of the expert assessments organized by the student-author. The volume of the third section is 30-35% of the total size of work. Some Points on the Research Conclusion In the conclusions, the student needs to outline the results of the research on the mathematical subject, to indicate the obtained scientific and practical novelties, and to give recommendations for their experimental and efficient use. In this part of the mathematics research paper, the writers present their suggestions for solving the problem issues of the relevant research object. The conclusions should be based on the materials of the paper’s central part. The presentation of the content of each issue in the mathematics research paper should be demonstrative, explanatory, and scientifically substantiated. The theoretical positions should be based on the real and precise materials with the typical examples. The Final Countdown: Appendixes Appendixes to the mathematics research paper must contain informational materials that are the basis of analytical research on the chosen topic and appear on the latest pages. It is also advisable to provide the supplementary material necessary for the fullness of the paper. It includes: The real accounting and management documents related to the research object and statistics; Some intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas, and calculations; Some tables of auxiliary digital data; instructions and techniques (full or extracts from them); The description of algorithms and programs for solving the problems on PC developed in the course of completion of a mathematics research paper; Some illustrations of auxiliary character. Make final touches in your research paper and submit it with confidence, â€Å"I am submitting a good research paper in Mathematics. Pythagor would appreciate my work†. If you follow all the maths research paper writing tips from this guide, your instructor will surely be proud of you. Arm yourself with patience and impress everyone with your research paper in Mathematics.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Perkins Loan Forgiveness How Does it Work
Perkins Loan Forgiveness How Does it Work SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When you take out a loan, the expectation is that you'll pay back all the money you've borrowed (plus interest, of course). It usually takes pretty catastrophic circumstances for a federal student loan to be canceled, like your school shutting down before you can get your degree. The Perkins loan program is different, in a good way - it offers loan forgiveness/cancellation in a wide variety of other, happier circumstances. In an effort to encourage graduates to pursue certain public service careers, the loan program offers loan forgiveness, or cancellation, to borrowers in certain professions. If you have a Perkins loan and enter one of the fields I outline below, you could have up to 100% of your loan canceled. Read on to learn more about cancellation eligibility the loan cancellation process! How Does Perkins Loan Cancellation Work? If you decide you'd like to work in public service after you graduate from college, you can apply to get your Perkins loans canceled at a specific rate on an annual basis. The exact public service jobs eligible for cancellation will be discussed in the next section. If you work at a particular job for a long enough period, you could get up to 100% of your loans canceled. The chart below outlines the annual rates of loan cancellation for almost all eligible borrowers; you'll notice that 5 years of working = 100% loan cancellation. You'll note in the next section, however, that not all professions qualify borrowers for 5 full years of loan cancellation rates. Annual cancellation rates for VISTA/Peace Corps volunteers are slightly different: 15% for the first and second years, and 20% for the third and fourth years, for a total of 70% maximum cancellation. Year Worked % of Loan Canceled First Year 15 Second Year 15 Third Year 20 Fourth Year 20 Fifth Year 30 If you're working at a job that would qualify you for loan forgiveness, your school should defer your loans. This means that interest won't accrue and you won't have to make monthly payments before your loan undergoes cancellation. Then, if you apply for loan cancellation and are approved, your loans will be forgiven at the rates described above. All in all, it's pretty simple! Eligibility: When Do You Qualify for Forgiveness? There are many different professions and career paths that qualify for Perkins loan cancellation. Although you may not know exactly what you want to do when you graduate, you might have an idea of what jobs might (or might not) be congruent with your professional goals and interests. Hopefully, the following information will help you decide whether it's right for you to pursue a cancellation-eligible path. The following chart outlines all post-graduation jobs you could take in order to qualify for loan cancellation. Most are eligible for 100% cancellation, if you work at that job long enough (refer to the chart I posted in the previous section for annual rates of cancellation). The best thing to do if you have any questions about this chart would be to contact your school's loan office or loan servicer. Cancellation Condition Amount Forgiven Borrower’s total and permanent disability or death 100% Bankruptcy (rare; bankruptcy court would have to rule that repayment is an undue hardship) 100% Closed school (before student could complete program of study) 100% Service in the US armed forces in a hostile fire or imminent danger pay area Up to 50% if service ended before 8/14/2008 Up to 100% if service began on or after 8/14/2008 Full-time firefighter* Up to 100% Full-time law enforcement or corrections officer Up to 100% Full-time nurse or medical technician Up to 100% VISTA or Peace Corps Volunteer Up to 70% Librarian with a master’s degree working in a Title-I eligible elementary or secondary school or in a public library setting serving Title-I eligible schools* Up to 100% Full-time attorney employed in a federal public or community defender organization* Up to 100% Full-time employee of a public or nonprofit child- or family-services agency providing services to high-risk children and their families from low-income communities Up to 100% Full-time staff member in the education component of a Head Start program Up to 100% Full-time staff member in a pre-k or child care program that is licensed or regulated by a state* Up to 100% Full-time qualified professional provider of early intervention services for the disabled Up to 100% Full-time speech pathologist with a master’s degree working in a Title-I eligible elementary school or secondary school* Up to 100% Full-time special education teacher of children with disabilities in a public or other nonprofit elementary or secondary school Up to 100% Full-time teacher of math, science, foreign languages, bilingual