Monday, September 30, 2019
Best Day Ever Essay
â€Å"Brandon, I just don’t think it’s wise of you to take your car your freshman year of college,†my mother said every time we passed a state. My mom and I had been taking turns driving a car my father bought me in Texas back to Georgia. . Although I would have loved to spend my Saturday with friends back at home, driving my new car from Texas to Georgia on a Saturday wasn’t that bad. I was just so determined to show off my brand new silver 2010 Toyota Camry LE, I didn’t care what anyone said because that car was coming with me to Valdosta State University fall of 2012. I woke up on Sunday anxious to drive my car to church and show it off to all my friends. I was still a bit tired from the night before, after driving all day and downloading tons of songs to add to my playlist that was entitled â€Å"Toyota Tunes†. â€Å"Brandon, while you’re in church, I want you to pray and ask God what you think you should do with your car,†my mother said towards my closed door while I was getting dressed. â€Å"Okay, Mom, but my mind is pretty much made up,†I replied instantly. After I finished getting dressing, I waited for my mother in my car to finish getting dressed in the house. Being behind the wheel of your first car is one of those capturing moments many people get to feel at least once in their life. All I could think about while awaiting my mother’s arrival was all the friends I’d have in college with my cool car. I had visions of girls way out of my league not liking me for who I was, but for what I drove. An d for the funniest reason, I was content with that. As I pulled out of the driveway, my heart began to race and my fingers started to sweat from the grip I had on my steering wheel. Nothing had ever felt so sweet than to watch my neighbors look at me after getting their Sunday paper and see whose car it was I was driving. â€Å"I want you to say the morning prayer in your new car,†my mom said after turning down the gospel music she had blasting through my speakers. The morning prayer was something my mother and I would do whenever she would drop me off at school or another morning activity. It was also our way of airing out any dirty laundry we had with each other by saying our problems aloud to God and whoever else was around to listen. â€Å"Alright mom, I’ll pray. Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today asking for your protection through these highways and streets. I also pray that you can give my mother an ease of mind and let her know that I will be safe my freshman year with my car. She should have nothing to worry about because she should believe that You will protect me every mile I drive no matter where I drive. If she doesn’t believe that, then maybe that’s something You and her should discuss. In Jesus’ name, Amen.†â€Å"Amen,†she said in an unpleasant manner. â€Å"Disobeying your mother is not of God, Brandon†, she said when we pulled up to the church â€Å", But this is your car and you’re a grown man. Just don’t be surprised if God gives you a sign telling you that you should listen to me on this one. After church, I told my mom that I would take her home, pick up some friends and hang out at one of my good friends’ house for a bit. â€Å"How long will you be out? Because you leave for school in three days and there are still a lot of things you need to do before you go.†â€Å"I’ll be back by ten, I promise,†I said as I grabbed my keys off the counter to get my friends. This would now be my official first time driving my car alone. This was the moment I’ve been awaiting since my father first told me he bought a car for me fresh off the lot in cash. My mother waived at me from the window shaking her head. You ever get that feeling that something is about to happen, but you don’t know what it is. With a very strange gut feeling beginning to occur, I waived back to my mom while wiping the sweat off my hand â€Å"Bittersweet Symphony†by The Verve was my first song of choice. The song is actually about 6 minutes, which is about as lon g as it took for me to get to my friend Marquell’s house. â€Å"Come outside. I’m right around the corner,†I told him over the phone, not mentioning my new car. When he came outside, the look on his face was priceless. â€Å"So this was the ‘little something’ your dad got you for graduation!?†The minute he climbed into the passenger seat, he instantly turned my radio to his Sunday easy listening channel he would always turn to in his beat up Camero. On our way to my friend Diamond’s house, she called me and asked if we could pick up some snacks for the movie we were going to watch when we got to her house. On my way to the store with my friend Marquell, we had the most intellectual conversation on which television shows expanded our minds the most when we were children. â€Å"I don’t care what you say†, Marquell said with confidence,†If it wasn’t for Captain Planet, I wouldn’t be the eco-friendly man I am today. Maybe if you watched more Captain Planet and less He y Arthur, you wouldn’t have all these air fresheners in your car polluting the Earth.†We both took a little time to acknowledge all the Hawaiian Breeze air cleansers I had dangling from my rear-view mirror, as we were approaching a stop light. â€Å"But you can’t tell me my ride doesn’t smell like pineapples and happiness though,†I said to cut the lighthearted tension me and my best friend created. As we pulled into the front of the gas station to get snacks, an old lady behind me honked her horn, attempting to tell me to clear the tail of my car into the parking space so she could get passed. The minute I tapped on the gas pedal, little did I know that my entire outlook on life would change. That was that moment that I got that explanation for that gut feeling. My car had gone into an instant throttle, running clear into the curb in front of me. â€Å"Oh shit, bruh,†my friend Marquell said in disbelief,†I think you fucked something up.†We stared at each other for a moment, not believing the careless mistake I made. The collision happened on the passenger side, so when Marquell got out the car, he was the first one to see the impact damage. When he jumped out the car and looked at my bumper, the face he made at the damage superseded the face he made when he saw my car the first time. â€Å"Tell me it’s not that bad please!†I said at the top of my lungs. I could tell it was already bad by seeing pink fluid running underneath my car when I got out. I honestly don’t think there is enough paper in the world to write the words of unhappiness that flowed from my mouth like an eruption of every foul term I could fathom There was a huge fracture in the middle of the bumper which effected the brake fluid tank to rip open. This also affected the radiator tank, as well. The first person I called was my father to let him know what happened. After that, I called the mechanic he connected me with. The last call I had to make was to my mother, to ask her to come pick me and my friend, Marquell up. This phone call was even harder to make than to my father. The phone only rang once followed by my mother’s voice saying in a subtle tone, â€Å" Before you say anything, know that I told you so before you left†¦Ã¢â‚¬
Sunday, September 29, 2019
ear 10 Additional Science Holiday Homework
1) What are the two common isotopes of chlorine made up of? There are two types of chlorine atom- one has 17 protons and 18 neutrons(and so has a relative atomic mass of 35) and the other has 17 protons and 20 neutrons(and so has a relative atomic mass of 37). 2) Why was the Haber process such an important invention? Fritz Haber was a German chemist, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918 for his development of synthetic ammonia, important for fertilizers and explosives. The Haber process is the reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen, over an iron catalyst to produce ammonia. The Haber process is important sue to the fact ammonia is difficult to produce, on an industrial scale. The Haber process now produces 100 million tonnes of nitrogen fertilizer each year. 1% of the world's annual energy supply is consumed in the Haber process and that fertilizer is responsible for sustaining 40% of the Earth's population. 3) Find 3 exothermic and 3 endothermic reactions not mentioned in the textbook? An exothermic reaction is one that releases heat. Examples of exothermic reactions: * Adding concentrated acid to water. * Nuclear fission. * Condensation of rain from water vapour. The word endothermic describes a process or reaction that absorbs energy in the form of heat. Examples of endothermic reactions: * Evaporation of water. * Melting solid salts. * Mixing water and ammonium nitrate. 4) Find 2 uses for a thermistor and 2 uses for a LDR. How does the change in their resistance make them suitable for these jobs? Thermistors can be used as replacements for fuses and as heating elements in small temperature controlled ovens. LDRs are used in street lights and clock radios. Change in resistance makes them suitable for their jobs because they change as the resistance changes- they depend on temperature and light. 5) Find the mains frequency and voltage of electricity in the USA, England and France. What does this mean about the safety of them and how possible it is to use an English hairdryer in these countries? France= 230 and 50, England = 240 and 50 and the USA= 120 and 60. This means that it is not safe to use appliances above a certain voltage in that country, and an adaptor must be used if an English hairdryer is to be plugged in. 6) Find out how the lights, sockets and cooker are wired in a house and why they are like this? The lights are in a radical circuit with junction boxes to aid the switching process. Sockets are either in a radical circuit or a ring. Cookers are on a separate fuse because they draw a larger current. 7) How is a lightning conductor like the earth wire in a plug? It is the same because like a lightning conductor, the earth wire will conduct any electricity which it comes into contact with to the ground. 8) Who was Geiger? Geiger was the man who co-invented the Geiger counter which measures the ionising radiation and discovered the atomic nucleus. 9) What evidence was there for the plum pudding model of the atom? Experiments on the beams of particles in a tube that were attracted to a positive charge showed that they must be negatively charged themselves. Other experiments showed that it would take about 2000 electrons to weigh the same as the lightest atom, hydrogen. The tiny negatively charged particles were called electrons. 10) What do the hormones insulin and glucagons do? Insulin converts glucose to glycogen which stops the glucose level form becoming too high, whilst glucagon converts glycogen to glucose to keep your blood sugar levels stable. 11) Find one controversy that is going on at the moment over stem cells. What do you think? Using embryonic stem cells as a clinical therapy for Parkinson's disease. I think this is a good idea even though I do not agree with many other stuff that stem cells could possibly be used for as I thin using stem cells to treat Parkinson's disease and also Alzheimer's will benefit countless amount of people. 12) Describe the famous experiment Gregor Mendel did? Gregor Mendel was a monk who did an experiment on cross-breeding different types of peas to find out that offspring inherited characteristics in clear and predictable patterns. This helped develop the idea of genes and genetic material.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Illegal Aliens and the After-Acquired Evidence Essay