education, or other fields designated as teacher shortage areas Up to 100% Full-time special education teacher of children with disabilities in an educational service agency* Up to 100% Full-time teacher in a designated educational service agency serving students from low-income families* Up to 100% Full-time faculty member at a tribal college or university* Up to 100% *For service that includes 8/14/2008, or began on or after that date. How Do You Apply for Perkins Loan Forgiveness? Have you gone through the above chart, and come to the conclusion that you may be eligible for Perkins loan cancellation at some point? That's great news! The process through which you actually apply for loan cancellation is pretty simple, but it requires you maintain a good channel of communication with your school. Perkins loans may be government-backed, but your Perkins loan lender will actually be your school, not the federal government. If you want to get your loan forgiven, and you think you're eligible based on the eligibility circumstances described above, you have to apply for cancellation with your school. You should get annual forms for loan cancellation from the school where your Perkins loan was received; check in with your school's student loan or financial aid office about when and how to get these forms. After you graduate, you should contact your school at the beginning and end of each year to notify them about where, and in what subject area, you are working. This is important because you don't want to end up with any unpleasant surprises; if you thought you were working a job that you believed would qualify you for loan forgiveness, but didn't check in to confirm with your lender, you might find that you don't actually qualify. If you take away one piece of advice from this section, it's that you should actively communicate with your school about how and when you can arrange Perkins loan cancellation. As with most things in life, open communication with your school is the best policy when it comes to arranging for loan cancellation. How to Make the Most of Your Perkins Loans Perkins loans come with a lot of built-in perks, which obviously include options for cancellation. Even if you're not sure whether you'll pursue a cancellation-eligible career in public service, you can still take steps to make the most of your Perkins loans. They don't accrue interest while you're in school, and the 5% interest rate is competitive (especially when compared to many private loans, with interest rates closer to 10%). In order to take advantage of the Perkins loan program, you just need to think ahead! Here are some tips and strategies to help you do just that. By your senior year, ask yourself whether it's likely that you'll end up working a cancellation-eligible job. If you think you'll hold any of the positions described in the big chart above within the next 8-10 years, consider how long you'd be willing to work in that position to get part or all of your loans canceled. Estimate how much Perkins loan debt you'll actually graduate with. If you'll graduate with a larger amount of Perkins loan debt, it might be a financially savvy option to seek out a cancellation-eligible position, even if you only cancel 15-30%. If your Perkins loan debt is relatively small, and you're not interested in a public service job or career, it might not be worth it to you to work a cancellation-eligible job post-graduation. Are you already on track to become a teacher, librarian, health care professional, or attorney? Even if your long-term career goals don’t involve working in a non-profit or public agency, starting off in a loan cancellation-eligible position could save you a lot of money in the long run (depending on your debt and, of course, professional interests and aspirations). Don't consolidate your Perkins loans. If you think you might qualify someday for loan cancellation, don't consolidate your Perkins loans - you'll lose loan cancellation options. If you're fairly certain you won't ever qualify for cancellation, and you can consolidate at a better interest rate, it might be a good financial move. Is working in public service a good fit for your long-term goals, both professional and financial? It's important to weight the pros and cons. What's Next? Perkins loan cancellation sounds pretty great, right? Learn more about Perkins loans and how to get one here. Even if you don't qualify for a Perkins loan, there are other federal student aid programs that could help you pay for school. Check out our guides on Pell Grants, Direct Unsubsidized loans, and Direct Subsidized loans. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
PAPER WRITING SERVICE Paper writing service has become extremely popular as a large number of people is coming back to school in order to receive their degree and have better lives they want. The paper writing service if created in order to help all people who are short of time or not being able to write the assignments they are being given at school. The writers who work at out paper writing service do have over 5-7 years of experience and this is pretty important to all of us. College paper writing may at times be very demanding as the writing assignments are constantly growing. Paper writing services are available to you 24/7. If there any questions, ask customer service to address them and the representative will be able to help you at once. Another important factor is the time. It means that not all people do have enough time for paper writing as there are other important responsibilities like having families and jobs. When you don’t have enough time to finish up your paper, you can ask for additional help from qualified paper writing services and they will be able to do a good job for you.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Concept of Personal Selling Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Concept of Personal Selling - Assignment Example This aspect of selling scenario is perceived to be the most difficult, but very important in healthcare marketing. This aspect becomes more important with international sales representatives developing new businesses for their clinics as well as competing for well paying patients. Therefore, new business selling is much important as it enables clinics to receive more income from more paying clienteles. Trade selling is concerned with gaining support of the intermediaries about the products of the company. Mostly, the sales force normally makes calls to the retailers or the wholesalers about the company products. This is normally to attract more business through requesting for referral physicians. This is to ensure that high quality health care services are offered by highly qualified physicians. The missionary task on this setup is to sustain the business from the existing customers. It is normally rated the least risky method to attain high return levels on investments, hence preferably by many companies. Many companies use missionary selling and regard it as their primary activity in the company (Neil, 2012). Healthcare marketing is taking a new focus through e-detailing for instance; there is the use of e-detailing in pharmaceutical products. Pharmaceutical products can be done by doctors to medical representatives and this action is believed to fetch the largest return on marketing investments by many pharmaceutical companies all over the world. However, the pharmaceutical players across the world are experiencing that the cost to product detailing by the medical representatives are do not actually payback to favorable returns in terms of the financial results involved.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Importance of Translation Experience for Applying to the Position Essay