Illegal Aliens and the After-Acquired Evidence - Essay Example The doctrine may level the playing field for employers in employment discrimination claims. However, there is also a danger of inequitably undermining the plaintiff's claims of demonstrating authentically unlawful motivations of employers. The After-Acquired Evidence Doctrine is one of the most controversial rules recently contained in the employment law. As claims on employment discrimination are often invoked in courts by those who alleged unlawful discharge as a consequence of their ethnicity, religion, disability, gender or race, the US courts' decisions with regards these claims have transformed and encompassed contingencies that were neither promulgated nor mulled over by the legislature. The After-Acquired Evidence Rule spawned to be a ground-breaking doctrine which takes into account misconducts - such as document and resume fraud - and the legality of the working status of a person - such as that of an illegal alien. The most controversial aspect of this doctrine is that the evidence discovered which included the misconducts and the illegality of a person's status as aforementioned are still admissible in courts which will consequently undermine a plaintiff's claim of employment discrimination - even if the mi sconducts are discovered after the employee is discharged. One of the most significant aspects of the Acquired-Evidence doctrine is that plaintiffs are prohibited from all remedies although the misconduct done by the claimant is discovered after the termination of employment has been put into effect (Bangert et al, 1999). This ruling is essentially distinct from the customary employment discrimination cases in that, it bestows employers a more reasonable summary judgment. The claim for discrimination becomes irrelevant as the emphasis of the employment discrimination case switches towards the employee misconduct. Normally in an employment discrimination case, the argument centers on the employment decision, as for instance, termination of employment, and the purpose of the employer. This only means that the falsification of documents, resume fraud and the legality of a worker's status may reduce or even eliminate the liability of the employer in an employment discrimination suit. Wettre (2007) asserts that the after-acquired evidence defense 'may level the playing field for employers' in the current system whose bias leans towards employees. The scope and range of the after-acquired evidence doctrine are extensive since it applies to a variety of cases with regards to employment law. The scope includes, for instance, an employee who discharged harmful chemicals, an act unknown to his employers, before his termination. The court would normally decide that it is justifiable for the claimant to receive limited or no back pay damages at all in the light of his violations as for example, releasing hazardous chemicals. 1 In other applications of the doctrine, a claimant's prior conviction unknown to his employer and in the first place barred him from employment for the public position, are rationales for his claims to be dismissed.Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 32
Writer's choice - Essay Example However, there are other additional measures that can be used in determining the wellbeing. The majority of the areas picked are made of steel (review 350); consequently the heavier the post is, the more it will cost to buy. This shows that steel being heavy is preferred for the placement in the post of cantilever. This expresses that the lightest material of the three empty segments picked above will be the most practical to decide for the for the cantilever post. The rectangular and square blank areas measure the same in this way. This makes them obtain either one will have the same cost, however as the empty rectangular area has a higher component of wellbeing then that will be the most prudent methodology. As I would like to think, this task was done effectively. Most of the sensitive issures were put into consideration. As we decided the best measurements to get the best and most practical component of security for the cantilever post, the three best picked empty segment all have a variable of wellbeing. Over 1.5 which expresses that the undertaking was sufficient. As all the area selected are equipped for supporting the sign, we found that the most prudent empty segment post is discovered to be the "RHS(250 x 150 x 9)". This is as it has a high variable of wellbeing and light
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Discuss some of the reasons why the Greeks were successful in every Essay
Discuss some of the reasons why the Greeks were successful in every major battle during the Persian Wars (490-79 BC) - Essay Example The Persian Empire under the rule of Xerxes and Darius were defeated. There was a series of battles which took place in the Persian Wars, some lost by the Greeks, and some won. Following is a short account of how the Greeks managed to win most of the battles in the Persian Wars.1i The Siege of Naxos took place in 499 BC. This battle marks the start of the Persian Wars which lasted for about fifty years. The Milesian tyrant Aristagoras had the full support of Darius the Great of the Persian Empire in the futile attempt to take over the island of Naxos in the name of the Persian Empire. This attempt of Aristagoras however failed horribly. Aristocrats who had been exiled from the island of Naxos and were looking for a way to go back to their land contacted Aristagoras. Aristagoras saw this as an opportunity to make his position in the Miletus stronger. For assistance in this matter, Darius the Great and Artaphernes the local satrap were consulted and plans were made to conquer Naxos. The Persians agreed to g on the mission of conquering Naxos and a force of 200 triremes was assigned to Megabates. The mission however soon turned out to be a complete disaster. On the way to Naxos, Aristagoras and Artaphernes broke out into a quarrel and the Naxians were informed a bout the oncoming force beforehand, quite possibly by Artaphernes. Upon the arrival of Persians at the gate of Naxos, they encountered Naxos as a city which was prepared to the fullest to undertake and go through a siege. The attackers were obliged to attack in spite of the great defense as they had travelled a long way but after four months of no success in the battlefield they ran out of money and resources and had to retreat back to Asia Minor. Aristagoras sensed that after this disaster he would no longer be appointed to rule and so he turned the people of Ionia against Darius the Great and rebelled against him. The Ionian Revolt and the failed attempt to conquer Naxos angered Darius
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Political science - Essay Example Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the reader should come to a full and complete understanding and appreciation for the fact that poaching in and of itself should not be held as the highest representation of the Democratic process. For instance, there are many highly undemocratic nations around the world to participate in the voting. For instance, history is replete with examples of nations that it held fraudulent elections as a means of seeking to convince the respective stakeholders within their societies that their governments is ultimately legitimate. Within such a function, the voting process in and of itself cannot and should not be understood to be defined as the true lifeblood of a democracy (Lever 225). Rather, voting is merely an exhibition of the good faith that the stakeholders within society understand their role with relation to the governing authority. For instance, although the United States might wish to believe that it exhibits the highest level of democracy wit hin the world, the fact of the matter is quite the contrary. Ultimately, only two choices are given with regards to the political party affiliation that the candidates have to offer. Naturally, there is also the political affiliation of independent; however this is rarely used. Whereas compared to the other nations in the world, a litany of political parties help to define the way in which key interests of the populace are illustrated, the United States system only allows for choice between two political parties. In such a way, the level and extent to which voting within such a two-party/limited system serves to be the lifeblood of democracy ultimately comes under a high level of scrutiny (Coley 6). Naturally, voting within such a context is necessarily cheapened as compared to voting within a context where greater level of choice exists. Ultimately, the point that should most be understood within the preceding analysis is with regards to the fact the process of voting in and of its elf does not guarantee democracy anymore than evidence of political opposition disproves the evidence of a dictatorship. More importantly, with respect to the American system of governance, the main objective that this author has is with regards to the level and extent of the knowledge base that the voters are bringing to the election cycles. Although it is oftentimes been the case that scholars have looked down upon the average voter as misinformed and ultimately provincial, statistics in recent years have underscored the fact that the American voting populace is becoming increasingly clueless with regards to both the domestic political situation and the global realities that define the world in which we live. Within such an understanding, the process of voting itself must be understood to be of secondary or even tertiary importance as compared to the level of information and for knowledge that the voter himself/herself is able to exhibit with regards to the many issues that inform different elections that take place within a democracy. Whereas it is not the purpose of this analysis to advocate any type of a poll tax or regression into many of the previously practiced
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Truthfulness of Scientific Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Truthfulness of Scientific Theories - Essay Example As the discussion stresses theories are a very important part and basis of any research in science. It is reliant on multiple trial and error experiments. Once a theory is made by a researcher, it is only right until another theory is bought forward to successfully dispute it. Basically, a 'proven' theory is only one when it has survived all the plausible counterarguments. A theory gives people details on the examinations and methods of investigations that were expended to bring it about. There are many famous theories such as the theory of Evolution and Quantum Mechanics theory, among others. Because of these and many other theories, the human civilisation has come a long way with knowledge and enlightenment. This paper highlights that a theory is detailed information on observations, tests and reasoning that have been made concerning a specific topic or concept. Scientific theories have to be supported by sensible and examined facts. There is a clear difference between facts and theories. Facts can be observed and measured and theories on the other hand explain these facts and give meaning to them. Theories can be good, bad, or uninteresting. The researcher has to gather all the factual evidence, or else, his theory may simply lack credibility. Theories are the basis of expanding our scientific knowledge and gathering all the information for practical uses. Over many years, scientists have used theories in order to invent even the smallest of technologies and to find cure for diseases.
Monday, September 23, 2019
LLB contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
LLB contract law - Essay Example In other words, a consideration is the benefit to the promissory. Although contracts are only binding on the parties when they are supported by a consideration, the English law allows a person to desert his/her promise to another without recourse. Nevertheless, there have been many incidences where persons end up claiming back their rights after deserting such rights by making promises to the other parties to a contract. Therefore, to help the promisee in such situations, the doctrine of promissory estoppels was developed to prevent people from claiming back the rights they had waived by promising the party to the contract that they are no longer willing to receive consideration either partially or in full in return for making such a move2. In plain, the doctrine of promissory estoppels requires that the promisor must be true and faithful in making a promise. Accordingly, the doctrine bars the promisor from changing the promise that he or she had made to the promisee. Therefore, from the definition, it can be stated that the promissory estoppel acts as an alternative to consideration. This is because, instead of having to provide a consideration for the contract to be enforceable, an aggrieved party can argue promissory estoppel as a defence for a promise made by the promisee in a contract. This is because the doctrine of promissory estoppel prevents the person who has made a promise to reclaim the gratuitous rights that they had given back. In this regard, promissory estoppel doctrine offers an effective defence to an aggrieved promisor in the event that the promisee breaches their promise by reclaiming initial terms of the agreement. This is because the doctrine makes a promise binding to both the parties to the promise without the need of consideration3. Nonetheless, some legal experts have argued that, as much as equitable promissory estoppel can offer effective defence in a contract, the doctrine cannot offer the same defence
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Discuss the role of ideology in American-Russian relations between Essay - 1
Discuss the role of ideology in American-Russian relations between 1881 and 1920 - Essay Example The Americans viewed this act as exploratory, especially to their interests. The United States responded in a manner that was interpreted as interference by many players. This is the case when some countries in Asia and parts of Europe engaged in political revolutions as a way of solving some of their political problems. A variety of actors led to different ideologies concerning the American-Russian conflicts. Persons who ideologically believed that their differences formed the building blocks for cold war were orthodox, post-revisionist or revisionist.2 According to the orthodox view, the ideologies perpetuated by the Soviets were solely to blame for the initiation of cold war. These were specifically the Stalin and Lenin paranoia. In their view, the post revisionists felt that all these claims were entirely misconceptions and not true. Nonetheless, the Revisionist, better known as the ‘New Left’ held the view that the root cause of cold war was the United States’ hatred of communism.3 An additional important role arising from ideology informed the views of the U.S on the foreign revolutions. Initially, several countries where revolutions were taking place leaned towards communism. This made the US perceive such actions as instigated by Russia. Apparently, Russia had spread its influence to the Latin America, Austria-Hungary, Germany and France.4 Additionally, the Americans were not at peace because the Russians were emulating their actions by embracing similar strategies. These cycles of patterns that included the radical revolutions disillusioned the United Sates. The ideology also played a role in increasing fears in the United States over radicalism during the 1870s. The US felt that the urban working classes were increasingly becoming radicalized based on rapid industrialization. Other sources of fear were the coming into power of socialist and populist parties and unions across the globe.5 Ideology also pitted communism against capitalism in
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Meaning of Life and Yoga Essay Example for Free
Meaning of Life and Yoga Essay Celebrity Yoga: Is this just a fad? Yoga has become a very popular exercise among people all across the world. Celebrities are also adopting this practice in order to strengthen their bodies. Celebrities and yoga has been a winning combination for quite some time in America, and more and more people are beginning to at least try yoga because their favorite celebrities are trying it. Celebrities that do yoga are making the practice more popular. Yoga industry in the United States has grown considerably since many celebrities have admitted to practicing yoga on a regular basis. Here are some things you will want to know about celebrities and yoga that may help you to decide whether or not you want to try yoga for yourself. What do celebrities have to say about yoga? Celebrities like Meg Ryan, Jennifer Anniston, Ricky Martin, and Madonna have all admitted to using yoga as a means to calm the spirit, tone the muscles of the body, and increase physical strength. Many people also say that yoga gives a personal sense of accomplishment, and that it is easier to handle rigorous demands of the day by practicing yoga Yoga is also designed to help people learn about the meaning of life. Yoga allows you to train your mind to think about positive things, and you are also able to think about how to solve problems and even get along well with others. You are also taught about how certain yoga principles should transfer into your daily life, such as learning how to do everything in the right time, or being patient with others. It is also believed the yoga will give you a higher tolerance for pain. One of the most important factors which cause the heart disease is depression. Tachycardia and other disturbances are caused due to this depression. Rhythm of the heart is altered due to tachycardia and other disturbances. Long-lasting or repetitive state of depression will make a considerable damage to the heart and enhances the chance of getting heart attacks. Yoga is an effectual solution against all sorts of stress since it can enhance the level of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), a neurotransmitter in our brain which is correlated to depression when it is in supplied lesser in the brain. After one session of yoga the level of GABA gets increased.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Current situation about the issues of animal experimentation from different views
Current situation about the issues of animal experimentation from different views Abstract This objective of this research paper is mainly to better understand the current situation about the issues of animal experimentation from different views. Online articles, journals, encyclopedia and books were used for reference in this research paper. In essence, this research paper generally touches on the pros and cons of animal experimentation. Supporters of animal testing claim that this helps the development of important drugs and treatments which in turn saves millions of valuable human lives. Additionally, animal testing is employed to save human lives because human lives are more valuable than animal lives. Valuable knowledge can be obtained through animal experimentation to study the effects of a substance. This work will contribute to people who are interested to know more about animal testing and future research of similar topic. Animal Testing 1.0 Introduction The Greeks believed that animals were a lesser form of life because animals could not think like humans did. Furthermore, this thought was continued by Christians who claimed that animals were less significant because they had no soul (Vivisection, 2002). Animal testing is the use of live animals for research in order to better understand the effect of certain substances towards human health. This application has been widely carried out in many industries. Numerous animals have been used for animal testing, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs and mice. The issue of animal testing has become a worldwide focus these days due to arguments brought up by those who are against animal experimentation. Unquestionably, the practice of animal experimentation has increased tremendously compared to the past. According to Shandilya (2008), it is estimated that 20 million animals are used for animal experimentation yearly for the purpose of medicine and for testing other products. Findings from studies indicate that less than 10 percent of pure psychological researches use animals as test subjects, which do not include animal subjects used for cross-over medical experimentation ( American Psychological Association, n.d., cited in Harding, L. , 2001). However, there are some who state that animal experiments are cruel and immoral, besides violating an animals rights. This has caused many individuals to agree with the movements of anti-vivisection organisations due to brutal treatment towards animals. Although there are laws regarding animal testing enforcing the reduction in the use of animals for vivisection, opponents of animal experimenting are still debating about the subject of legalizing it. If we view this subject from a broader perspective, it can be seen that animal testing should be legalized as it aids scientist in the discoveries of new drugs and treatments to make health and medicine better, human life is more precious than that of an animal, and it is the most precise way to find out the effects of substances on a living organism. This research paper will explain why animal testing should be legalized. Research findings are confined to the United States of America, since the subject of animal testing is highly debated there and the progress of this issue in the US is relative to other countries. 2.0 Body of Report 2.1 Animal testing helps in the development of drugs and treatments. Currently, humans are often exposed to various diseases which are life threatening, which includes existing diseases or new forms of diseases due to mutations and changes in the environment. Hence, researchers are working hard in finding cures for all these illnesses. From here, it can be seen that animal testing is essential in the sustenance of human health. Animals will be used to study the effect of newly invented drugs, whether it will help in curing the disease. Speaking of the positive outcomes of animal testing, this includes the development of new medicine and treatments. Derbyshire (2004) mentioned that many medical advances utilized animal testing; including production of insulin which was developed using dogs, and cyclosporine, a potent anti-rejection drug developed using primates. Besides this, discoveries of various vaccines have evolved through animal experimentation. From here, it can be seen that animal testing can guide us to discoveries of new knowledge about living organisms. Many drugs have been invented to fulfill the aim of remedying diseases. However, the side effects of newly invented drugs remain unknown. Therefore, animal testing allows the evaluation of the danger of drugs before being used upon humans which will greatly reduce the risk before any human based trials are carried out ( About Animal Testing, n.d.). Drugs that are tested safe can then be used to save millions of valuable human lives. The future of medical science still relies on animal testing, and this clearly shows a need in legalizing animal testing. There are some people who claim that the effects of drugs tested on animals may not be the same to humans. Arthritis drug Vioxx, which caused 140 000 heart attacks and strokes in United States of America, was withdrawn from the global market even though it appeared to be safe when tested in animals (Archibald, 2004). However, scientists have proven that animals are extremely alike to humans and experiments done on them would produce similar results obtained through future human experiments ( About Animal Testing, n.d.). Hence, carrying out animal testing on drugs would improve the quality of human life indirectly. Therefore, to sum it all up, animal testing should be legalized because it assists researchers in medical treatments besides drugs discovery, improves health and medicine and is able to test the safety of drugs. Alternatives of animal testing are not as plausible as they are not as accurate as the results obtained from tests conducted upon animals. Hence, animal testing should be encouraged instead of being suppressed. 