The Importance of Translation Experience for Applying to the Position of Staff Translator - Essay Example To make such texts I am creative, it means that I can recreate the text to make it understandable for TA. I have an eye for details, so all even small details will be preserved during the translation. I do not mean every language units, some of them translator can omit; because, the sense presents the greatest importance. I am adaptable, therefore I can easily switch the language from one to another. It means that consequent or even simultaneous translation would not be the problem for me. All skills which I have now, I acquired during my education and practice. It means that I aware of the main skills relevant to the position of translator. Though I have no much experience of actually working with languages, I can say that during our practical assignments, translations were carried out clearly and understandable. Moreover, theoretical knowledge means much considering working with languages. Speaking about my personal skills I can underline management skills which allow me to lead a team of translators to bring more effective results and produce translated texts even quicker. Even in the position which supposes independent work, good management skills will be very useful to direct the team to good execution of projects. Management skills also refer to my ability to drive myself to the set aim. One more effective skill that belongs to the personal skills is an ability to maintain good communication. It is useful considering communication with a customer, communication with teammates and at last with an audience, to whom the translation is made. Such skills are inevitable, due to the nature of the profession. All translation is based on the maintaining of communication between two or more people. Therefore, it is good to have such skills considering translation. There are many issues need to be solved during the translation activity and translator should be able to deal with them. Therefore one more effective skill is good problem-solving. Â
Collaboration and Innovation at Proctor and Gamble Case Study
Collaboration and Innovation at Proctor and Gamble - Case Study Example One of the collaborative tools that the company uses is information systems and software. Web 2.0 has been an effective social networking and collaborative tool. The firm also used unified communications, Microsoft Live Server Functionality, web conferencing with live meetings, content management and SharePoint. Two additional collaborative tools were instant messaging and Microsoft Outlook. The benefits of these tools include the ability of the workers to communicate better. The size of the company has influenced the collaborative capabilities of the company. Tools such as emails which typically work effectively to collaborate are not that effective at P&G because the company is so large and has so many employees. The employees at P&G consider newer collaborative tools more work on top of emails. In the past researchers used to write up their experiments using Microsoft Office applications, then they would print them out and glue them together page by page into notebooks. The company today uses a customized version of Microsoft tools that allows instant communication between employees. The company also created virtual databases that allowed researchers the ability to communicate with each other in a more efficient manner. Information could now be shared among the researchers. Telepresence has been very effective at Procter & Gamble due to the fact that the company has a global operation. These tools allow researchers, marketers, and managers to keep the lines of communication open. A tool that the company should use to improve its communication is Skype. Skype allows employees to achieve two way video and audio. A second tool that could enhance collaboration is to create a cellular phone application that allows the employees to upload information into a server that the employees can access
QDB SME Toolkit GAP Analysis Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
QDB SME Toolkit GAP Analysis Report - Assignment Example However, the document does not deal with the solution of the gaps that are identified in the document. Today, each and every decision from starting a new business to deciding future or improving an existing business is based on availability, accuracy and quality of information. Keeping in view an importance of information the Qatar Development Bank (QDB) developed a toolkit to facilitate the entrepreneurs for starting a new business or to improve an existing business. QDB is a Government entity having responsibility of supporting and developing local Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in Qatar. QDB designed and developed SMEs toolkit that is an online counseling service to serve the desires and requirements of Qatari private sector. It is particularly intended to assist an entrepreneur for establishing a new successful small or medium enterprise. It provides an entrepreneur online guidance and information regarding step-by-step business planning, requirements for opening a particular business and checklists. Currently, the QDB toolkit provides information of ten (10) busines s categories that includes Accounting and Finance, Business Planning, Human Resources, International Business, Legal and Insurance, Marketing and Sales, Operations, Technologies, Woman-Owned Businesses and Market Overview. Particularly, the purpose of producing this document is to provide information regarding the existing services currently provided by QDB for the SMEs through the toolkit, The objectives of Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQATAT) for development of the toolkit, the facilities that are being provided to the entrepreneurs, suggestions for improvement through a thorough GAP analysis along with prevailing best practices for such toolkits. The document compares the performance and usage of the currently designed and developed QDB toolkit and desired future state of the QDB toolkit provided
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