2.2 The importance of human lives is given priority over animal lives. Differences existing between humans and animals cause animals to receive treatments which are different and unequal although both of them are alive. As animals differ from humans as they do not have conscience, they are considered inferior to humans when it comes to the value of life. Seeing that the lives of humans are viewed as more valuable than animal lives, animals will have to be sacrificed in animal experimentation. The pros and cons of animal testing were debated with both sides being able to produce solid reasons for their stands. From the view of sentiency, it is mentioned that all living things are morally equivalent. However, the lives of humans are superior over the lives of animals (Garner, 2005). Authorities have to make a choice between the welfare of humans and the welfare of animals. Which one is more important, the life of a human or the life of an animal? As Archibald (2004) points out, most people are willing to sacrifice the lives of animal in animal testing to save human lives. Even though human welfare is the main concern, the welfare of an animal is still taken into account by minimizing the suffering of animals when conducting animal experimentations. The Animal Welfare Act had been formed and reviewed constantly to protect animals and decrease the number of vivisections carried out (Monamy, 2000). Every experiment involving the usage of animals is normally administered with anesthesia . In conjunction with this, the experiments will not be repeated or animals used will be euthanized when brutal treatment is involved. Animal testing can be accepted as it allows the improvement of human life quality without the suffering of animals (Garner, 2005). Those who are against animal testing argued that animals have the right to live peacefully. Animal testing is regarded as unkind treatment towards animals as it violates animal rights as their lives are valuable as well (Le Fanu, 2003). Nevertheless, their arguments are weak because animals lack the sense of judgment, and therefore are not subjected to moral claims and animal rights (Cohen, 1986). Hence, they cannot be compared with human life. As long as the animal is experimented upon without pain, the welfare of the animal is not violated. Therefore, it is acceptable to legalize the activity of animal testing as human life should be prioritized. Although there are many who are against animal experimentation, the points asserted are not strong enough to discontinue the activity of animal testing. Supporters of animal testing affirm that animals should not have equal rights with humans as both of these cannot be compared. Animals lack the sense of judgment, thus human lives always come first before animal lives. Animals are considered to be protected as long as animals receive minimum amount of suffering. So animal testing should be legalized in order to save more human lives. 2.3 Animal testing is helpful for studying the effects of substances. Many new chemical substances are produced every year to meet the demand of the global market such as in agriculture, medicine and cosmetic products. The credits should be given to animal testing. The effect of that particular substance has been studied to produce countless helpful products. This can increase the longevity of humans besides improving the human standard of living. By conducting experiments on animals, the researcher can gain invaluable information from the living specimen. Winston (2006) mentioned that 70% of the Nobel prizes for physiology or medicine are contributed from animal testing. Hence, it is clearly shown that by performing researches on animals by studying the effects of a substance can bring a huge impact upon the world. The discovery of knowledge will be delayed or remain undiscovered if animal testing is not carried out. As stated by Le Fanu (2003), primates offer the best experimental models as they have 99% similarity in genes with humans. Animal testing can be carried out on primates to ensure the safety of some drugs before being tested on humans. The chance for both organisms exhibiting the same effect is high due to the similarity of their genes. This in turn can reduce the risks faced by humans when commencing the trials. Hence, animals are good tools for learning the effects of various substances. In spite of this, people who are in opposition to animal testing argue that it must not be legalized just because animal experimentation leads to medical breakthroughs and the outcome is more rewarding. This statement is insufficient to justify the drawbacks of animal testing (Derbyshire, 2004). On the other hand, it is proven that the beneficial outcome outweighs its drawbacks, so it is rational to legalize the activity of animal testing. Without studying the effects of substances using animal testing, most of the major vaccines against disease like polio, rubella and hepatitis B used today would not exist (Derbyshire, 2004). New drugs undergo in vitro research, computer modeling and animal testing before being tested on humans. Thus, every step is vital in this process of studying the effects before a drug is introduced into the market. In short, the effects of a substance can be study by carrying out animal testing which can provide invaluable information besides the anatomy of some animals are similar to humans. Even though animal experimentation its disadvantages, there are still many benefits that can gain by carrying out animal testing. Thus, legalization of animal testing must be accepted. Moreover, it can be a good tool for education and research purposes. 3.0 Recommendation Normally, the usage of animals for animal testing delineated as cruelty towards animals and should not be legalized. However, it is impossible to ban the practice of animal experimentation due to the benefits brought by animal research towards mankind. Animal testing is a noble action to sustain the welfare of humans. Since the practice of animal testing cannot be stopped, the welfare of animals can only be protected by another approach. The principle of Three Rs, that is refinement, reduction and replacement can be practiced. The researchers are pledged to reduce the number of animals used when performing a research. To use the least number of resources to obtain the fastest results, researchers have the tendency of using a smaller number of animals during their research. This is an act that showed the willingness of mankind to reduce the cruelty towards the animals. Besides this, scientists were asked to lessen the degree of suffering of the animal. This can be attained by exclude some needless harmful actions involving the animals. Lastly, alternative methods should be used whenever possible to replace the usage of animal testing (Derbyshire, 2006). For instance, the welfare of animals can be secured by doing so. The practice of animal experimentation should compromise between the welfare of humans and animals so that harmony can be achieved. Animal experimentation still can be practiced, and the laws should be strictly enforced so that it is not violated by irresponsible people. 4.0 Conclusion Due to the increased usage of animal testing, the issue of animal experimentation is getting highly debated and remains relentless. After examining several points, it has revealed that animal testing should be legalized as it helps in the progress of medicine and health, human life is more valuable than animal life, and helps to learn the outcome of a substance on a living organism. Day by day, anti-vivisectionists try to rule out animal testing by looking at this issue from the animals point of view. Concurrently, supporters of animal experimentation were able to refute their arguments, by claiming the welfare of humans should always come first before animals. They viewed the subject of animal testing from a broader perspective and the long term advantages that come from animal experimentation. Life is never perfect, some sacrifices have to make to achieve success for a better future. Nonetheless, animal research should be carried out as its advantages are more significant than the disadvantages. Bibliography About Animal Testing, (n.d.), Using Animals for Testing: Pros Versus Cons? viewed 27th March 2010, d Archibald,K. (2004), Animal Testing: Science or Fiction? viewed 5 February 2010, Cohen, C., (1986) †¦ Students Paper: †¦ C., (1986) The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research, The New England Journal of Medicine 315, no. 14. 865-69 †¦ †¦ no rights. The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research The New England Journal of Medicine 315, no. 14 (October 2 †¦ †¦ . 865-69, viewed 28th March 2010, http://people. †¦ Students Paper: †¦ Derbyshire,S. †¦ †¦ Carl Cohen †¦ †¦ Derbyshire,S., (2004) Vivisection: Put human welfare first viewed 5 February 2010, †¦ Students Paper: †¦ February 2010, †¦ †¦ medical purposes. †¦ †¦ /printable/2468 Derbyshire, S. , (2006) Tha hard arguments about vivisection viewed 5 February 2010, †¦ Students Paper: †¦ February 2010, †¦ †¦ medical purposes. †¦ †¦ /printable/223/ Garner,R. , (2005) Animal Ethics, pp129-130, Polity Press, UK Harding, Lauri R.. Animal Experimentation. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology. 2001. 25 Feb. 2010 . Le Fanu, J. , (2003) Vivisections underdoing-Why animal experiments cannot help humans. Monamy,V. , (2000) Animal Experimentation: A guide to the Issues, pp29-34, Cambridge University Press, UK. Shandilya, R. (2008) Animal Testing Pros viewed 9 February 2010 †¦ Students Paper: †¦ February 2010 Vivisection. UXL †¦ †¦ better understood. [13] [ /en †¦ †¦ Vivisection. UXL Encyclopedia of Science. 2002. 26 Feb. 2010 . Winston,R. , (2006) The shame of our silence viewed 27 February 2010, 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Abstract This objective of this research paper is mainly to better understand the current situation about the issues of animal experimentation from different views. Online articles, journals, encyclopedia and books were used for reference in this research paper. In essence, this research paper generally touches on the pros and cons of animal experimentation. Supporters of animal testing claim that this helps the development of important drugs and treatments which in turn saves millions of valuable human lives. Additionally, animal testing is employed to save human lives because human lives are more valuable than animal lives. Valuable knowledge can be obtained through animal experimentation to study the effects of a substance. This work will contribute to people who are interested to know more about animal testing and future research of similar topic. ContentsPagesIntroduction1-2Body of Report Animal testing helps in the development of drugs and treatments. The importance of human lives is given priority over animal lives. Animal testing is helpful for studying the effects of substances. 3-4 5-6 7-8Recommendation9Conclusion10Bibliography11-12 Animal Testing 1.0 Introduction The Greeks believed that animals were a lesser form of life because animals could not think like humans did. Furthermore, this thought was continued by Christians who claimed that animals were less significant because they had no soul (Vivisection, 2002). Animal testing is the use of live animals for research in order to better understand the effect of certain substances towards human health. This application has been widely carried out in many industries. Numerous animals have been used for animal testing, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs and mice. The issue of animal testing has become a worldwide focus these days due to arguments brought up by those who are against animal experimentation. Unquestionably, the practice of animal experimentation has increased tremendously compared to the past. According to Shandilya (2008), it is estimated that 20 million animals are used for animal experimentation yearly for the purpose of medicine and for testing other products. Findings from studies indicate that less than 10 percent of pure psychological researches use animals as test subjects, which do not include animal subjects used for cross-over medical experimentation ( American Psychological Association, n.d., cited in Harding, L. , 2001). However, there are some who state that animal experiments are cruel and immoral, besides violating an animals rights. This has caused many individuals to agree with the movements of anti-vivisection organisations due to brutal treatment towards animals. Although there are laws regarding animal testing enforcing the reduction in the use of animals for vivisection, opponents of animal experimenting are still debating about the subject of legalizing it. If we view this subject from a broader perspective, it can be seen that animal testing should be legalized as it aids scientist in the discoveries of new drugs and treatments to make health and medicine better, human life is more precious than that of an animal, and it is the most precise way to find out the effects of substances on a living organism. This research paper will explain why animal testing should be legalized. Research findings are confined to the United States of America, since the subject of animal testing is highly debated there and the progress of this issue in the US is relative to other countries. 2.0 Body of Report 2.1 Animal testing helps in the development of drugs and treatments. Currently, humans are often exposed to various diseases which are life threatening, which includes existing diseases or new forms of diseases due to mutations and changes in the environment. Hence, researchers are working hard in finding cures for all these illnesses. From here, it can be seen that animal testing is essential in the sustenance of human health. Animals will be used to study the effect of newly invented drugs, whether it will help in curing the disease. Speaking of the positive outcomes of animal testing, this includes the development of new medicine and treatments. Derbyshire (2004) mentioned that many medical advances utilized animal testing; including production of insulin which was developed using dogs, and cyclosporine, a potent anti-rejection drug developed using primates. Besides this, discoveries of various vaccines have evolved through animal experimentation. From here, it can be seen that animal testing can guide us to discoveries of new knowledge about living organisms. Many drugs have been invented to fulfill the aim of remedying diseases. However, the side effects of newly invented drugs remain unknown. Therefore, animal testing allows the evaluation of the danger of drugs before being used upon humans which will greatly reduce the risk before any human based trials are carried out ( About Animal Testing, n.d.). Drugs that are tested safe can then be used to save millions of valuable human lives. The future of medical science still relies on animal testing, and this clearly shows a need in legalizing animal testing. There are some people who claim that the effects of drugs tested on animals may not be the same to humans. Arthritis drug Vioxx, which caused 140 000 heart attacks and strokes in United States of America, was withdrawn from the global market even though it appeared to be safe when tested in animals (Archibald, 2004). However, scientists have proven that animals are extremely alike to humans and experiments done on them would produce similar results obtained through future human experiments ( About Animal Testing, n.d.). Hence, carrying out animal testing on drugs would improve the quality of human life indirectly. Therefore, to sum it all up, animal testing should be legalized because it assists researchers in medical treatments besides drugs discovery, improves health and medicine and is able to test the safety of drugs. Alternatives of animal testing are not as plausible as they are not as accurate as the results obtained from tests conducted upon animals. Hence, animal testing should be encouraged instead of being suppressed. 2.2 The importance of human lives is given priority over animal lives. Differences existing between humans and animals cause animals to receive treatments which are different and unequal although both of them are alive. As animals differ from humans as they do not have conscience, they are considered inferior to humans when it comes to the value of life. Seeing that the lives of humans are viewed as more valuable than animal lives, animals will have to be sacrificed in animal experimentation. The pros and cons of animal testing were debated with both sides being able to produce solid reasons for their stands. From the view of sentiency, it is mentioned that all living things are morally equivalent. However, the lives of humans are superior over the lives of animals (Garner, 2005). Authorities have to make a choice between the welfare of humans and the welfare of animals. Which one is more important, the life of a human or the life of an animal? As Archibald (2004) points out, most people are willing to sacrifice the lives of animal in animal testing to save human lives. Even though human welfare is the main concern, the welfare of an animal is still taken into account by minimizing the suffering of animals when conducting animal experimentations. The Animal Welfare Act had been formed and reviewed constantly to protect animals and decrease the number of vivisections carried out (Monamy, 2000). Every experiment involving the usage of animals is normally administered with anesthesia . In conjunction with this, the experiments will not be repeated or animals used will be euthanized when brutal treatment is involved. Animal testing can be accepted as it allows the improvement of human life quality without the suffering of animals (Garner, 2005). Those who are against animal testing argued that animals have the right to live peacefully. Animal testing is regarded as unkind treatment towards animals as it violates animal rights as their lives are valuable as well (Le Fanu, 2003). Nevertheless, their arguments are weak because animals lack the sense of judgment, and therefore are not subjected to moral claims and animal rights (Cohen, 1986). Hence, they cannot be compared with human life. As long as the animal is experimented upon without pain, the welfare of the animal is not violated. Therefore, it is acceptable to legalize the activity of animal testing as human life should be prioritized. Although there are many who are against animal experimentation, the points asserted are not strong enough to discontinue the activity of animal testing. Supporters of animal testing affirm that animals should not have equal rights with humans as both of these cannot be compared. Animals lack the sense of judgment, thus human lives always come first before animal lives. Animals are considered to be protected as long as animals receive minimum amount of suffering. So animal testing should be legalized in order to save more human lives. 2.3 Animal testing is helpful for studying the effects of substances. Many new chemical substances are produced every year to meet the demand of the global market such as in agriculture, medicine and cosmetic products. The credits should be given to animal testing. The effect of that particular substance has been studied to produce countless helpful products. This can increase the longevity of humans besides improving the human standard of living. By conducting experiments on animals, the researcher can gain invaluable information from the living specimen. Winston (2006) mentioned that 70% of the Nobel prizes for physiology or medicine are contributed from animal testing. Hence, it is clearly shown that by performing researches on animals by studying the effects of a substance can bring a huge impact upon the world. The discovery of knowledge will be delayed or remain undiscovered if animal testing is not carried out. As stated by Le Fanu (2003), primates offer the best experimental models as they have 99% similarity in genes with humans. Animal testing can be carried out on primates to ensure the safety of some drugs before being tested on humans. The chance for both organisms exhibiting the same effect is high due to the similarity of their genes. This in turn can reduce the risks faced by humans when commencing the trials. Hence, animals are good tools for learning the effects of various substances. In spite of this, people who are in opposition to animal testing argue that it must not be legalized just because animal experimentation leads to medical breakthroughs and the outcome is more rewarding. This statement is insufficient to justify the drawbacks of animal testing (Derbyshire, 2004). On the other hand, it is proven that the beneficial outcome outweighs its drawbacks, so it is rational to legalize the activity of animal testing. Without studying the effects of substances using animal testing, most of the major vaccines against disease like polio, rubella and hepatitis B used today would not exist (Derbyshire, 2004). New drugs undergo in vitro research, computer modeling and animal testing before being tested on humans. Thus, every step is vital in this process of studying the effects before a drug is introduced into the market. In short, the effects of a substance can be study by carrying out animal testing which can provide invaluable information besides the anatomy of some animals are similar to humans
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Physics of Ski Waxing :: physics sport sports ski skiing wax
Skiing is one of the things to do during the winter, here in Canada. It is also cheap and easy to start, since there are ski-tracks almost everywhere and it is possible to find used skis for less then $50. Skis are pretty simple in design. Originally they were designed just as the snow shoes, though today they are much more advanced. (Wikipedia) Skis can be used just after you bought them, without doing anything to them. However, if you want your skis to perform to their best, simple maintenance needs to be performed. One of the best and easiest way to do so is to apply wax. One can be confused at first by the variety of waxes available on the market. To see that, just check ski section in local Beaver Sports store. In reality, just one or couple waxes needed to get started. I'm going to explain how to wax your skis for the diagonal stride technique and what exactly waxing does to the skis. Ski structure Cross country skis are bent vertically. That allows for using different kind of wax depending whether person is sliding or kicking. When buying skis, you should choose ones that are made for your mass. If they are for bigger person, skis will be less bendable, thus area of contact will be only on the ends. If they are for smaller person, skis will be unbent most of the time. That is not very good, because it would slow the person down. Ideally we want all the area of the ski to be in contact with the snow when pressure is applied and middle section off the snow when sliding. Friction is force dependant, meaning it changes depending on force applied. Ff = F * ÃŽ ¼ Glide wax is applied to the front and the end of the skies, this way when person removes force from one leg, friction becomes less and ski slides. The ski is unbent when force is applied to it. Friction between snow and wax in the midsection increases so that it grips enough for a kick. Coefficient of static friction of the kick wax is only big enough for "the snow irregularities dig into wax irregularities just enough to give a motionless ski bite, or grip." (Brady) At the moment when ski gains velocity, it is not at rest anymore, and since ÃŽ ¼k is less then ÃŽ ¼s, friction is not big enough to hold the ski.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Radcliffe and Wordsworth: Nature, Travel, and Memory Essay -- Traveli
Radcliffe and Wordsworth: Nature, Travel, and Memory In preparation for my presentation on the character of M. St. Aubert in Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho, I examined various passages from the novel's first few chapters which described St. Aubert's responses to nature in terms of the picturesque, the sublime, and sensibility. One passage which especially attracted my attention, but which ultimately fell outside the coverage of our group's presentation, is Radcliffe's account of St. Aubert's feelings about the "small estate in Gascony" (Radcliffe 6) where he and his family lived: To this spot he had been attached from his infancy. He had often made excursions to it when he was a boy, and the impressions of delight given to his mind . . . had not been obliterated by succeeding circumstances. The green pastures along which he had so often bounded in the exultation of health, and youthful freedom - the woods, under whose refreshing shade he had first indulged that pensive melancholy . . . the wild walks of the mountains, the river, on whose waves he had floated, and the distant plains, which seemed boundless as his early hopes - were never after remembered by St. Aubert but with enthusiasm and regret. (Radcliffe 6) This passage was interesting to me because many of the travel writings we have read so far tend to focus more on the travellers' immediate responses to relatively new and unfamiliar environments which they are visiting for the first time, rather than on a return to a familiar place or the memories evoked by those familiar places. However, St. Aubert's emotional responses to familiar places - as well as his responses to less familiar places he sees on his travels - form a significant part of his characte... ...remembered them when we had been there before - in a similar manner to the way in which Wordsworth does this in Tintern Abbey. As well, though on the more recent trips I have been more acutely aware of the ways in which my relationships with my family have changed over the years - perhaps a side effect of travelling with three other people in a small space for a period of ten days - it is still easy for me to sympathize with Radcliffe's evocation of "the memory of those we love . . . all tender and harmonious as this landscape" (47). Works Cited Radcliffe, Ann. The Mysteries of Udolpho. 1794. Ed. Jacqueline Howard. London: Penguin, 2001. Wordsworth, William. "Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour, 13 July 1798." 1798. Romanticism: An Anthology. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. 265-269.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Dangers Involved with School Bullying Essay -- Bully, School Violence,
School Bullying School is the primary place where children spend their day with peers. As social and economic status plays a big part in the behavior of children. In early child hood income can effects the child’s academic level and behavioral problems later. By the time a child reaches middle school income levels do not influence negative behavior. But when the child reaches high school they could be teased for how the dress because they may not have nice clothes like other kids, or simply choose to dress differently. Which can lead to school bulling. Bullying is a major problem and needs to be prevented. A bully is defined as aggressive behavior or to harm a person repeatedly overtime. School bullying can start anytime from elementary to high school. Over 5.7 teens in the United States are involved in school bullying( Boys tend to be more physically bullied as girls are more prone to being bullied verbally. According to the National Conference of State Legislature, boys who are often bullied can be five times as likely to be more or severely depressed and four times more likely to be suicidal. Girls are three times more likely to be severely depressed and eight times more likely to be suicidal. Some children are afraid to go to school, which can lead to poor grades or lack of concentration. It is hard for students to focus at school when they are worried about their bully. Bullying can make school a place of fear and can lead to school violence. The dangers of school bullying can be seen in the Columbine Massacre which was listed as one of the top five deadliest shootings in the history of the United States. On April 20,1999 in a small town in Littleton, Colorado. Two high students Dylan Klebold an... ... Each school needs to evaluate how their potential risk and which measures to take to ensure the safety of students and staff. In addition, some schools have speakers come in and tell their story about what happened to them and how it has affected their lives. Some students may relate to a story and in turn can have a huge impact on their emotions as well as their behavior. In the end school bullying has been around for centuries and will continue for many more years, but prevention and awareness are key to reducing the problem with school bullying. Sources Cited â€Å"A Better Way to Handle Juvenile Delinquency†International Child and Youth Care Network. Vol.12 .No.2. Page 350, Oct. 2004
Monday, September 16, 2019
Al-Qaeda In Iraq
Al-qaeda is an Arabic word also written as Al-qaida. It is a network of international alliance of Islamic militant group. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam who was later replaced by Osama bin Laden formed the organization in 1988. Other veteran Arabs from Afghanistan joined the leadership after the soviet war in Afghanistan. Al-qaeda network advances Islamic fundamentalism by carrying out attacks and disrupting western countries influences to the Islamic states. Al-qaeda finances and trains various radical Islamic groups that oppose western countries ideologies especially the United States of America and Britain.Al-qaeda groups or network have various operational bases in more than fifty countries in the world. Al-qaeda uses force, intimidation and instilling fear to attain their goals. They carry out acts of terrorism (an act or a threat against civilian life) aimed at attaining political, economical and religious goals. Al-qaeda aims at ending foreign influence in Islamic states by creating a n ew Islamic caliphate or authority. The Al-qaeda network is very active in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. History of al-qaedaAl-qaeda was founded in the late 1980’s as an alliance of Islamic militia group with an aim of expanding Islamic fundamentalism. Al-qaeda has it roots during the Afghanistan’s soviet occupations. Anti-Muslim afghan guerillas (mujahidin), the afghan government and soviet forces were involved in the conflict. The Soviet invasion sparked the afghan resistance. The Afghan government was supported by the USA, China and Saudi Arabia. Mujahidin came from the Middle East to Afghanistan to assist their fellow Muslims in the war. Osama bin laden was the main financier he started recruiting Muslims around the world to join the group.The recruited army in there thousands defeated the soviet forces making them withdrew from Afghanistan. Osama bin laden later founded an organization that could help veterans of Afghans war; this com prised the bases of Al-qaeda. (Biri A. 2001). Bin laden and other radical Islamic thinkers at that time had been organizing Al-qaeda in the Iraq invasion to Kuwait in 1990. The Saudi government had allowed the United States government to station a military base in Saudi Arabia. This was very outrageous to Laden and the radical group. Osama was later expelled from Saudi Arabia by opposing the government.Al- qaeda basis shifted from Saudi Arabia to Khartoum in Sudan, their first task against the interest of the United States of America was in Somalia where they attacked the U. S army during the Somalia crisis. Further attacks perpetrated by al-qaeda followed. In august 1996 bin laden issued a â€Å"declaration of war†against the U. S. A Al- qaeda and radical Islamic group had worked together to alliance in their acts of terrorism against western influence on Islamic interests. Osama shifted his base from Sudan to Afghanistan in 1994 after the U. S had put pressure on the Khart oum government to expel him.Osama joined the Talibans in Saudi Arabia where al-qaeda established military bases in mountains. In Iraq the main objective of the Al-qaeda organization is the governing of Iraq. After president Sadaam Hussein was brought down from power by the U. S. A who sent thousands of troops to help in putting in place the government in Iraq. Al-qaeda was against the US invasion of Iraq. According to the U. S government, Al- qaeda wanted to be seen as a legitimate political organization in Iraq. Al-qaeda in Iraq is composed of both Sunni Iraq members plus other foreign members who wage jihad or holy war.This group was formed in 2004, but it is not clear, who founded it in Iraq between Bin Laden and Nusab Al Zarqawi. The group had been a force behind the violence and civil war between the Shiites and Sunnis. They accuse the US government of murdering innocent civilians in their â€Å"war on terror†. The Al-Qaeda has been behind many attacks in Iraq against th e U. S government interests. Insurgency in Iraq is still continuing up to now. Members of the group had shifted to other bases where they mastermind suicide bomb attacks. Other military organizations had joined Al-Qaeda in Iraq in their activities.Abu Musab al-zarqawi from Jordan had affiliated with Al-qaeda in Iraq. He joined the Al-qaeda in Iraq and threatened the U. S government over its interest in Iraq. The group had killed many U. S army personnel and they are believed to have killed ordinary Iraq civilians. The group continues to instigate violence in Iraq despite the U. S government efforts on war on terror by president Bush administration. Al-qaeda is against the U. S invasion of Iraq. Members of the terrorist group had carried out many suicide attacks, kidnapping and even shooting their perceived enemy. The leadership of al-qaedaThe leadership of Al-qaeda in Iraq, according to some sources from Jihad’s was put under Abu Ayyub Al Masri in 2006. This is following the death of its former leader Musab Al Zarqawi. Al Masri is considered as lacking good military organization that he relies on his intellectual abilities (Hajez M. 2007 p. 136-147). Al-qaeda in Iraq is composed of both Sunni Iraq members and the jihads (foreigners who came to aid in Jihad war). Osama bin Laden is the top active leader of the Al-qaeda group. The leadership coordinates with others groups; Al-qaeda group of jihad in Iraq, Al-qaeda in land of the two rivers plus others.Through the official statement of the U. S government, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi forms the top leadership responsible for the insurgency in Iraq. It is believed that the leadership organizes and masterminds attacks on civilians and U. S troops. It is also believed that the leadership of Al-Qaeda in Iraq composes other foreign terrorist and senior Al- Qaeda leadership. The U. S administration believes that Abu-Musab Al Zarqawi was not an Iraq even his successor Abu Ayyub Al Masri. The leadership of Al-queda is dec entralized.There is collaboration between Al-qaeda senior leaders and Al- qaeda leaders in Iraq. The leader’s role is to finance, command, advice, and make bombs including others roles in the group. The leadership also provides intelligent information’s and facilitates its operations. They have their former headquarter in Fallujah in Iraq. Various operations they have performed: The al qaeda has claimed responsibility of the chlorine bombings in Iraq in mosques. The group also is targeting wealth people by kidnapping and killing their family members when they fail to remit ‘protection’ fee.They are also inciting violence by causing hatred among the Shiites and Shia groups to cause civil war. What were the targets of the operations? Al-qaeda operates in Iraq but it is limited in the broad Middle East. They play actively in the Iraq insurgency. Their deputy leader, Ayman alzawahiri, in July 2005 through a letter indicated four plans in expanding the war in I raq. They were to expel US forces out of Iraq and an Islamic authority put in place. Other missions were to spread the Iraq conflict to their neighbors and fight with Israel.Al-qaeda in Iraq (AOQ) created an organization called mujahidee shura council in January 2006. This was to unite the Sunni insurgents in Iraq. However, this attempt failed due to the methods they used against civilians and their extreme fundamentalists doctrines. Alqaeda is the most feared organization; experts regard it as an enemy of the US. Al-qaeda is associated with terrorist’s activities in Iraq that targets international forces and civilians. The US government holds that they have an extended network to other parts of the world especially the Islamic states although there operations are based in Iraq.In 2005, Al-qaeda is believed to be responsible for about more than 1800 attacks in Mosul city in Iraq; they were aiming at Iraq forces and coalition government. They use bombs and other explosives in their suicide attacks. They mainly targeted Iraq security forces, Shiite militaries and the US troops. The group was responsible for the killing of 35 children and seven adults in Baghdad in September 2004. The bombs were directed at the US forces. In the same year on December 19, they had bombed a Shiite funeral procession killing about 60. Their attacks were aimed at Iraq security forces, civilians and the Iraq government.In 2005 they carried out and co-coordinated suicide attacks including the Sheraton Ishtar and Palestine hotel in Baghdad during the Iraq elections. (Napoleni L. 2005) They claimed responsibility of killing of Ihab Al-Sherif an Egyptian envoy to Iraq; they also killed many unemployed Shiite workers in Baghdad. They had abducted and executed American soldiers. In 2006, many of the top leadership were captured and killed by US army. They had carried on with their attack such as the 23rd March 2007, assassination attempts of the Iraq deputy Prime Minister Salam al-za ubai a Sunni.They had claimed responsibility of the Iraq parliament bombing in April 12 2007. The execution of the three US force soldiers in May the same year. Activities of Al –qaeda in Iraq, have received negative publicity due to attacks and intimidation against the civilian’s making it lack local support. The Sunni militias had abandoned them and joined the government and US forces. Many of their leaders have been captured and killed making their activities crippled. The Al-qaeda had been involved in other operations outside Iraq; in April 2004 they claimed responsibility of the chemical bomb plot in Jordan.They had also targeted Israel in December 2005 by firing rockets from Lebanon. They are also implicated with 2006 train bombing plot in Germany. What were the goals of the operations? Al-qaeda in Iraq had an aim of expelling all the U. S soldiers and their allied forces. In July2005, top Al-qaeda leadership had urged that the entire US soldier to withdraw from Iraq. They had threatened to carry military operations and executions; they perceive the US as the enemy who must leave the Islamic state. The group also had an aim in the governance of Iraq.The Al –qaeda in Iraq had wanted to form a political group that would be the legitimate political organization in Iraq. They had wanted to fight and overthrow the existing government. Al-qaeda aims to control key areas in the economic, political and religious sector in Baghdad. They want to portray that the Iraq government has failed to expel the US army, by discrediting the government they aims at removing people support. It aimed at initiating conflict between the Shia and Sunni Muslims. This would force the USA to take a neutral stand and depart from Iraq.This would enable them to establish their rule in Iraq. Al-qaida in Iraq wanted to spread propaganda through the media that, the coalition forces and the government of Iraq were attacking the Sunni Islam. They wanted the Sunnis to joi n their side, portraying themselves to defend rights of those who are oppressed. This would give them a positive image to the Sunni Islamic group. Part of their aim was to spread propaganda that the Iraq social-economic problems were the government responsibility. They regarded themselves as an organization that can free Iraq’s from their problems.(Hoofman B. 2004). It was also believed that operations of Al-qaeda in Iraq involved bringing foreign fighters and terrorist in order to kill innocent civilians to encourage hatred between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir an Al-qaeda leader in Iraq through his message said that they aimed at creating an Islamic state in Iraq. They were willing to die for God’s sake â€Å"there is no rule but that of Allah†. The attacking and killing of the Sunni by al-qaeda in Iraq was aimed to compel them to join their group and withdraw the support of the US forces.â€Å"Dedicate yourself to fighting the true enemy in or der to avoid opening up new fronts against the Sunni Arabs†(Abu Hamza al Muhajer), they attempted to portray the US as a common enemy. What were the ideologies of this group? Al-qaeda in Iraq was organized and carried its operation on basis of different ideologies. They had issued a manifesto calling for violence and destruction of American empire. They had vowed to continue with the insurgency and destroy America. Their ideologies were religiously based â€Å"we vow by the name of God and we are determined to destroy the American empire†.They believed that attacking the United States was a call from God. They believed that that who dies in their mission becomes a saint. Their leader Abu Musab al- zarqawi had justified their violent means through audio messages. Al-qaeda called for all Muslims to start attacking their enemies in Iraq and their associates. They believed that through Islam their faith, no harm would be inflicted on true Muslims. Shedding blood of a true Muslim would lead to destruction of the whole world. The attack against Americans and aides in Iraq was an order from God. It was a holy war or jihad to bring justice and glory in the world.They calls for those betraying them to repent, by collaborating with their enemy all they deserve is to have their neck cut. Al-qaeda through their documents, vows that insurgency will not end soon, they believe that Islam is the only true religion in the world. It is their duty to have Allah worshiped. The Al-qaeda beliefs that the US government wants to seek control of the region through the assistance of the Iraq government. It argues that those who oppose and fight the group are enemies of Islam. Their ideologies hold that the American government wanted to control the region to access oil wells.Osama bin laden through a video tape on December 29 2007, said that the Iraq government had â€Å"agreed to having large American bases on Iraq land and giving the Americans all the Iraq oil they may wish†Muslims perceive the war in Iraq widely as a war on Islam giving strength to al-qaeda’s ideology, Islamic sympathizers of the group are now trying to support the idea of universal holy war on western world and their allies. Al-qaeda sympathizers are justifying the acts of terrorism by using propaganda about the Iraq war. This is evidence in Madrid bombing in 2004 and London attacks in transport network to oppose the invasion of Iraq.Conclusion The Al-qaeda networks’ operating in all over the world seems to be well-organized coordinated and funded group. Al-qaeda in Iraq has escalated more violence in the country. The group has forged alliances with other front in order to work together against their perceived common enemy. According to them the enemy must be defeated by all mean, as it is the will of God. These militia groups have threatened peace in the world. They have claimed responsibility for various attacks in the world; the issue of terrorism in the world needs to look at carefully to avert more acts of death and hatred.The world should not draw too much conclusion about Al-qaeda and war in Iraq. This is to avert from having propaganda war, whose truth cannot be determined thus sparking more conflict. (US state report on terrorism) Work cited Biri Abdel, The secret History of Al-Qaeda, 1998. Bruce Hoffman, Insurgency and Countersurgency in Iraq, 2004. Hajez Mohammed; Suicide Bombers In Iraq: The strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom, 2007. Napoleni Lorreta; Insurgent Iraq: The Al-zarqawi and The New Generation, 2005. The United State Department Country Report on Terrorism, 2005.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Vacant Chapter 16 Emily
This has to be perfect. Ethan is the most amazing man, and I don't want to disappoint him. So everything has to be flawless. Margie has been a huge help, though, and I don't think I could have – or would have – done this without her. Sometimes I'm so out of my element with this whole love and relationship thing. I know Ethan has more experience, but still†¦ I want him to know how much he means to me. Margie had me over for a girl's night where we watched what she called â€Å"chick licks.†She insisted that the surest way to be able to pull off the perfect anniversary was to see examples of perfect love on the big screen, or a forty-two inch, anyway. We started brainstorming and came up with a plan; a pretty good one if I do say so myself. Now I just have to make sure I don't mess it up. So here I am, standing in the middle of our living room in a new black and pink lace lingerie set and enough lit candles that I may, in fact, set off a smoke alarm. Of course, Ethan has seen me in much less that bra and panties, but these seem†¦dirty somehow. Because of the purpose for which they are intended, the pink and black lace seems obscene. I hadn't wanted to get the â€Å"tonga†cut, but Margie insisted it was the look needed for the occasion. I'm more of a cotton brief kind of girl. All the panties we looked through were so small†¦ and in bright lacy colors, nor did they seem practical. I really hope Ethan doesn't expect fancy panties all the time because I cannot see the practicality of wearing this style on a daily basis. Particularly if one has to frequently bend or stoop I glance at the clock on the wall, which was purchased at Hobby Lobby, thank you very much, and know that Ethan will walk through the front door at any moment. I shouldn't be this nervous, but we have grown so much together in the last year, both in heart and mind. I know without a doubt I will be with this man forever, and I want to experience every last thing imaginable with him. When I hear the key in the door, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Within seconds of the door opening and closing, I hear a loud gasp followed by, â€Å"Holy shhiiittt.†Ethan is in front of me, hands exploring my backside after only a few seconds. I wonder if he sprinted, even though the distance from the door is only a few steps. It makes me relax, realizing he appreciates my gift a great deal. â€Å"Baby, you smell so good,†he whispers. His lips– then teeth skim my neck and shoulder. The contrast in sensation takes my breath away. â€Å"Fuck. What did I do to deserve all this? And you?†I'm frozen for a second because I think he's forgotten what today is. He thinks this is just a random tryst. And while we are extraordinarily honest with each other, I can't bring myself to tell him what this is really about. A pang shoots from my heart down into my stomach. â€Å"Whoa, whoa†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ethan pulls away and looks at me. I try to smile, but it's wholly unsuccessful. It makes my throat tighten more, and I need an escape to the bathroom to shed unwanted tears. This isn't how it's supposed to go! He's supposed to see me, sweep me off my feet, pledge undying devotion, and make love to me for hours. Damn you, Hollywood! You're a liar. â€Å"Emily, what's wrong? What did I say?†He turns away from me at the moment my lips quivers. He's fisting his hair, mumbling to himself. Even though I still have on a bra, panties, and stupid black heels Margie insisted made the look perfect, I've never felt more exposed. I want to sink into the carpet, wishing the last half hour hadn't ever happened. Stupid, Emily†¦why do you always have to do something different or fancy? Why not just make fried chicken for dinner and get him a nice card, I argue with myself. â€Å"Shit! Why did I have to say something stupid on our anniversary? I try, Emily. I want to be good for you, I do. I just can't get it right, ya know? God, please say something.††¦stupid on our anniversary†¦ â€Å"You know it's our anniversary?†I could have heard incorrectly. â€Å"Well, yeah. How could I forget our anniversary? I can't forget a thing about you, Emily.†He starts to walk toward the couch and grabs my hand, pulling me behind him. He flops down then pulls me into his lap. His thumb graces the outer edges of my smile. He didn't forget. â€Å"I remember that you hate high heels.†His hand ghosts down my leg and then draws my leg up. He grasps my spiked heel and slips it off my foot. He tosses the shoe to the floor before he begins to rub my toes. After a few moments, his hand slides up my arm to my neck, landing on my earlobe. â€Å"I remember that you only wear stud earrings because you're afraid of getting them caught on something.†His tongue snakes out a lightly traces the tip of my ear. â€Å"I also remember that you don't wear necklaces†¦.†His hand floats to cup my neck and then draws a finger down my breastbone and into my enhanced cleavage. Ethan shifts on the sofa and pulls something from his pocket. He hands me a small black box with a red bow. â€Å"But I'm hoping to change that.†Ethan finishes. I open the box and see the most delicate, yet beautiful necklace. A small silver disc holds the date we pledged our love for each other. One year ago, today. I find that I can't resist this thoughtful man. Not only has he not forgotten our anniversary, but he has also purchased the perfect gift. I seductively maneuver myself so that I'm facing Ethan. I straddle his lap and then kiss him like my life depends on it. â€Å"It's perfect. You're perfect,†I mumble in between kisses. I always get this feeling when Ethan and I are about to do it. It's still a million tiny butterflies bouncing in my stomach trying to break free. Honestly, it's the best feeling. The greatest part, though, is that each time is better than the last. I'm not sure if Ethan has been swapping stories in the stock room – although I doubt it, it's not his style – or reading up on the internet, but things have really†¦exploded for us in the bedroom department. There was a Get-to-know-you period, which was followed by the Awkward-movements period. Then there was the This-works-so-let's-do-it-this-way-all-the-time period. Lately, we'd found the â€Å"Life is like a box of chocolates†¦Ã¢â‚¬ period. And let me tell you, I may not know what I'm â€Å"gonna get,†but that shit is good. â€Å"Chocolate†is never a bad thing. â€Å"And I remember,†Ethan pauses, breathing me in. â€Å"You love it when I kiss you here,†he finishes and then sucks my nipple into his mouth. The contrast in sensation of his soft, wet mouth and the lace fabric has me beyond aroused. â€Å"New rule: all panties must be like this.†His hands rub across the exposed flesh of my butt, grabbing a handful of cheek to accentuate his point. Ethan's kiss is now languid, his tongue reaching out and teasing my body. As he moves upward, our eyes connecting once again, he beckons my mouth to open and allow him inside. I'm totally lost to this man and would submit to anything he wanted but after a few moments, I remember I have a plan. â€Å"Let's move to the bedroom,†I say in my most seductive voice. â€Å"I have more surprises for you.†Before I even have a chance to stand, Ethan grabs me and stands, coaxing me to wrap my legs around him. He doesn't carry me like this often, but when he does, there is no safer feeling in this world. He is totally supporting me, exerting his masculinity. I feel small pressed against him – a protector and his charge. â€Å"I love you,†I whisper and rest my head on his shoulder. The journey down the hall to the bedroom is too short. I could stay wrapped up in Ethan this way forever, but I have a massage to render, so I regrettably pull myself from the security of his arms. â€Å"Clothes off and lie down,†I command. Ethan raises a brow at me, showing he's a little shocked by my demand. His smile, however, tells me he likes it. He quickly sheds his clothes and lies face down on the bed. â€Å"No peeking,†I say while removing my bra and panties. I grab the oil from the nightstand and pour a liberal amount in my palm then rub my hands together. I slide my hands over his back and down over his backside, eliciting a moan from Ethan before I move myself into position. I shift and sit on top of his butt, cautious about fully putting my weight on him. â€Å"Is this okay? I'm not too heavy, am I?†His barely intelligible grunt of no helps me relax a little more fully on top of him. Per Hollywood protocol, I've trimmed myself so that I'm mostly exposed. I can't help but grind against him, my bare skin seeking friction with his. â€Å"Emily, that feels so good, but I can't stand it. I gotta turn over and see you.†I rise up to allow Ethan to turn. His hands immediately glide up my legs, his thumbs moving inward. They brush against the smooth skin that hides my clit. â€Å"Say it for me.†I know what he wants, as it has been Ethan's new fascination. I turn red because no matter how many times I say it, I know it will embarrass me. â€Å"Come on, say pussy for me. Tell me how you want my tongue on your pussy, then your mouth on my cock.†I respond with a small yet nervous laugh. â€Å"Come on, my sweet baby girl,†Ethan coaxes. Anything for this man†¦ â€Å"First, Ethan,†I begin with a little attitude. I can do this, and possibly without giggling. â€Å"I want my mouth on your cock.†I make sure to punctuate the word cock. â€Å"Then I want your mouth on my†¦ pussy. And after I've screamed your name†¦I want your cock in my pussy,†I say wanting to add a little naughtiness. That should do it. â€Å"Holy – †Ethan doesn't finish his thought as his words are replaced with vowel sounds when my mouth takes him in. It took me a few tries to get used to the idea of his†¦cock†¦in my mouth, but now there are times I crave it. Ethan says the same thing about going down on me. â€Å"Bring that pussy up here. I need you in my mouth. God, Emily, I – â€Å" I know what he means, even though he doesn't finish saying it. It's always like this, and I hope it always will be. Sometimes, I think I could just come without him touching me; just thinking about his hands and mouth on me is enough. I feel like this level of obsession can't be healthy, though and I shouldn't want someone so much, so often. â€Å"Oh fuck†¦.fuck, fuck. Emily, stop.†Ethan lifts me off of him and lays me on my stomach. He licks down my spine and softly bites my ass. His hands grab at my flesh, separating my cheeks. â€Å"Push your ass up a little, baby. Let me see that perfect little pussy.†Unnnfff†¦ As soon as I comply, his tongue is back on me, tasting me. He's a master at this now. His thumbs rub at my clit while his tongue lavishes attention to my pussy. It only takes a minute before I'm panting and trying to grind my pelvis into the bed. â€Å"Nuh uhh. Keep those hips up,†Ethan reminds me. As much as I enjoy this, I really want the main event. â€Å"Ethan,†I moan. I hope my needy groan tells him I can't wait anymore. â€Å"Don't beg. Never beg, sweetheart.†Ethan pushes me forward, and my chest is now pressed into the mattress. He holds his cock and strokes me a few times before drawing back and sliding inside me. The description of fullness seems so trite, but it's the most accurate description. When Ethan enters me, we are connected, one in mind, body, and soul. â€Å"I wish you could see this, Emily; how my cock glides in and out of you†¦seeing your wetness on my dick.†Ethan stops and runs his hand down through my lips, gathering moisture. â€Å"Turn over.†He grasps his cock and begins to stroke himself. Within seconds, his lips are back on my breast, tugging at my nipple with his teeth. After a few more moments, he leans back, hooks my thighs with his forearms, and pulls me forward. He wastes no time in aligning himself and sliding home again. With my legs pushed back, he can get so much deeper and I feel him in my belly. His thrusts become aggressive and I know that he's close. â€Å"Do you want me to take you this way, or do you want to ride me, so I can see your tits bounce?†Ethan quickly adjusts himself so that he's sitting up. He pulls me into his lap. â€Å"Or maybe like this, so I can see your perfect face and the glisten of sweat that forms on your nose as you come?†All of Ethan's dirty talk is driving me crazy, and quite frankly, I don't care how we get the job done because I'm ready to burst. He lies back, pulling me with him. His hands knead the flesh of my breasts as I moan and writhe on top of him. â€Å"I want to come inside you, baby,†he pleads. I'll never deny him. As soon as we are connected again, we grasp hands, me using him for leverage. The first few times we did it this way, I felt self-conscious, but now I love the feeling of control and power I have to bring him to his end, to coax his lust and love from his body as it spills into mine. I meet my climax first, but Ethan soon follows. We collapse together, me still on top of him. I hug him like a child hugs her favorite teddy bear, and feel safe, warm, and satisfied. We lay together for a while, just caressing and kissing. It is always like this – the tenderness afterward. We'd never†¦ deep breath†¦ fucked. I adored our lovemaking, but also wanted to know what it felt like to be taken in the dressing room of Victoria Secret or the bathroom stall at a nightclub. But we had time, time to experience all of those things. This was the end of one year in a long line of many. Margie says that's love and I just need to go with it. She explained there is a natural progression and I won't always ache for him. She explained that– eventually, he'll just be a small pain in my ass. â€Å"I love you, Ethan.†â€Å"I love you, Emily. Happy anniversary.â€
Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe was born in a town called York in the seventeenth century, the youngest son of a merchant of German origin. Crusoe's father wanted him to become a lawyer but he expresses his wish to go to sea instead because he was adventurous. His family was against Crusoe going out to sea, especially his father. Initially, Robinson is committed to obeying his father, but he eventually gives in to temptation and embarks on a ship bound for London with a friend, without his family's consent: â€Å"but if he goes abroad he will be the miserablest wretch that was ever born: I can give no consent to it†(p. ) However he decides to runaway: â€Å"I resolv'd to run quite away from him†(p. 6) His character seems resourceful because whenever he feels that he has to do something, he manages to find the resources to complete what he wants to do. This is a theme as this continuous in the novel, he obviously manages to go to sea without any hassle, his friend gives him a free ticket and so therefore he makes a use of it. The first thing that caught my eye when reading this opening of the novel was that it has been written from a first person's narrative. â€Å"I†is the first word of the ovel, presenting what he himself observes usually, he favours a more factual narrative style and focuses more on events and actions. Crusoe is the narrator and also the main character of the tale, everything is described in his own words and as mentioned earlier, he expresses a factual and detailed narrative style. It goes on to talk about himself, the main character and his brother and father. This shows that his family had a big influence on him, this familiarization of his family bri ngs the readers closer to the character and shows that Crusoe an ordinary man. Having read the novel ‘Robinson Crusoe', I will now comment on how the opening scenes to introduce themes which will be important to the novel as a whole. The first theme I have noticed from the opening is betrayal because he disobeyed his father even though his father did not want him to go on an adventure. He then regrets this and wishes he were at home: †I would go directly home to my father and never set it in a ship again while I lived. â€Å"(p. 8) Crusoe says this long before the adventure has started, this quote gives a sense of egret and therefore makes the readers curious about what is going to happen next and therefore gives a sense of enigma. Regret meaning that whatever is going to happen, is not going to be good so therefore Crusoe is already unhappy with the adventure, so from this we, as the audience know that there is more to come. He prepares us for the adventure and makes it seem that at that time, he didn't think much of his father's advice. Now that he has experienced and found out he did the wrong thing he is on his father's side: My father, a wise and grand man, gave me serious and excellent council against what he foresaw was my design†(p. 4) There is an also religious element being portrayed here because religious people usually believe in a plan that has been designed by god. He becomes more religious due to being isolated on the island and starts communicating with god, so religion becomes a theme in the novel. Even though he seems to be religious later on, he still accumulates money from all his adventures and he also manages to make a profit out of his loss. This makes him an conomical man and this all comes down to his family background and the way he been brought up from what we gather in the first few paragraphs: â€Å"prospect of raising my fortunes by application and industry, with a lif e of ease and pleasure†(p. 4) His father always reminded him about the middle class people and told him that it is the best station of life and to be grateful of what he already has. You can tell that Crusoe is very fond of money because of the way he has been brought up, he thinks about raising his fortunes by application and industry, so we know that he has an educated background (father. He also sees money as ease and pleasure: â€Å"That the middle Station of life was calculated for all kind of Virtues and all kinds of Enjoyment; that Peace and Plenty were the Hand-Maids of middle Fortune. â€Å"(p. 5) The first few paragraphs are highly specific and detailed which fully informs the reader about every situation Crusoe goes through (his family's definition and his escape from home). This also makes the novel an eyewitness account and gives the sense of truthfulness, this makes the readers more connected to the character and therefore are able to relate more to the novel. This shows that Defoe is quite good at creating a sense of realism. Finally, Crusoe seemed to be in control of his life where he didn't want to listen to his father but later on in the novel manages to have success in mastering his situation, overcoming his obstacles and controlling his environment. So Crusoe wanting to be in control and independent of his life and rebellious against his father in the first few paragraphs seemed to help him later on in the novel and taught him to take control of his life. Every reader can in some way identify with Crusoe and his situation. His inner conflicts are obvious in the first few paragraphs, which are duty and independence, the duty being that he had to stay home and study law as his father wished, and the independence being the fact that he wanted to be independent and that happened to him. Hope and despair is another inner conflict because when he left home, he realised what he has done is not what he expected so therefore regretted the runaway which made him quite desperate but he had hope. His hope shows that he is an optimistic person. When he was at home, he was not happy with what he had, we know this by his haracter, always looking for something he didn't have, but later on in the island, he made himself happy with what he had and made the most of everything. This shows a change in his character to be a more mature man rather than a little immature boy with unrealistic dreams. The themes of religion, resourcefulness, independence, betrayal, management and economics are definitely important in the novel as a whole. They are emphasised on later when gets stuck on the island and I would say that the two most important themes would be religion and economy management. Robinson Crusoe Writing Assignment #1 From many people’s perspectives, Robinson Crusoe’s intention of going on a boat and observe the whole world is probably just a desire of youth and ebullience. He rejected his Father’s suggestion of a â€Å"middle-stage†life fulfilled with happiness that the higher and the lower stages have envied for ages. But is it true that the only thing attained from his desire is just setting foot on a boat? Needless to say, the trip also changes the way he has always been from the inside, which is clearly seen in the second and the third paragraphs on page 18 when Robinson and Xury were discussing who would go and find the water.Compared to other passages in the whole book, the language in this paragraph is not much complicated, but it signifies a huge change in Robinson’s attitude towards life and especially his little friend Xury. At the beginning of the book, Robinson is pictured as a man born in a fine family, whose Father is able to suggest and support him with a happy and peaceful life. But at the age of eighteen, it is hard for Robinson to simply accept all the things his Father offered without having to struggle, which motivates his dream of going to sea and rejects all the pleasure that he might have if he stays home.No matter how encouraging and excited Robinson is, it is undeniable that he was born and raised in ease, which explains why he decided to take his Father’s advice when he was suffering from the storm in his first time being on a boat. It seems that his dreams are big, but it needs a lot of effort to overcome the difficulties that he never faced before. On page 18, second paragraph, it is seen that there has been a significant change in Robinson’s thoughts. From a man who just wanted to go home and never go to sea again in the first place, Robinson turned into a man who is ready to support his own life and sacrifice himself for his friend. So much affection†and â€Å"Made me love him ever after†are the proofs for what has changed in Robinson: after listening to his friend Xury’s reason of wanting to goon shoar alone to protect him from wild mans, Robinson realized Xury’s loyalty that he insisted on going together with Xury and shall fight against the wild mans. The â€Å"affection†of another changed his attitude and his reason of existing: not only for himself but also for someone else. In the third paragraph, Robinson’s attitude is once again proved at the moment he found out that Xury might need his help. Pursued†and â€Å"frighted†described how Robinson is seeing Xury’s situation when he was running towards Robinson, which then led to Robinson’s reaction of â€Å"ran forward towards him to help†. Those simple yet descriptive words again showed how much caring and loving Robinson has become towards his little friend Xury and informed how Robinson has changed when being put in t his situation. In addition, these words â€Å"like a hare but different in colour, and longer legs†make the novel sound more real as Robinson now actually is a part of the wild life.As seen from the beginning, he did not know many things about the wild animals or creatures, which were not the main parts of his life. But as he steps in this adventure, Robinson achieves the great deal of knowledge, and comes to know how â€Å"very good†such â€Å"meat†of that creature can be, especially how joyful â€Å"good water†, which is not hard to find at all on land, can bring to him. The words used in those two paragraphs are simple, yet they still managed to describe how Robinson’s attitudes towards the real life and his friend have changed.From a Robinson Crusoe who was scared and sea-sick on the first trip to the sea, we now see a Robinson Crusoe with a loving heart towards Xury, who is willing to fight and protect his little friend, and who is now livi ng in a real wild life with creatures he has never seen before. Defoe, from my perspective, was successful in capturing the gradual change within Robinson’s thoughts, beliefs and actions, and the descriptive language somehow brings something up to readers’ minds about how the trip to the sea is going to affect Robinson’s life.
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